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Supervisor : Lailatul Fadillah, Ners., M.Kep.

Arranged by :

Group 1 :
1. Berlian Firly Andini ( NIM : P27907123005 )
2. Dian Arifah ( NIM : P27907123007 )
3. Hafiza ( NIM : P27907123012 )
4. Najwa ( NIM : P27907123017 )
5. Serin Wahyudini ( NIM : P27907123022 )



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Basic concept of communication ” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs. Lailatul
Fadilah Ners., M, Kep. as lecturer communication major.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of
many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. Hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer realized this paper
still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope the criticism from the readers
can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can
helps the readers to gain more knowledge about communication major.

Tangerang, 24 July 2023



COVER..................................................................................................................... i
FOREWORD............................................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................. 1
A. Background.................................................................................................... 1
B. Formulation of the problem........................................................................... 1
C. Instructional goals.......................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................... 2
A. Definition Of Communication....................................................................... 2
B. Purpose Of Communication........................................................................... 2
C. Principles Of Communication........................................................................ 2
D. Communication Models................................................................................. 3
E. Elements Of Communication......................................................................... 4
F. Communication Process................................................................................. 5
G. Types Of Communication.............................................................................. 5
H. Factors Influencing Communication.............................................................. 7
CHAPTER III CONCLUDING.............................................................................. 9
A. Conclusion...................................................................................................... 9
B. Suggestion...................................................................................................... 9


A. Background
Communication is a basic human activity. By communicating, humans can relate to each
other both in daily life at home, at work, in society or wherever humans are. There is no
human who is not involved in communication. Communication has a very important role in
human life, both individually, in groups, and in organizations. Ruben (in Muhamad, 2005:3)
provides a more comprehensive definition of human communication, namely Human
communication is a process through which individuals in their relationships, in groups, in
organizations and in society create, transmit, and use information to coordinate their
environment and other people.

Quality communication is effective communication. The point is how in a

communication interaction process, the message by the communicator can be conveyed
properly, and has an effect on the recipient of the message (communicator). The expected
effects in communicating include cognitive effects (knowledge), effects on attitudes, and
effects on behavior. Through information and messages conveyed through the
communication process, someone who previously did not know anything becomes aware,
becomes more aware of the message conveyed. So, in conveying the message to suit goals of
effective communication, such communication components communicator message , channel
(media), and communicant must be considered, so that the communication carried out can
have an effect on the recipient.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What's meaning of communication ?
2. What is the purpose of communication ?
3. What are the principles of communication ?
4. What are the models of communication ?
5. What are the elements of communication ?
6. What is the process of communication ?
7. What are the types of communication ?
8. What are the factors for communication ?

C. Instructional goals
1. People can understand the meaning of communication
2. People can understand the purpose of communication
3. People can understand the principles of communication
4. People can understand communication models

5. People can understand the elements of communication
6. People can understand the communication process
7. Students can understand the types of communication
8. Students can understand the influencing factors communication


A. Definition of Communication
Nursing is a branch of science that provides Holistic health services include aspects
biopsychosociospiritual. success of the health service much depends on the communication
that occurs between the nurse and the patient client. Communication success of a nurse not
only supported by knowledge alone but must be supported by interpersonal skills,
communication techniques, and good skills (Kourkouta and Papathanasiou, 2014).
Communication or in English communication comes from Latin language
communication or communication or communicare which means sharing, delivering, nine,
join, unite, share in; in a manner the translation can also be interpreted communis which
means "'same" (Harpers, 2016). Simple communication can occur when there is an
intermediate comfort between the message (the communicator) and the person who receives
the message (communicant) (Mulyana, 2007). Because of Therefore, communication
depends on our ability to be able to understand one another.

B. Purpose of Communication
Humans are social creatures, even no one is able to live alone. therefore it is appropriate
media Psychological communication can help humans to declare his identity so that we can
convey what is in him to others. In general, the purpose of communication goals, among
others (Arwani, 2002), namely:
a. Provide understanding to the communicant. We are communicator must explain to the
communicant (recipient) as well as possible and thoroughly so that they can
understand what we mean.
b. Understanding others. We as communicators must really understand the aspirations of
the people about what his will.
c. So that ideas can be accepted by others. we try so that our ideas can be accepted by
others Persuasive approach, not imposing will.
d. Move others to do something, for the sake of achieve a goal.

C. Principles of Communication
a. Communication must have a clear purpose and purpose so that others can understand
b. Every communicator has communication potential even if that person doesn't say
anything say to others

c. Communication contains a content dimension (written message from what is
conveyed to the communicant).
d. Communication is said to contain a relationship dimension. The intended relationship
is the presence of non-verbal reactions that arise as a result of communication.
e. Communication is influenced by the dimensions of space and time. Communication
that occurs in certain situations can lead to perceptions that can be interpreted
differently by others. For example whistling when parents advise us, so that the
parents will think we have mocked him.
f. Communication is systemic.
Communication that occurs involves internal and external systems external. The
internal system includes the values that have been embedded in him, while the
external system is the environment outside the individual, including words which he
chooses to speak, physical cues, noises, room arrangement, light, and room

D. Communication Models
The model is a simple description to explain or apply theory. The model is a well
simplified theory with words, symbols, numbers, or in the form of pictures.
Communication models are needed to help us understand communication and specifying
forms of internal communication human relationship. Scientists often describe model in
the form of a series of blocks, rectangles, circles, arrows, lines, spirals, and so on to
identify the components of communication. There are many different communication
models various experts who are influenced by different backgrounds. This
communication model has many benefits and functions Important aspects of
communication include:

1. Explain the elements in communication Because the communication model is a

description of the process communication displayed in the form of pictures and
lines every element of communication can be explained visually and relationship
with other elements. Thus a Communication models can assist individuals in
understanding what what are the important elements in communication.
2. References in making research in communication Elements described in this
communication model can also be help scientists in communication understand
the basic processes in communication so as to understand the forms and patterns
in communicate it. Knowledge of patterns and references in This communication
process can be used for research development in the field of communication, so as
to upgrade to effectiveness in communicating.
3. Predict the possibility of success or failure of a communication process By
studying models in communication one can predict whether communication will
run smoothly or not slowness. We can recognize the characteristics of
communication that will succeeded and which will fail based on the inner element
communication as well as failures that may arise in the process.

 Model S – R (Sender - Receiver)
The S – R model is the most basic communication model. The model describes one-
way communication. model one This direction can be described when someone is
watching TV, reading the Koran, listening to the radio, where is the recipient of the
message does not provide feedback to the sender of the message Model A: one-way
communication Model B: 2-way communication Unlike the B (bidirectional) model, the
enabling model the sender and receiver of the message can be vice versa, so creating an
active reciprocal relationship.
 Aristotle's model
Aristotle's model is the most classic model Also known as the rhetorical model.
According to Aristotle communication occurs when a speaker conveys his talk to
audiences in an effort to change their attitudes. He put forward 3 basic elements of the
communication process namely speaker, message and listener. The focus of the
communication studied Aristotle is a rhetorical communication that is now better known
with public communication (public speaking) or speeches. At the time Therefore, the art
of speech is indeed an important skill used in courts and legislative assemblies and
community meetings. Hence all forms of communication public engagement involves
persuasion, Aristotle is interested in examining means the most effective persuasion in
speech. According to Aristotle, persuasion can be achieved by who you are (ethos—
trustworthiness you), your argument (logos—the logic in your opinion) and by playing on
audience emotions (pathos—audience emotions).
 Lasswell model
Model Lasswell stated that the best way to Explaining the communication process is
to answer the following questions: Who (who), Says What (says what), In Which
Channel (through what), To Whom (for whom), With What Effect (what impact).
 Communication model Shannon and Weaver
Models One of the early models of communication put forward by Claude Shannon
and Warren Weaver in The Mathematical Theory of Communications. This model
explains that communication represents information as a message is transmitted in a form
message to the recipient (receiver) to achieve the goal certain communications which in
the process have possibilities occurrence of noise or interference. Shannon and Weaver's
model can be applied to other communication contexts such as interpersonal
communication, public communication or mass communication.

E. Elements of Communication
Elements of communication are the basic parts that underlie a process when someone
with another person conveys messages to each other. The following is an explanation of the
elements that make up the communication system:
1. People/people/sources/communicators
The communicator is the party that acts as the sender of the message in the
communication process. In other words, a communicator is a person or group of

people who take the initiative to become a resource in a relationship. The
communicator does not only act as a message sender, but also responds and
answers questions that are submitted as a result of the ongoing communication
process, either directly or indirectly Message/message.

2. Messages/information
The message is the whole of what is conveyed by the communicator. Messages
can be in the form of words, writing, images or other intermediaries. This
message has a core, which leads to efforts to change the attitude and behavior of
the communicant. The essence of the message will always lead to the ultimate
goal of the communication.
3. Communicate/receiver/receiver
The communicant is the recipient of the message or news conveyed by the
communicator. Communicants can consist of one person or more, can be in the
form of a group. In the communication process, the communicant is an important
element because he is the target of communication and is responsible for
understanding the message conveyed properly.
4. Channels/means
Means of communication / channel commonly referred to as the media that is
used as a distributor of messages in the communication process. Selection of
means/media in the communication process depends on the nature of the news to
be conveyed.
5. Feedback / feedback
Feedback can be interpreted as the communicant's answer to the message
conveyed by the communicator to him. In dynamic communication,
communicators and communicants continuously exchange roles.

F. Communication Process
Communication is how the communicator conveys messages to the communicator, so as
to create a similarity in meaning between the communicant and the communicator.
Communication is a process of transferring ideas, thoughts, feelings between the sender of
the message and the recipient of the message. In this process there is a creation of meaning
between 2 or more people. A patient needs communication to express his feelings and fears,
and conversely nurses need communication to make the right diagnosis of what has happened
to the patient. Communication occurs at every stage of the nursing process and is a
determinant of the success of preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation and promotive programs
(Papagiannis, 2010). Communication is impossible without words. Communication is a
process that is always ongoing. Forms of communication can be through verbal and non-
verbal communication. Verbal communication is communication through the delivery of
words while non-verbal communication is expressed through facial expressions, gestures,
and body postures. Verbal and non-verbal communication cannot take place separately
because both occur in a series of events. Both go hand in hand in every process of
communication between two humans. Verbal and non-verbal communication really helps the
patient to get better, especially in stressful conditions due to his illness.

G. Types of Communication
a. Verbal communication is a form of communication that is conveyed by the
communicator to the communicant in a written or oral way. Verbal communication
occupies a large portion, because in fact, ideas, thoughts or decisions are more easily
conveyed verbally than non-verbally. With hope, the communicant (both listeners and
readers) can more easily understand the messages conveyed. Effective verbal
communication requires good listening skills and the ability to read the patient's non-
verbal reactions including the patient's body language (Samovar, Porter, McDaniel,
Roy, 2013).
b. Non-verbal communication (non-verbal communication) Much verbal
communication is not effective simply because the communicator does not use non-
verbal communication properly at the same time. Through non-verbal
communication, people can draw conclusions about various kinds of feelings, both
pleasure, hate, love, and various other feelings. The forms of non-verbal
communication themselves include sign language, facial expressions, codes, symbols,
colors and tone of voice.
The following are examples of non-verbal communication that can be carried out by
nurses while in the room:
 Touch: shaking hands, holding hands, touching on the back.
 Body movements: eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and body postures.
Gestures are usually used to replace a word or phrase, for example nodding to
say yes; to illustrate or explain something; show feelings.
 Intonation: intonation or vocals or paralanguage is a nonverbal element in an
utterance, namely stress when speaking. Examples are tone of voice, tone of
voice, loudness or weakness of voice, speed of speech, voice quality,
intonation, and others (Wiryanto, 2004).
c. Intrapersonal communication
Intrapersonal communication (intrapersonal communication) is communication with
ourselves, whether we realize it or not, for example thinking. Intrapersonal
communication is the active internal involvement of individuals in the symbolic
processing of messages. An individual becomes both a sender and a receiver of
messages, providing feedback for himself in an ongoing internal process. The
activities of intrapersonal communication that we carry out daily in an effort to
understand ourselves include; pray, give thanks, introspection by reviewing our

actions and the reactions of our conscience, utilizing free will, and imagining
creatively (Mulyana, 2007).
d. Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication (interpersonal communication) is communication
between people face to face, which allows verbal and nonverbal responses to take
place directly. Interpersonal communication is the transmission of messages by one
person and the reception of messages by another person or a small group of people,
with various effects and with opportunities for immediate feedback. Communication
Interpersonal is communication between people face to face, which allows each
participant to catch a reactionothers directly, either verbally or nonverbally (Mulyana,
e. Group communication Group communication refers to communication made by a
small group of people (small-group communication). Group itself is a group of people
who have a purpose together, who interact with each other to achieve common goals,
know each other, and see them as part of the group. Interpersonal communication
applies in group communication (Mulyana, 2007).
f. Public communications
Public communication is communication between a speaker and a number of people
(audience), who cannot be identified one by one. Public communication includes
lectures, speeches, lectures, sermons, and others. The characteristics of public
communication are:
takes place more formally; demands careful preparation of messages, demands ability
to deal with large numbers of people; communication tends to be passive; occurs in a
public place attended by a number of people; is a planned event; and there
specially appointed people perform certain functions (Mulyana, 2007).
g. Organizational communication
Organizational communication (organizational communication) occurs within an
organization, is formal and informal, and takes place in a network that is larger than
group communication. Organizational communication also involves dyadic
communication, interpersonal communication, and dependent public communication
needs (Mulyana, 2007).
h. Mass communication
Mass communication is communication using print and electronic mass media
managed by an institutionalized institution or person addressed to a large number of
dispersed, anonymous and heterogeneous people. The messages are general in nature,
conveyed simultaneously, quickly and in passing (Mulyana, 2007).

H. Factors Influencing Communication

Communication as a relationship system formed by a number of factors. The several factors
that are very influential in the course of the communication process are as follows (Arwani,
a. Age
In order to communicate effectively, one must understand the influence of age
development both in terms of language and the person's thought processes. The way
to communicate at the age of teenagers and toddlers is of course different, at the age
of teenagers perhaps it is necessary to learn their language so that the teenagers we
talk to will feel we understand and the expected communication will be smooth.

b. Perception
Perception is a person's personal view of an incident or event. This perception is
shaped by expectations or experiences. Differences in perceptions can result in delays
in communication.
c. Mark
Values are standards that influence behavior so it is important for nurses to be aware
of a person's values. Nurses need to try to know and classify values so they can make
the right decisions and interactions with clients. In their professional relationship,
nurses are expected not to be influenced by their personal values.
d. Social cultural background Language and style of communication will be greatly
influenced by cultural factors. Culture also limits the way one acts and communicates.
e. Emotion
Emotions are subjective feelings about an event, such as anger, sadness, joy, and will
be able to influence nurses in communicating with others. Nurses need to examine the
emotions of clients and their families so that nurses are able to provide appropriate
nursing care. In addition, nurses also need to evaluate their own emotions so that in
providing nursing care they are not affected by their subconscious emotions.
f. Gender
Each gender has a different style of communication
different. Tanned (1990) states that women and men have different communication
styles. From the age of 3, when playing with a group, girls use language to seek
clarity, minimize differences, and build and support intimacy. Meanwhile, men use
language to gain independence and play activities, where if they want to make
friends, they do it by playing.
g. Knowledge
The level of knowledge will affect the communication that is done. Someone with a
low level of knowledge will find it difficult to respond to questions that contain
verbal discussion compared to those with a high level of knowledge. Nurses need to
know the client's level of knowledge so that nurses can interact properly and finally
be able to provide appropriate nursing care to clients.
h. Roles and relationships
Communication style according to the roles and relationships between people who
communicate. The way a nurse communicates with her colleagues, the way a nurse

communicates with a client will differ depending on her role. Likewise between
teachers and students.
i. Environment
The interaction environment will affect effective communication. A noisy atmosphere
without proper privacy will cause confusion, tension and discomfort.

j. Distance
Distance can affect communication. A certain distance provides a sense of security
and control. For example, an individual who feels threatened when an unknown
person is suddenly very close to him. This is also experienced by clients when they
first interact with nurses. For this reason, nurses need to take into account the correct
distance when performing relationship with clients.


A. Conclusion
Communication is a fundamental element needed in every nursing activity both during the
treatment process, rehabilitation, education, and health promotion. Communication makes it
easier for communicators to convey ideas to communicants which in this case can be
individual, group, and the wider community to change from bad behavior to desired
behavior. Communication is not always conveyed verbally but also with non-verbal
techniques. Even according to Robert and Bucksey (2007) that non-verbal communication
dominates communication by 55%-97% when compared to verbal communication.

B. Suggestion
We as nurses must also pay attention to factors that can affect the delivery of communication
to communicants. Each patient has a different age, different education, different
backgrounds. Therefore, nurses must understand this so that the desired therapy program is


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