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The 4 agreements of Toltec wisdom.

1) Don't assume.
Don't take anything for granted. If you have any doubts, please clarify them. If you are
suspicious, ask. Assumptions make you invent unbelievable stories that only poison your soul
and have no foundation.

2) Honor your words.

What comes out of your mouth is who you are.
If you do not honor your words you are not honoring yourself, if you do not honor yourself you
do not love yourself.
To honor your words is to honor yourself, to be coherent with what you think and what you
You are authentic and it makes you respectable to others and to yourself.

3) Always do your best.

If you always do your best, you will never be able to recriminate yourself or regret anything.

4) Don't take anything personally.

Not even the worst offense. Not even the worst snub. Not even the most serious injury, you
should take it personally.
The one who offends you has a poison that he discharges against you, because he does not
know how to get rid of it.
To the extent that someone wants to hurt you, to that extent, that someone hurts himself.
But the problem is his and not yours.

According to Toltec tradition, by putting these 4 agreements into practice your life can change,
as long as you are impeccable at it.

These were the words of the Toltecs, who a thousand years ago dominated the central zone of
Mexico. These old maxims have been updated thanks to The Four Agreements. Former
President Bill Clinton often quotes passages from the book in his speeches. Oprah Winfrey
praises him on her television show and in her magazine. Other celebrities, such as Ellen
DeGeneres, Carlos Santana, Madonna and even Britney Spears are fans of the book's author,

Don Miguel Ruiz.

The Toltecs dominated central Mexico from the 10th to the 12th century. Today they are
mainly known for having founded the great city of Tula, whose ruins are 40 miles from Mexico
City, and for the god Quetzalcoatl, who is represented by a feathered serpent. The Toltecs
were renowned for their spiritual teachings. The word "Toltec" means "men and women of
knowledge," says Ruiz.

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