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Subject: Call for project meeting

Start: Good morning, the purpose of this email is to convene a follow-up meeting to analyze the progress of the plans project and to thank theentire team for all
the work done and the value provided to customers with all the effort made.

Body: Recent shipments of test batches of plants have been made to customers prior to the official launch of the service. To measure
customer satisfaction with the product and service, your team surveyed 50 customers over a four-week period. After two weeks, the
survey revealed three major issues related to product quality, delivery times, and customer service. This feedback helped you make
improvements in later test submissions. It is proposed to hold the meeting on April 10 at 11:00 in the board room.

Closing: Assistance is appreciated.

Signature: Florian Rott, Project manager

Attachments: Meeting Agenda

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