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In this contemporary society, subculture components, notably public idols tend to amass more

prosperity than political ones. The predominant causes can be attributed to their diverse source of
income and the public’s insatiable curiosity about their personal lives. Notwithstanding, this trend is
more considerably worrying.

There are two major drivers behind the income disparity between the two cohorts. The foremost one is
that well-known celebrities earn money from a plethora of revenue streams. Unlike political appointees
whose annual salaries commonly derive from the state treasury or occasional guest speaking roles or
book deals, celebrities can sign lucrative endorsement contracts, engage in advertising campaigns, or
create their own merchandise lines. Moreover, household names often captivate the attention of the
masses. Therefore, the entertainment industry is willing to pay more to delve into their private profiles,
thus contributing to lucrative payments for exclusive interviews, reality shows, or autobiographies.

Despite the benefit of household names being acclaimed for their endeavor dedicated to their work,
which can inspire individuals to work more assiduously to acquire social status, personally, this
development is more concerning. The first detrimental implication is that gifted individuals may not
indulge in pursuing a political career. This is because it is daunting to see people undertaking
responsibilities in shaping the enhancement of a nation make less money compared to people turning up
in show business. Consequently, a lack of competency of national leaders may lag the progress of society
behind ( hinder). Another demerit is that this may create a community in which materialism dominates.
Forex, people may value unrealistic standards such as trendy outfits or exorbitantly extravagant lifestyles
rather than emphasize the pursuit of other meaningful endeavors.

In conclusion, celebrities’ ability to accumulate greater fortune than political figures is mainly catalyzed
by their ample income derivation and the public’s inquisitiveness about their personal lives.
Nonetheless, the demerit of bright candidates being put off entering the political path and the
dominance of materialistic values amongst the general public outweigh the merit of heightened work

Subcultural component

Income disparity

Revenue stream

Endorsement : famous person appearing in an advertisement

Amass : to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long

Insatible curiosity : to great to be sastified

Delusory : false ( fake ) – delusory message

Cadger : a person trying to get sth from someone else without paying it

Asperity : the quality of being severe in the way that u speak and behave

Pragmatic : solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist now, rather than
obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules

Myopia : cận

Hyperopia : viễn

Deluxe : comfortable and of very high quality = opulent= extravagant = sumptuous

Apparel : clothes

Attire : formal clothes






Entails : involve sth


Retail merchandise : hàng bán lẻ

Depletion : reduction in the number or quantity of something

Escalating : rapidly increasing
Disposable :intended to be thrown away after use:

Non-durable : goods that do not last for a long time and that people buy often






Seep into : flow or leak slowly through porous material or small holes

Can react to curb the worst excesses.


Awareness campaign


Lean : slope in one direction, or to move the top part of the body in a particular direction


Incentivise : motivate or encourage (someone) to do something

Waiver: an official decision that a rule, or agreement does not have to be obeyed, or that you will not ask
for something that you have a right to

Predicament : a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation

Over-harnessing : to control something, usually in order to use its power ( with over )
Disposal : the act of getting rid of something, especially by throwing it away
Shift from sth to sth

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