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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI– Western Visayas
Schools Division of Roxas City, Cluster 1
President Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School North
Arnaldo Boulevard, Brgy. Tanque, Roxas City


The purpose of this accomplishment report is to outline the progress and achievements made
during the implementation of various strategies and activities aimed at improving the overall performance
of pupils and enhancing science education in our school. The report will cover the objectives, highlights,
comments, and suggestions related to the initiatives undertaken.
The key objectives and targets set for this period were as follows:
1. Increase the performance level of pupils.
2. Develop skills in the manipulation of scientific principles.
3. Improve performance in Science control and competitions.
4. Enhance teachers' competencies in teaching Science.
5. Encourage pupils and parents to participate in developing a science garden.
The following highlights represent the notable achievements during the implementation of the
strategies and activities:
1. Performance Improvement: The adoption of appropriate teaching techniques and the provision of
adequate instructional materials have significantly contributed to an increase in the overall
performance level of pupils. Standardized test scores have shown noticeable improvement across
all grade levels.
2. Enhanced Practical Learning: By providing more experiments and related activities, students have
shown improved engagement and understanding of scientific concepts. Practical learning has
proven to be effective in reinforcing theoretical knowledge.
3. Science Garden Initiative: With the support of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and
stakeholders, the development of a science garden on the school premises has commenced. The
project has gained enthusiastic participation from both pupils and parents, fostering a sense of
ownership and responsibility towards the school's environment.
4. Teacher Development: Continuous professional development through attending seminars and
workshops has enhanced teachers' competencies in delivering quality science instruction. The
teachers have reported increased confidence and proficiency in their subject matter.

Overall, the efforts to improve science education in our school have yielded positive results. The
implementation of practical activities, use of appropriate teaching techniques, and access to adequate
instructional materials have led to increased interest and understanding among students. The support from
the PTA and stakeholders in establishing a science garden has been a successful endeavor in engaging the
wider school community.
However, there are still areas that require attention. While the science garden project has started
well, it will require ongoing maintenance and regular involvement to reach its full potential. Additionally,
the improvement in science education must be sustained through continuous teacher development and
resource allocation.
Based on the experiences and outcomes of the initiatives, the following suggestions are put forward to
further enhance the success of the program:
1. Sustain the Science Garden: Organize regular events and activities within the science garden to
maintain interest and engagement. Involve the PTA, parents, and community members in
supporting and participating in these activities.
2. Ongoing Teacher Development: Ensure that teachers continue to attend relevant seminars and
workshops to stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies and scientific advancements.
Encourage peer learning and sharing of best practices among teachers.
3. Expand Practical Learning Opportunities: Increase the availability of science equipment and
resources for conducting experiments and hands-on activities. Create a dedicated science
laboratory that can accommodate more students and foster collaborative learning.
4. Promote Science Competitions: Encourage participation in science competitions at the regional
and national levels. This will motivate students to excel in their scientific knowledge and skills.
5. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a system for continuous monitoring and
evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategies. Use feedback from students, teachers, and parents
to make necessary improvements.
The efforts made in pursuit of the outlined objectives have yielded positive outcomes in
improving science education and pupil performance. By addressing the suggestions provided, we can
further strengthen our initiatives and create a more conducive learning environment for our students.
Continuous collaboration and dedication from all stakeholders will be crucial in sustaining the
achievements and fostering a culture of scientific curiosity and excellence within our school.


Prepared by:

Science Coordinator

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