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This ques)onnaire was made to collect data for a study carried out for a Master’s thesis
regarding efficiency of forma)ve feedback for transla)on students. This ques)onnaire is
voluntary to the par)cipants.

- Data collected from this research tool is confiden)al for the proposes of scien)fic
- To protect par)cipants iden))es, names of par)cipants will be coded or replaced by
pseudonyms in the published research and any further data collec)on tools.

First & last name: _______________________

E-mail: _______________________________
Phone number: ________________________
Undergraduate level:
o Year 1
o Year 2
o Year 3
o Year 4
o Year 5
o 20
o 21
o 22
o 23
o 24
o Over 24
o Female
o Male
Number of transla)on courses taken in previous semesters (not including interpreta)on
o 1-3
o 4-6
o 7-9
o I scored B2 level in the Oxford Placement Test I undertook prior to this ques)onnaire
o I am a student at King Saud University, College of Language Sciences, Department of
English Language and Transla)on

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