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Marc Ian B.

Cadayona 12-STEM C
Mr. Isidro Andea 405862160077


Quarter 2 – Module 5: Social Reforms
1. B 6. A
2. D 7. D
3. D 8. A
4. B 9. A
5. B 10. D

1. In societies, there absolutely are differences in individuals’ social status, may it be ascribed or
achieved, which means that each of us is born with different features, and are destined to do different things.
I believe social inequality only occurs when we handle these differences badly. For instance, within us are a
variety of genders. When we treat a specific gender better than the others, it may be the cause of conflicts,
violence, and of course, social inequality. Another instance, if cultural relativism never existed and we
would think that one culture is superior to the other, this would cause a hierarchy between societies and
cultures which would, then, result to social inequality. Other examples that cause social inequality are
unequal employment opportunities for rich and poor, unequal treatment for black and white people, and
pretty privileges.
2. The most important factors for social change are physical environment, biological factor, cultural
factor, ideational factor, economic factor, and political factor. Once social change occurs in these aspects, it
will definitely affect and shape an individual and the whole society.

Buying of votes Having unequal

in local and access to
Corrupt officials education
national elections
being able to work Poor people
within the becoming slaves
government and workers of rich


Lack of political
representation of Lack of health
various groups and
care for poor
races INEQUALIT people
Men being treated
better in the
Lower income for
workplace than

Income and pay Discrimination

inequality towards black
Unequal distribution people
of job opportunities Discrimination
between groups towards Asian
1. Social inequality is never lost in a society, but that’s because there are people who make this
situation happen. I believe social inequality starts to develop when one person or group thinks highly about
themselves to the point where it leads to superiority and discrimination. Yes, we are diverse and that there is
variety in our characteristics and features, but it doesn’t mean that one has to be greater than the other
because we are all equal and unique beings. I also believe social inequality happens because of the unequal
distribution of power, responsibility, and privilege among members of the community and the nation.
2. Inequality is an issue when it greatly and badly affects a person or group. For example, there are
people who are not given equal job opportunities which leads to extreme poverty. Once there is poverty, this
may lead to starvation or hunger, crimes, depression, and even death. Think about it, if people living below
poverty line are given equal opportunities as those who live in wealth, there would be less issues being
debated, and less crimes committed by them.
3. In my perspective, social change is a change or shift in the social patterns, behavior, and customs of
a particular society caused by human or non-human forces. Based on the readings, the sources of social
change are population growth and composition, culture and technology, cultural lag, natural environment,
and social conflict. In the modern world, social change is very common. Wars, protests, and riots are always
seen because of the needs and demands of the public.

1. Kidapawan City National The inability to lead a huge crowd I became confident about myself
High School - Supreme is the fear that I had before joining especially when facing groups of
Student Government this organization. students because of numerous
campaigns, and also the time I
became one of the emcees of the
teacher’s day program in the
2. Full Gospel Assembly of I feared not having friendships I built a firmer relationship and
God – Youth Department and not being close to the connection to God, keeping my
members of the group. faith stronger.
Answers to the guide questions:
1. The members of the organizations were very welcoming when I joined in the group. They greeted
me with smiles and hospitability, and they were very accommodating and friendly.
2. To be honest, I don’t really like joining in groups because I am a person who is really shy and likes
to be alone. Upon joining the groups, I did feel a lot of fear and hesitation because I didn’t really have
enough confidence and courage to interact and communicate with other individuals.
3. My considerations in joining these groups are the functions and purpose of the creation of the
organization, kind, cooperative, respective, and warmhearted members, and have activities that do not fill
my schedule.
4. I did feel hesitant in moving into these groups because I know myself as a person who has very low
self-esteem and self-confidence, and I do not believe that I am capable of doing assigned chores and tasks in
the group.
5. I did think about it before joining these groups because being a member you have to know how to
handle situations, be active, and do what is required, and I am the type of person who does not want to place
myself in a position full of responsibilities. But, after joining them, instead of feeling pressured. I get excited
whenever I am tasked to do something.



Only a few people are Everyone takes it seriously
taking it seriously Increasing number of
cases each day
Very light safety and Strict safety and health
health protocols Implements lockdown and protocols
community quarantine
Government is unprepared Government is prepared

Citizens wear their face

masks/shields and always
Close borders too late Close borders immediately
brings alcohol/hand
Prioritizing other matter (like
Prioritizing the pandemic
education) rather than the

Answers to guide questions:

1. Philippines, when it comes to facing this pandemic, really is unprepared compared to other countries.
Although we did adapt to the new normal, nothing has changed ever since March 15, the start of our
lockdown, unlike other nations where despite having difficulties they were able to become resilient to the
situation right now. Take, for example, New Zealand, their prime minister as well as their government are
really active just to make the situation better for their people. Meanwhile, here in the Philippines, the
government is really incompetent that they prioritize other matter instead of the pandemic, and the Filipinos
are really hard-headed in terms of following safety protocols, like some do not maintain social distancing
and some go outside their homes for unnecessary reasons.
2. The leaders of the countries really desire that their constituents are safe and healthy, and that they do
want the crisis to end as soon as possible, but they have different measures in fighting this global pandemic.
As soon as the news of COVID-19 spread in their respective countries, they immediately acted on it and
implemented a full lockdown, shut down border gates, and suspended international flights, while in the
Philippines, the government only closed its border the moment there were reported positive cases in the
country. Mass testing was conducted in other countries, while in our country, there was no mass testing. The
Philippine government prioritizes education more than the mental health of the students and the physical
health of everyone, while in other countries, although they do have online classes, they focus more on the
health and safety of their citizens.


Everyday feels like a misery as all the residents of Makilala were forced to stay inside our homes. It
has been a year since we have been like this, and nothing has ever changed since then.
One deadly virus has spread all over the world which caused a pandemic and a global crisis. March
15, 2020 when it was announced on the megaphone speaker of our school that we have to go home as soon
as possible. Little did we know that this would be the start of our changed lives. Every individual, including
I, startled and panicked as the new disease started to take the lives of many. I was hearing the name
“COVID-19” everywhere, either on the television or on the radio.
Our local government and its constituents adapted to these changes, yet they still were unprepared.
But, as an immediate response, government officials quickly demanded a border lockdown to keep us safe
from this unseen enemy. Health and safety protocols were implemented, and a few of these are curfew
hours, social distancing, and wearing of face masks and shields in public. These guidelines were efficacious
for only a short amount of time, however I really observed how they strived for the situation to get better.
I also noticed that these regulations did have an effect on every individual, despite the race, gender,
age, tribe, wealth, education, power, and privilege. I saw that they punished those who violated the rules,
disregarding the status in life. In terms of jobs, they also allowed businesses to run because of the financial
needs of the people who own them. Just like my aunt, who owns a bakery, they were permitted to open as
they were earning below minimum wage. This just proves that despite the pandemic, the local government
are equally understanding to the various life conditions of each citizen in Makilala.
In spite of the difficulties we are facing right now, I, a simple teenager, absolutely salute the local
government for trying their best to cope up with the new normal situation. I give them my biggest respect
because they did not consider the wealth, power, and privilege of their residents, instead they gave
importance to equality in addressing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Social Change 3. Social Stratification 5. Monopsony Power
2. Cultural Lag 4. Demographic Factor

1. True 3. False 5. True
2. True 4. False


In the picture, it illustrates two vehicles that represent two different lifestyles - a van that represents
wealth and a comfortable lifestyle, and a tricycle that represents unfortunate lifestyle that requires more
sacrifice and hardwork to cope up in life. This poor-rich representation in the image depicts inequality that is
observable in societies in the present times. If given the chance to change this unequal situation, I would
hear and prioritize the needs of those who live in poverty. Firstly, I would give equal access to education
because education is where the huge things initiate. Being educated enhances one’s skills which is certainly
helpful in their future careers. Afterwards, I would give them equal job opportunities based on their passion
and abilities because once they get jobs, they would earn money for their own consumption and daily needs.
Once this happens, there wouldn’t be any problem in terms of hunger, debt, crimes, and jealousy. If the
government would take full responsibility of its people and give attention to those people who are living in
destitution, then life would be extremely peaceful and harmonious for all of us, the rich and the poor.

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