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1. If you would win Mr. and Ms. Sportsfest, how would you use your position to empower
other students in UB Junior High School?

2. What qualities of a UBian are you most proud of? Why?

3. What is your most unforgettable experience in your life that changed and helped you grow as
an individual?

4. How do you handle setbacks or failures in sports and other activities, and what do you do to
bounce back?

5. What does sportsmanship mean to you, and how do you embody it in your daily life?

6. What qualities do you think are essential for achieving excellence in sports or other activities
and how do you cultivate them?

7. What is your favorite sport, and how has it influenced your life?

8. How do you believe participating in sports helps build character and leadership skills?

9. In your opinion, what role should sports play in a high school student's life?

10. How would you encourage your fellow students to get involved in sports and lead a more
active lifestyle?

11. What do you believe is the most pressing issue facing high school students today, and how
would you address it?

12. What is the importance of extracurricular activities and how they contribute to a well-
rounded education?

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