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Manuscript Code : Paper 47

Manuscript Title : Identification of Ammonia as A Biomarker of Chronic Kidney
Disease by Gas Sensor Array

Reviewer ( 1 / 2 / 3 )*

Reviewer Comment Author Replay

1. The title does not describe the contents The title in the manuscript has been
of the manuscript. The authors did not revised according to your suggestion.
examine the actual samples (infectious Thank you very much for your advice.
disease samples) from kidney disease
patients. They only demonstrated the
proposed method for ammonia and other
solutions. Therefore, the title should be
changed, for example, “ The
development of gas sensor array for
selective detection of ammonia.”

2. The novelty of this work should be The novelty of this research lays on the
emphasized in the abstract, and in the application of gas sensor array to detect
introduction section as well. compounds that not specified as the
target compounds of the sensors that
applied. The analysis based on the
pattern of these cross selective and cross
sensitive sensor array. Some revisions
have been both in the abstract and in the

3. Sensing mechanism of the proposed Sensing mechanism was based on the

method towards ammonia is not clear. related literatures in the references.
Detail reactions and proposed mechanism
could be found in the literature that cited.

4. Chemical reactions in equations (1) to The reaction is in accordance to the

(4) must be revised. Is oxygen ion O-? literature that cited.

5. Please provide a figure/photograph of The sensor image has been added in the
the sensor manuscript (Fig. 1)

6. English needs improvement. Some revision on grammar and sentences

have been done, hopefully the manuscript
become more readable, thank you.

* Please cross out the unnecessary answer

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