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Marc Ian B.

Cadayona XII-STEM C
Mr. Isidro Andea 405862160077


Quarter 2 – Module 2: Education in the Present Society
1. d 6. b
2. a 7. d
3. b 8. d
4. c 9. a
5. d 10. d

1. State institutions are institutions held by the government. Their function
is to establish departments to provide the population's needs in various aspects.
Supreme courts, schools, and hospitals are examples of forms of state
institutions. On the other hand, non-state institutions are institutions which are
not run or supported by the government, or basically stateless. They provide
specific services that are needed by people in a community. Forms of non-state
institutions are banks and corporations, international organizations, and
2. Cultural institutions aim to maintain heritage and cultural practices and
beliefs, ancient artifacts of a society or cultural group. Social institutions or
organizations function to provide the needs of a society or an organization.
Political institutions function as an authoritative organization that establishes
and implements laws for the citizens.

3. Cultural institutions like museums and libraries value their belongings,

therefore it is a norm that one should respect the antiques that belong to various
indigenous groups. An example of a norm in social institutions, like family, is
having social interactions with the members of the group. Political institutions,
such as the government and justice courts, have a norm of maintaining formality
in their activities.

Course: Civil Engineering

1. The factors that influenced me to choose my desired school in college are

the board exam passing rates, distance, and preferred choice by my parents.
2. I think these schools offer better quality of education especially for my
course, civil engineering, accommodating and respectful students and teachers,
and teachings of moral values and good conduct. They secure me great
opportunities in college and a bright future ahead.

Answers to Guide Questions: OF EDUCATION


1. Inculcation of civic
1. Development of and social
1. Development of social and moral responsibility
inborn potentialities value
2. Training for
2. All around 2. Providing leadership
development opportunity or
equality 3. Total national
3. Preparing for the development
future 3. Social change and
control 4. National

Answers to Guide Questions:

1. All around development basically means that through education children
can learn how to nurture and cultivate various aspects of themselves such as
their physical self, emotional self, social self, and spiritual self.
2. Regarding moral and social value, education aims to train us to become
morally and socially good human beings. It teaches us virtues of being patient,
obedient, compassionate, honest, thankful, responsible, tolerant, forgiving, and
3. Education can help bring total national development. This is proven when
students finish and graduate from their schools to find out opportunities in the
outside world. They can give significant contributions in the growth and
prosperity of the society, may it be in the social aspect, political aspect, cultural
aspect, or other aspects.
4. Education is essential for every society and individual because it helps in
the development of oneself and other members of the society. It gives everyone
knowledge and facts such as skills and cultural norms, which are useful, not just
in the society, but in the economy and culture themselves. Education is the first
thing one must encounter to be able to reach goals in life.


Education lets students and teachers be Education gives students an opportunity
aware and educated on the actions and for learners to develop their skills which
whereabouts about the government. It prepares them for their future careers.
helps students to learn what is wrong with Additionally, the money that the branch of
the administration, and this is a chance for education earns in tuition fees and other
them to let their voices be heard. expenses in online class helps in
improving the economy which was failing
due to the pandemic.

Although virtually, education helps the Online education amidst the pandemic
students interact with other members of helps the students become more culturally
the society, and to keep closeness and aware of the norms and taboos of different
activeness among individuals. It would be communities. It lets the school people
bad if students are only staring at their adapt and understand our new culture
phones and not communicating with which is the new normal (wearing of face
anyone. masks, social distancing, etc.).
Answers to Guide Questions:
1. Education is significant because it helps people be knowledgeable about
different facts about everything. Especially in the present society, we are
surrounded with various information and news, and with this, education can be
of great help to keep us educated, and with the assistance of technology,
education can now be easily accessible.
2. Despite the pandemic, I think education is very helpful for it gives us
information and updates about this health crisis. It lets us be aware of the
characteristics and features of a coronavirus as well as the symptoms when one
catches the disease. However, with or without the pandemic, education is fairly
essential to all students.
3. Education greatly impacts the lives of the people in the present society as
it serves as a ticket to a bright future. It metaphorically acts like a bridge
towards job openings, careers, and development of skills which will be
beneficial for economic prosperity. Education is also an opportunity for students
to be taught moral values and ethics in life which will definitely be helpful in
human interaction and relationships.
Give budget to
Better learning experience
Slow internet connection telecommunications company
without lag and delays
to improve their services
Provide schools and families Students may now enter their
Lack of available devices laptops or tablets that are virtual classes without
useful in online education borrowing others’ gadgets
Lessen the activities and
Tons of schoolworks Less pressure for the students
assignments in modules
Awakens the interest of
Give students fun and
Loss of interest in learning pupils in learning the subject
interactive activities
even if it is difficult for them

1. Yes, I can relate to the challenges I have mentioned because I, myself,

have experienced most of these. These are inevitable circumstances, and I’m
sure that I'm not the only one who have troubles like these during modular or
online classes.
2. I strong believe that quality education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is
impossible to achieve. This is simply because, although the Internet and
technological devices are pretty useful and accessible in online education, many
students still prefer face-to-face classes than virtual meetings. I think the root
cause of this is students are given tons of questions and irrelevant activities by
their teachers rather than key lessons, or they simply cannot adjust to listening
to teachers while at home.
3. Based on the news or online articles, there are challenges of education in
the new normal that the Department of Education is currently addressing, and
there are those that are not. One particular issue that they are currently
addressing is the lack of information and communications technology. There are
public schools in the province in which the government has provided gadgets
and devices beneficial for online classes. But, on the other hand, matters such as
slow internet connection and losses in learning, in my perspective, are not being
addressed by the department. If there was an action made, it was not that
obvious or observed.
4. As an ordinary student, I should let my voice be heard to the public and
the government, and they must also be open to suggestions, so that altogether
we can address the problems brought by this pandemic. If the government
presents a solution that is responsible and will truly benefit the citizens,
especially us, students, I will completely support it through social media
platforms and in other ways possible.
1. Values Formation 4. Inequality of Access & Usage of ICT
2. Skills Development 5. Remote Learning
3. Online Education

1. T 3. F 5. T
2. T 4. F

1. G 3. C 5. A
2. B 4. D

This phrase is, in my opinion, actually very on point and accurate. It
metaphorically compares education with the structure of a building, and that
without it, there would not be a foundation to support a building. It basically
tells us that education is the root of almost everything, and it plays a very

essential part of our lives. For an individual to live successfully, he/she must
first be educated. Education is that one thing that keeps us growing into moral
and knowledgeable human beings. Education technically is the start of a stable
and healthy lifestyle. When we have education, it helps us in finding jobs and
opportunities, and when we have our permanent careers, we would be
financially stable, and we could provide our needs and desires in life until the
day of our death. To sum it up, education plays an extremely significant role in
human development.

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