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[Your Address]


I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to formally request an
excuse for the absence of my child, [Name of Student], from school on September 18 to 29,

On that day, there was a car accident involving our family. Due to the severity of the accident,
we had to rush [Name of Student] to the hospital for medical attention. Thankfully, he is now in
stable condition, but he needed immediate care and monitoring following the accident.

I understand the importance of regular attendance and academic commitments, and we regret
any disruption caused by [Name of Student]'s absence. He is eager to catch up on the missed
assignments and ensure that his education remains a top priority.

Please find my contact information below in case you need to reach me for any further details or
to provide homework assignments that [Name of Student] may need to complete during his

[Name of Guardian]
[Phone Number]

I kindly request your understanding and support during this challenging time, and we will make
every effort to ensure that [Name of Student] catches up with the lessons and assignments.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of this matter. We look forward to [Name of
Student]'s prompt return to school once he has fully recovered.


[Name of Guardian]

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