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Name : Mahmuda Ardiagarini

NPM : 1810631040037
Class : PLS 5B
Courses : Social Communication Strategy
Supporting lecturer : Hj. Nia Hoerniasih, S.Pd., M.Pd.

1. Effects or feedback from communication objectives in social communication strategies

It can be said that this feedback is given from one perspective as a communicant to give
his opinion about something (can be a product, or something else) to another party as a
communicator (vice versa). The goal is that something can be followed up to make some form
of improvement. This is so that the feedback given can be better and be able to provide
satisfaction for both parties.

2. Target mass media in communication

Mass media is used in communication if there are many communications and live far
away. The concept of media in mass communication is arguably a means of communication
that is widely aimed at reaching almost all people in a wider area.

3. The link between communication with the mass media

Mass media is a mass communication channel to convey information or messages to a
large audience. Using the media, it means we have carried out the communication process.
Therefore, the effectiveness of the media can be seen from the perspective of communication
effectiveness. Communication is said to be effective when the stimuli conveyed and conveyed
by the source (communicator) can be captured and understood by the recipient

4. Communication media in the context of PLS / PenMas learning

In the context of learning PLS / PenMas can use communication media including human-
based media, visual-based media, Audio-Visual-based media, computer-based media, and the
use of libraries as learning resources.

Media methods and techniques that can be used

a) Human based media

Human-based media proposes two affective techniques, namely problem-centered design
and Socratic questioning. Problem-centered learning designs are built on problems that
must be solved by students.
b) Visual based media
Visual media can facilitate understanding (for example through elaboration of structure
and organization) and strengthen memory. In order to be affective, visuals should be
placed in a meaningful context and students must interact with the visuals (images) to
ensure the information processing takes place.
c) Audio-visual based media
Visual media that incorporate the use of sound require additional work to produce.
d) Computer based media
There is also a role for computers as additional assistants in learning; its use includes the
presentation of information on the content of the subject matter, exercises, or both. This
mode is known as Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).

5. Supporting elements in development communication

1) Source
Source is the basis used in delivering messages in order to strengthen the message itself.
According to Sastropoetro (1991: 87) asserts that sources can be in the form of
organizations, institutions, or individuals. According to the researchers, this shows that
the source at a certain time could be a communicator, of course in this case if the
communication that occurs is interpersonal communication, for example communication
between parents and children. Sources in the form of organizations or institutions usually
occur during organizational communication or mass communication.
2) Communicator
Communicators are messengers or disseminators (Sastropoetro, 1991: 88).
Communicators can be individuals who are speaking or writing, groups of people,
communication organizations such as newspapers, radio, television, and so on. In
communication, communicators can become communicants, and conversely,
communicants can become communicators (Suryanto, 2015: 161). According to the
researchers, who gave the message was the communicator.
3) Message
The message is the whole of what is conveyed by the communicator to the recipient or
communicant (Sastropoetro, 1991: 87). The message should contain the core message
(theme) as an influence in trying to change the attitude and behavior of the communicant.
Messages can be conveyed at length, but need to be paid attention to and directed at the
ultimate goal of communication.
4) Channel
Communication channels or media are intermediaries in the delivery of information from
communicators to communicants with the aim of efficient dissemination of information
or messages (Suryanto, 2015: 185).
5) Communicant
The communicant is the recipient of the message which is also the goal of the
communication process (Sastropoetro, 1991: 88). As for the requirements of the
communicant as a factor causing successful communication that should be considered is
the framework of knowledge and the scope of experience. The recipient of the message
can be classified into three types, namely personal, group and mass. (Suryanto, 2015:
192-194). This is important because if a communicant does not have enough knowledge
and experience, the communicator must be smarter to be able to make the message arrive
and be understood by the communicant.
6) Effect
Effects are changes that occur on the side of the communicant or the goal after receiving
the message (Sastropoetro, 1991: 89). Suryanto (2015: 194) explains that the effect is the
end of the communication process, namely the attitudes and behavior of the person who
is the target of communication, according to or not according to what is done.
7) Feedback
Feedback is the response given by the communicant by a communicator. The feedback
generated in the communication process provides an overview to the communicator about
the results of their communication. Feedback is an element that can measure the success
or failure of communication (Suryanto, 2015: 199).

6. The main role of communication in the development communication strategy

Communication is an integral part of the development of a society, because development

aims to develop a whole human being requires a process that involves the operation of
communication for its sustainability. The desired change in development is of course a change
for the better or more advanced in the previous situation. Therefore, the role of
communication in development must be linked to the direction of change. This means that
communication activities must be able to anticipate development movements. In order to be
well directed towards the target, it is necessary to have a well-structured and systematic plan
and is strategic in nature to develop communication and information.

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