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Warm up Activities B2

Lesson 10- Warm Up : Collocations

Which verb is not usually paired with each noun? Then mark (X) through the verb.

1 owe offer X do accept 1. an apology

2 do return make receive 2. a phone call
3 return do ask for make 3. a favor
4 receive accept turn down offer 4. an invitation
5 make deny offer refuse 5. a request
Lesson 10- Warm Up: Personalities
Match the words with the definitions. Then decide which words are positive and which
are negative. Write P or N next to each word.

b 1. sociable P a. a person who has unpredictable or irregular moods.

2. intolerant b. a person who enjoys being with other people.

3. modest c. someone who doesn’t brag about his or her

4. supportive
d. a person who won’t accept other people’s differences.
5. easygoing
e.someone who is helpful and encouraging.
6. temperamental
f. a person who doesn’t worry much or get angry easily.
Class Activities
Lesson 10: People preferences
A. What two qualities would you like someone to have for these
A person to . . .
1. Go on vacation with
2. Share an apartment with
3. Work on a class project with

B. Class activity Find someone you could do each thing with.

A: What kind of person would you like to go on a vacation?

B: I’d prefer someone who is fairly independent.
A: Me, too! And I like to travel with people I can . . .
Class Activities
Lesson 10: Giving Recommendations and Opinions
When you think something is a good idea.
Cyclists should be required to wear a helmet.
Pet owners shouldn’t be allowed to walk dogs without a leash.
People ought to be required to end parties at midnight.

When you think something is absolutely necessary

Laws must be passed to control the noise from car alarms.
People mustn’t be permitted to park motorcycles on the sidewalks.
A rule has to be made to require cycling lanes on city streets.
Something has got to be done to stop littering.
Lesson 10: Tag Questions for Opinions
Affirmative statement + negative tag
Health insurance is really expensive, isn’t it?
There are lots of criminals in the city, aren’t there?
Graffiti makes everything look ugly, doesn’t it?
Colleges should provide daycare, shouldn’t they?
Negative statement + affirmative tag
Child care isn’t cheap, is it?
There aren’t enough police, are there?
People don’t care about our city, do they?
You can’t find affordable child care, can you?
Lesson 10: Past Modals

Could have, should have, would have+past participle

These past modals are used hypothetically to talk about things

that didn't happen in the past

Structure Subject + past modal + past participle of the verb + complement.

should have + participle (regrets)

could have + participle (possibilities I did not take, even If I had the chance)
would have + participle (dreams, hypothetical situations in the past, to take somebody else's
Lesson 10: Past Modals
Could Have + Past Participle

This is used for events which were possible in the past, but
didn´t happen.
I could have slept, but I didn't have a chance.
I could have studied more, but I went on vacation.
I could have eaten more, but I had no food.
I could have gone to the cinema, but I spent a lot of money on food. .

He could have drowned. (=it was possible for him to drown, but he
Ruby could have walked to work, but she took a taxi instead. (=it was
possible for her to walk, but she didn´t)
They could have won the race, but they didn't try hard enough. (=it was
possible for them to win, but they didn´t)
Lesson 10: Past Modals
Should have/shouldn't have + past participle

This means it was a good idea to do something in the past,

but you didn't do it. We often use this to criticise or to talk
about past regrets.
I should have studied for the test, but I went out on the

You shouldn't have been so rude. (=criticism: you were so rude, and it
wasn't a good idea)
I should have looked in the mirror before I went out. (=past regret: it was
a good idea to look, but I didn´t)
Lesson 10: Past Modals

Would have/wouldn't have + past participle

We use this for imagining something in the past that didn't happen

In his position, I would have waited for help. (=I wasn't in his position - I
am imagining the situation)
I would have sent him an email. (I am imagining the situation)
Lesson 10: Past Modals
1. He burnt all his money. He should not have burnt all his money.
2. She didn't buy the lottery this week.

3. She cheated on the exam.

4. I yelled at my boss!

5. He stole $50 from the store.

6. We went to work by car, not by bicycle. We could have gone to work by bicycle, but
we went by car instead.
7. She had the money, but she didn't buy the car.

8. I didn't apply for that job.

9. My friend didn’t go to the police after the robbery.

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