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Chemistry Test

Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions (15 marks)

1. Which subatomic particle carries a negative charge? a) Proton b) Neutron c)

Electron d) Nucleus
2. How many protons are there in the nucleus of an oxygen atom? a) 6 b) 7 c) 8
d) 16
3. In which group of the periodic table are the noble gases located? a) Group 1
b) Group 2 c) Group 7 d) Group 8
4. Which of the following elements is in the same period as carbon? a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen c) Sodium d) Chlorine
5. What is the atomic number of an element that has 17 electrons? a) 8 b) 17 c) 9
d) 18
6. Which element is known for its tendency to gain electrons and form negative
ions? a) Sodium b) Fluorine c) Calcium d) Magnesium
7. In the periodic table, as you move from left to right across a period, what
generally happens to the atomic size? a) Increases b) Decreases c) Stays the
same d) Becomes unpredictable
8. Which type of bonding involves the sharing of electrons between atoms? a)
Ionic b) Covalent c) Metallic d) Van der Waals
9. Which compound is formed by the combination of sodium and chlorine? a)
Sodium chloride b) Sodium oxide c) Chlorine oxide d) Sodium sulfate
10. What is the chemical formula for sulfur dioxide? a) SO2 b) S2O c) SO d) S2O2
11. Which of the following represents a simple molecular structure? a) Diamond
b) Sodium chloride c) Oxygen gas (O2) d) Graphite
12. Which element is the most abundant in Earth's crust? a) Oxygen b) Carbon c)
Silicon d) Iron
13. What is the formula of potassium nitrate? a) KNO3 b) KN2O c) K2NO d)
14. Which gas is responsible for the green color in fireworks displays? a) Oxygen
b) Hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) Copper(I) chloride
15. Which of the following is a characteristic of a base? a) Sour taste b) Red litmus
paper turns blue c) High hydrogen ion concentration (pH<7) d) Reacts with
metals to produce hydrogen gas

Section B: Short-Answer Questions (20 marks)

16. Define atomic number.

17. Explain how the atomic radius changes as you move down a group in the
periodic table.
18. What is the octet rule, and why is it important in chemical bonding?
19. Provide an example of a covalent compound and describe how it forms.
20. Differentiate between a molecule and a compound.
21. Name two elements commonly found in the Earth's core.
22. Describe the structure of a diamond at the atomic level.
23. What is the chemical formula for hydrochloric acid?
24. Why do noble gases have low reactivity?
25. Define ionization energy.
26. How does a metal differ from a non-metal in terms of electron configuration?
27. Explain why sodium chloride has a high melting point compared to most
other ionic compounds.
28. Describe the concept of a chemical reaction.
29. What is the valence electron configuration of an element in Group 17 of the
periodic table?
30. What is the significance of the periodic table in organizing elements?
31. What is the primary function of a catalyst in a chemical reaction?
32. Give an example of a substance that undergoes sublimation.
33. Define the term "mole" in chemistry.
34. Explain why carbon dioxide is considered a greenhouse gas.
35. How does the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) relate to the pH scale?
36. What is the role of a chemical formula in representing a compound?
37. Name one real-world application of electrolysis.
38. Describe the process of ionization.
39. Explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical change.
40. What is the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction?

Section C: Problem-Solving Questions (20 marks)

41. Atomic Structure: If an atom has 8 protons and 9 neutrons, calculate its
atomic mass and write its chemical symbol.
42. Periodic Trends: Compare and contrast the properties of elements in Group 1
(alkali metals) and Group 7 (halogens) of the periodic table.
43. Chemical Bonding: Explain why water (H2O) has a bent shape rather than a
linear shape, considering its Lewis structure.
44. Giant Structure: Describe the structure of a sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal
lattice, including the arrangement of ions and their charges.
45. Real-World Application: Discuss the importance of understanding the
reactivity of elements and compounds in the context of environmental
pollution. Give an example.

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