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NAME: Kenneth Jake Q.

DATE/TIME: 9/18/2023 7:30-11:30 PM
INSTRUCTOR: Princess May Igna

Assignment 1: Research & Make a Reflection

1. Research on latest issue about geriatric patients and make a reflection?

Geriatric Issue: Clinical depression in older adults

Depression is a serious mood disorder. It can affect the way you feel, act, and think.
Depression is a common problem among older adults, but clinical depression is not a normal
part of aging. In fact, studies show that most older adults feel satisfied with their lives,
despite having more illnesses or physical problems than younger people. However, if you’ve
experienced depression as a younger person, you may be more likely to have depression as
an older adult.

Everyone has a feeling of uneasiness, stress and sadness at some point during their life.
However, clinical depression is more than just a feeling sad or blue. It’s a serious condition
that affects many older adults and requires treatment.


As a nursing a nursing student, we should know that even though healthy older
adults have lower rates of depression than the general public, depression is still a common
problem that is easily missed. It’s more common in those who are struggling with illness,
involved in caregiving, or socially isolated. It’s important to spot and treat depression, as this
is key to better quality of life and greater involvement in social activities. It can also enable
older adults to better manage any health problems they have, such as chronic diseases or

One important sign of depression in older adults is “anhedonia,” which means one stops
enjoying activities that used to bring pleasure. If you notice this in an older person or yourself
it’s important to get help. Studies show that medication and psychotherapy are generally
equally effective in mild-moderate depression, but non-drug treatment often isn’t offered
unless you ask. In relation to this issue, I have a grandmother who become blind due to a
medical condition. Every night I can hear her pray “Lord alaen nakun, palpasen attoy
panagrig-rigat kun”. When I ask her, why is she praying for her death, she said that she don’t
want to become a burden anymore. I told my mom about it, then my mother and her sibling
gather and communicate with my grandmother. They told her that she isn’t a burden, told her
how much they love her and how they want to spend more time with her and stop praying for
her death. After that, I noticed that my grandmother is being happy and smiling a lot more

This issue serves as an eye opener for me that communication is really essential to treat

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