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I. Introduction

The case The case study focuses on Marina Bay Sands (MBS) and its pursuit of
sustainability amidst its status as a luxury resort and entertainment destination. This case
aims to investigate whether MBS's sustainability initiatives align with its luxury brand
image, the challenges they face, and how they can ensure a positive impact on ecosystems
while offering sustainable services and experiences.

The study investigates Marina Bay Sands (MBS) and its pursuit of sustainability as it
transitions from a luxury resort and entertainment destination to a symbol of sustainable
enterprise. It examines MBS's sustainability initiatives, challenges, and strategies related to
resource efficiency, waste reduction, sustainable events, responsible seafood sourcing, and
the broader impact on ecosystems.

The investigation into Marina Bay Sands' transition towards sustainability is of

paramount importance due to its multifaceted significance. It addresses the pressing issue of
environmental impact within the hospitality industry, showcasing how a large luxury resort
can adopt sustainable practices to minimize its ecological footprint. Furthermore, it sheds
light on the strategic evolution of MBS, moving from a temple of luxury recreation to a
symbol of sustainable enterprise, thus reflecting the changing landscape of the hospitality
sector. Notably, MBS's leadership in the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and
Exhibitions (MICE) industry through its green meeting packages signifies potential industry
standards for sustainable event planning. This study also scrutinizes resource efficiency,
responsible seafood sourcing, and the integration of sustainability into luxury branding, all
while considering the broader implications of these endeavors on ecosystems. In summary,
this investigation holds significance for its insights into the convergence of luxury,
sustainability, and business strategy within the context of a prominent integrated resort,
offering valuable perspectives on addressing environmental challenges in the hospitality

This research advances new knowledge and understanding in several key areas. Firstly, it
contributes to the evolving discourse on sustainability within the luxury hospitality industry
by examining how a high-profile integrated resort like Marina Bay Sands can successfully
integrate sustainability into its operations and brand identity. Secondly, it provides insights
into innovative approaches to resource efficiency, waste reduction, and responsible
sourcing, offering a potential blueprint for other luxury establishments seeking to enhance
their sustainability efforts. Thirdly, it explores the synergy between sustainability and the
Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) sector, potentially reshaping
how the event planning industry approaches sustainable practices. Lastly, it addresses the
critical question of how a luxury brand associated with gambling can align with
sustainability goals, thereby contributing to broader discussions on corporate responsibility.
Overall, this research has the potential to inform and inspire sustainable practices not only
within the hospitality sector but also in other industries striving to balance luxury with
environmental responsibility.

II. Background Information

Namely, Marina Bay Sands (MBS) is one of the most sustainable enterprises of many
people and 45 million visitors who's come for this place. According to Kevin Teng and
backed by MBS leadership as well as the resort's parents’ company, Las Vegas sand
corporation had to make an operation of the resources and facilities on their project to build it
efficiently. However, they're have an integrated resort that mostly a temple of luxury creation
and dealing with some business.

In a particular, MBS had become a leader in the Meetings Incentives, conferences and
Exhibitions (MICE) industry in South in Asia. However, in (2013), the program of MBS that
called "Green Meeting" packages had grown to 142. In (2017), grossing over $$30 million in
revenue. And then the MICE team had a set of goal of 590 green meetings in the investors by
the year of (2030). In fact, to address the tackle of issues about the fishing section that all
consumed of Singapore was irresponsible the sources of species but it can lead to better
changes of preserving the ecosystem that led by Teng, the owner of resort.

III. Alternative Solution

Some of the alternative solutions for this problem are:

Green Event Certification

The issue is that MBS wants to show its commitment to sustainability during events.
Create a “Sustainable Event Certification” program for clients hosting events at MBS as a
solution. This program would include waste reduction, energy efficiency, and responsible
sourcing criteria, similar to the “Greet Meeting” packages but expanded for different event
types. The benefit is that it makes it simple for events to be eco-friendly, aligns with what
MBS wants to do be green, and assists more clients in making green choices. The
disadvantage is that it involves program development and client education.

Waste Reduction Campaign

The issue is that MBS wants to be more environmentally friendly and reduce waste. The
solution is to launch a waste reduction campaign to encourage guests and staff to reduce
waste. Use visible recycling bins, educate on waste separation, and provide waste reduction
incentives. The benefits are immediate impact, guest involvement, and cost savings. The
disadvantage will be the requirement for education as well as he initial investment.

Renewable Energy Sources

The issue is that MBS is designed to save energy. Investing in solar panels or wind
turbines for clean energy is the solution. This has the potential to reduce reliance on
traditional energy sources. The benefits will include lower energy costs, a sustainability
showcase, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The disadvantage is the initial investment, as
well as he ongoing maintenance.

Green Transportation Options

The issue is that MBS prefers environmentally friendly transportation. And the solution
will be to collaborate with providers of green transportation, such as EV rentals or bicycles.
Provide EV charging stations and guest discounts for using green transportation. The benefits
include reduced carbon footprint, increased guest convenience, and increased environmental
awareness. As a result of the associated costs, not all guests may choose green transportation.

Sustainable Dining Practices

The issue is that MBS strives to be environmentally friendly in its dining. The solution is
to use local, organic ingredients, minimize food waste, and offer plant-based menu options.
Encourage people to eat more sustainably. The benefits include reduced environmental
impact, increased guest satisfaction, and a positive brand image. The disadvantage is that
changes in food sourcing and guest preferences can occur.


Marina Bay Sands (MBS) can effectively market their eco-friendly event packages by
emphasizing the positive environmental impact, cost savings, and societal benefits they offer.
These packages showcase their commitment to reducing carbon footprints, implementing
eco-friendly practices, and supporting local communities while maintaining competitive and
transparent pricing structures, allowing clients to select their preferred level of sustainability.

To expand sustainability beyond events, MBS should incorporate eco-conscious practices

throughout their operations. This entails embracing energy-efficient measures, providing
environmentally friendly dining options, implementing waste reduction initiatives in hotel
rooms, and creating green spaces to support local wildlife.

Despite its association with luxury and gambling, MBS can enhance its brand image by
prioritizing sustainability. This aligns with current consumer preferences for responsible and
ethical choices, demonstrating MBS's commitment to the environment and society.

To ensure a positive impact, MBS should establish clear sustainability goals, regularly
monitor their progress, and actively engage with local communities and experts. By
partnering with local conservation organizations, adopting sustainable supply chains, and
investing in renewable energy sources, MBS can make a meaningful contribution to both
nature and communities, aligning with consumer expectations and maintaining a positive
brand image.

We recommend a multifaceted approach to improving sustainability at Marina Bay Sands.

Begin by investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, along
with energy-efficient technologies, to significantly reduce the resort's carbon footprint. To
conserve water resources, implement water-saving measures and rainwater harvesting
systems. Create a strong waste management program that emphasizes recycling and waste
reduction. For future developments and renovations, embrace sustainable building practices
and seek certifications such as LEED. Encourage farm-to-table dining experiences by
forming partnerships with local and sustainable suppliers for food and materials. Encourage
guests to use public transportation, provide electric vehicle charging stations, and promote
environmentally friendly transportation options establish a carbon offset program and create
green spaces to support local biodiversity. Monitor and report on sustainability metrics on a
regular basis to demonstrate progress. These initiatives will not only reduce the
environmental impact of Marina Bay Sands, but will also align the company with global
sustainability goals and attract environmentally conscious guests and stakeholders.

Implementation plan:

Clean Energy: Start using solar panels and wind turbines to make less pollution.
Save Water: Use less water with special fixtures and collect rainwater.
Less Trash: Make a good plan to recycle and make less garbage.
Green Buildings: When building or fixing things, do it in a way that helps nature and get a
special certificate for it.
Local Food: Get food and stuff from local places that are kind to the environment.
Use Green Transport: Tell guests to use buses and trains, and give them a place to charge
electric cars.
Carbon Offset: Do things to make up for the pollution you make.
Nature Spaces: Make places with plants and animals to help the local environment. Check
Progress: Keep an eye on how well you're doing and tell people about it.
This plan will help Marina Bay Sands be kinder to the Earth and attract people who care
about nature.


Arguelles, Christian Tom

Arojado, Luzviminda

Dela Cruz, Ecel

Eudela, Cathy

Soberano, Christel

Year & Section:


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