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A Report on Asian Parenting (Tiger Parents)


prevalent – existing very

Asian parenting, commonly known as tiger parenting, is a prevalent practice in commonly; widespread
Asia today. However, it has been found that many children are suffering as a
result. Research conducted online indicates that nearly 70% of children are
experiencing the negative effects of tiger parenting, with approximately 10% of = suffering
them developing depression. This parenting style predominantly focuses on predominantly – mostly, mainly,
academic achievement, with parents having high expectations and exerting primarily

psychological and behavioural control over their children. exert – make sth happen by using
power or influence

Reasons for Asian Parenting

There are several factors that contribute to the prevalence of Asian parenting. contribute to - to help cause an
event or situation
Firstly, Chinese East Asians, influenced by Confucianism, value filial piety,
family, hard work, honesty, and academic excellence. Confucius' teachings
significance – importance
emphasize the significance of education, leading parents to prioritize it.
crucial (adj) – important,
Additionally, the social environment plays a crucial role. Living in a foreign significant
country such as America or Finland can alter the Asian parenting approach, as alter - change
the focus shifts from sole emphasis on education to nurturing creativity.
approach – method
Consequently, this change reduces reliance on quizzes and exams, which are
nurture – to help develop
central to Asian parenting.
reliance – dependence

Effects of Asian Parenting

Asian parenting has both pros and cons. On the positive side, it can lead to
increased productivity, motivation, and responsibility in children. Parents
provide pressure, which often results in children achieving commendable
commendable – deserving praise;
results. However, the negative effects are more pronounced. Excessive pressure excellent, exceptional

from parents can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem in pronounced – noticeable
children. Strict parents discourage mistakes and may punish their children, excessive – too much
instilling a fear of failure. Children often become easily irritated with constant
inquiries from their parents about their quizzes and performance in school.
Consequently, some children resort to hiding their quizzes or returning home
resort to [sth] – turn to [sth] in
late to avoid spending too much time with their parents. order to resolve a difficult

Considering the overwhelming negative consequences, it is imperative for overwhelming – very large

parents to adopt a different approach. Allowing children to make their own imperative – extremely important
or urgent
decisions and giving them the freedom to explore their interests are crucial.
Moreover, creating a more relaxed and less competitive environment can be
beneficial. Hong Kong, being an international city with intense academic beneficial – helpful, useful, good

competition, could benefit from a shift in the environment to mitigate the issues intense – extreme, strong
associated with Asian parenting. mitigate – to make a problem or
situation less serious or bad

associated with – connected,


Asian parenting significantly impacts students, with the negative consequences

address – to deal with a problem
outweighing the positive aspects. To address this issue and prevent students
vital – crucial, important,
from experiencing depression, it is vital to encourage a change in this cultural essential
heritage. Empowering children to make their own choices and fostering a less foster - create
pressurized environment can alleviate the adverse effects of Asian parenting on
alleviate – to make a problem less
students' mental well-being. severe; mitigate, relieve, reduce

adverse – negative

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