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Test Bank for Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, 11th E

Test Bank for Exercise Physiology: Theory and

Application to Fitness and Performance, 11th
Edition, By Scott Powers, Edward Howley

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Student name:__________
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
1) The term ventilation refers to the

A) cooling of the airways by respiration.

B) random movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of
lower concentration.
C) mechanical process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
D) oxygenation of blood as it travels through the lungs.

2) The most important muscle of inspiration is/are the

A) diaphragm.
B) rectus abdominis.
C) internal oblique.
D) external intercostals.

3) The volume of gas that reaches the gas-exchange zone of the lung is termed

A) anatomical dead space.

B) minute ventilation.
C) alveolar ventilation.
D) tidal volume.

4) In the standing position, blood flow to the base of the lung is ______________ blood
flow to the apex.

Version 1 1
A) less than
B) the same as
C) greater than
D) none of these answers is correct

5) Exercise-induced asthma could impair pulmonary gas exchange by

A) reducing blood flow to the lung.

B) lowering the drive to breath.
C) causing bronchodilation.
D) increasing airway resistance.

6) Most of the O 2 contained in the blood

A) exists in solution as a dissolved gas.

B) is bound to hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin.
C) is in the form of carboxyhemoglobin.
D) is in the form of deoxyhemoglobin.

7) Carbon dioxide is transported in arterial blood principally as

A) carbaminohemoglobin.
B) dissolved CO 2 in solution in the blood.
C) bicarbonate.
D) carbon monoxide.

8) Studies reveal that ventilation drifts upward during constant-load submaximal exercise
performed in a hot and humid environment. This is likely due to

Version 1 2
A) a lower arterial PO 2.
B) a higher arterial PCO 2.
C) a significant increase in body temperature.
D) all of these answers are correct.

9) The exercise-induced hypoxemia that occurs in elite endurance athletes during heavy
exercise is likely due to

A) chronic obstructive lung disease.

B) impaired alveolar ventilation resulting in hypoventilation.
C) asthma.
D) a diffusion limitation secondary to a rapid red blood cell transit time.

10) The respiratory control center is located in the

A) medulla oblongata.
B) cerebrum.
C) carotid bodies.
D) cerebellum.

11) The central chemoreceptors that influence the control of breathing respond to changes in

A) H + of mixed venous blood.

B) PCO 2 and H + of cerebral spinal fluid.
C) PO 2, pH, and PCO 2 of arterial blood.
D) PCO 2 and H + of mixed venous blood.

12) A decline in arterial PO 2 to 70 mm Hg or below would likely result in

Version 1 3
A) a decrease in alveolar ventilation.
B) an increase in alveolar ventilation.
C) no change in alveolar ventilation.
D) a prolonged breath hold.

13) Under normal conditions at sea level, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli region
of the lung is

A) 169 mm Hg.
B) 159 mm Hg.
C) 135 mm Hg.
D) 100 mm Hg.

14) In healthy and untrained subjects, the alinear rise in minute ventilation observed during
incremental exercise (i.e., ventilatory threshold) could be due to

A) a significant decline in arterial PO 2.

B) an increase in arterial PCO 2.
C) an increase in arterial pH.
D) a decrease in arterial pH.

15) Contraction of the rectus abdominis muscles would result in

A) active inspiration.
B) passive inspiration.
C) active expiration.
D) passive expiration.

16) The right shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve due to a rise in hydrogen ion
concentration is called

Version 1 4
A) the Haldane effect.
B) the Bohr effect.
C) Haldane transformation.
D) None of these is correct.

17) During exercise at sea level, young, healthy untrained subjects generally maintain
exercise arterial PO 2 within

A) 1 mm Hg of resting values.
B) 10-12 mm Hg of resting values.
C) 20-25 mm Hg of resting values.
D) 30-40 mm Hg of resting values.

18) A significant increase in blood temperature (i.e. from 37 ºC to 39 ºC) would result in
_____________ in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.

A) a rightward shift
B) a leftward shift
C) no change in
D) none of these answers is correct

19) At a low PO 2, myoglobin has _______________ affinity for O 2 than hemoglobin.

A) a higher
B) a lower
C) the same
D) none of these answers is correct

20) The amount of gas moved per breath is termed

Version 1 5
A) tidal volume.
B) minute ventilation.
C) vital capacity.
D) minute volume.

21) In a pulmonary function test, a FEV 1/FVC ratio of 0.60 is

A) considered normal.
B) higher than normal.
C) suggestive of airway obstruction.
D) associated with a high VO 2 max.

22) Small increases in arterial PCO 2 have a ______________ effect on ventilation compared
to small decreases in PO 2.

A) greater
B) lesser
C) the same
D) none of these answers is correct

23) The primary drive to increase ventilation during exercise is due to

A) input from peripheral chemoreceptors.

B) input from central chemoreceptors.
C) input from skeletal muscle mechanoreceptors.
D) none of these answers is correct.

24) Diffusion is defined as

Version 1 6
A) mechanical process of moving gas into the lungs.
B) random movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to high
C) random movement of molecules from area of high concentration to an area of lower
D) movement of gases from the airways into alveolar ducts.

25) Which of the following statements about sex differences in breathing are correct?

A) When matched for age and body weight, women have smaller airways compared to
B) The energy requirement for breathing during exercise is higher for women compared
to men.
C) It is well established that the incidence of exercise-induced hypoxemia is greater in
women compared to men.
D) Both when matched for age and body weight, women have smaller airways
compared to men and the energy requirement for breathing during exercise is higher for women
compared to men are correct.

26) Which of the following is NOT an important function of the pulmonary system?

A) to cool the airways.

B) to provide an interface for gas exchange between the external environment and the
C) regulation of acid base balance during exercise.
D) None of these answers is correct.

27) Gas exchange in the lungs occurs

Version 1 7
A) across approximately 300 million alveoli.
B) in the conducting zone.
C) in the respiratory zone.
D) both across approximately 300 million alveoli and in the respiratory zone are correct

28) Which of the following statements about myoglobin are true?

A) myoglobin binds oxygen.

B) myoglobin shuttles oxygen from the cell membrane to the mitochondria.
C) myoglobin exists in relatively large quantities in slow-twitch muscle fibers.
D) all of these answers are correct.

29) The carotid bodies are chemoreceptors that are sensitive to changes in arterial _______.

A) H + and K + concentrations
B) pH, PCO 2, and PO 2
C) pH and K + concentrations
D) PO 2 only

30) A ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) ratio of 0.64 would indicate

A) an ideal V/Q ratio for optimal gas exchange.

B) that blood flow is higher than ventilation in this region of the lung.
C) that ventilation is higher than blood flow in this region of the lung.
D) none of these answers is correct.

31) Which of the following statements about pulmonary physiology is correct?

Version 1 8
A) The PO 2 of inspired air at sea level is approximately 159 mm Hg.
B) The percentage of CO 2 in the air is 0.0003.
C) The percentage of O 2 in the air at sea level is the same as at high altitude.
D) All of these answers are correct.

32) An increase in alveolar ventilation (at rest) resulting in hyperventilation will reduce
arterial ______ and increase ______.

A) PCO 2; pH
B) O 2; pH
C) pH; PCO 2
D) None of these questions is correct

33) According to Fick's law of diffusion, the rate of diffusion of a gas across a tissue is
directly proportional to the

A) tissue area.
B) diffusion coefficient of the gas.
C) difference in partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the tissue.
D) all of these answers are correct.

34) In a healthy individual at sea level and at rest, which of following characteristics of
arterial blood are correct?

A) PO 2 of approximately 100 mm Hg.

B) oxyhemoglobin saturation of 97-98%.
C) oxygen content of 20 ml O 2/100 ml blood.
D) all of these answers are correct.

35) Compared to the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, the myoglobin dissociation curve

Version 1 9
A) is much steeper at PO 2's below 20 mm Hg
B) reaches a plateau at a much lower PO 2
C) both is much steeper at PO 2's below 20 mm Hg and reaches a plateau at a much
lower PO 2 are correct
D) none of these answers is correct

36) An increase in PCO 2 in the blood results in the formation of bicarbonate in the red blood
cell. Because bicarbonate carries a negative charge (anion), the removal of negatively charged
molecule from the red blood cell is required to prevent an electrochemical imbalance across the
cell membrane. This problem is avoided by

A) movement of sodium molecules out of the red blood cell.

B) movement of chloride molecules out of the red blood cell.
C) movement of chloride molecules into the red blood cell.
D) both movement of sodium molecules out of the red blood cell and movement of
chloride molecules into the red blood cell are correct.

37) During a graded exercise test, the increase in ventilation during the transition from rest to
moderate exercise is achieved by

A) An increase in breathing frequency ONLY.

B) An increase in tidal volume ONLY.
C) An increase in both breathing frequency and tidal volume.
D) None of these is correct.

38) Which of the following statements are true about the changes in ventilatory patterns
during exercise?

Version 1 10
A) Changes in breathing patterns during exercise are important to ensure that optimal
mechanics of breathing are realized during exercise
B) Changes in breathing patterns during exercise are designed to reduce the risk of
respiratory muscle fatigue
C) Increasing tidal volume during exercise ensures that dead space ventilation remains
D) All of these are correct

Version 1 11
Answer Key

Test name: Unnamed Test0010

1) C
2) A
3) C
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) C
8) C
9) D
10) A
11) B
12) B
13) D
14) D
15) C
16) B
17) B
18) A
19) A
20) A
21) C
22) A
23) D
24) C
25) D
26) A

Version 1 12
Test Bank for Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, 11th E

27) A
28) D
29) B
30) B
31) D
32) A
33) D
34) D
35) C
36) C
37) C
38) D

Version 1 13

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