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Computer Literacy & Laboratory

ITTE 1031L - N1286 BLN

Use of the Virtual Library databases

Maria M. Velez Delgado

ID: 2012751739
1 Page

August 30, 2021


This is a descriptive review of an article on Artificial Intelligence. This topic is extensive since Artificial

Intelligence is used to solve a number of problems or situations that we face today at a personal,

professional and work level. It has advantages when applying this tool in various companies and businesses

since it is used to cover repetitive tasks automatically reducing human error. It also has disadvantages that

could affect the way of operating in the company that is using it, since the data of this tool must be

constantly updated and reliable. It would have disadvantages since it must be maintained with the necessary

adjustments and does not have enough qualified professionals. Although these tools are applied in different

fields such as medicine, production, business management, etc., they are very useful in their development.

They are very useful in their development because they are expensive, which means that not everyone who

needs them can obtain them to facilitate the service provided.

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Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a machine to exhibit the same capabilities as humans, such as

reasoning, learning, creativity and the ability to plan. It allows technological systems to perceive their

environment, relate to it, solve problems and act with a specific purpose. The machine receives ready-made

data or data that it collects through sensors, e.g. a camera, processes it and responds to it. Today people want

companies or whatever it is that serves their needs to know who they are, what they need, and even request a

service without having to talk to someone. For example, I needed an appointment at CESCO to get my

driver's license, I did not have to speak to the staff over the phone or in person. I simply went to the

appointment application, checked the availability of the time, day and place where I would be seen for the

service and a list of what specific documents I needed for the appointment.

In this case, Artificial Intelligence has helped to reduce the working day. Thus, a working day in the 1970s

is now completed by a worker in just an hour and a half, according to a study by the Adecco Group Institute.

Although this tool is just beginning to emerge, many companies are using it in all their business processes.

The consulting firm Gartner highlights in one of its latest reports that by 2025 the use of this tool will be

widespread and will lead the technological investment of companies. The reality is that the application of

intelligent technology is not something new, as it has always been done at different scales based on the
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automation of work processes in factories. The
The intention of implementing this tool in companies is to teach machines to solve problems and make

decisions more or less autonomously, i.e. to work on their own. The article mentions Oracle, a company that

uses the Handoop system to store high volumes of unstructured information. This system contains some

satellite applications that improve the functionality and security of the whole process. Algorithm is an

ordered set of systematic operations that makes it possible to perform a calculation and find the solution to a

type of problem. Oracle, based on the MapReduce algorithm, is capable of capturing information and

structuring it to make management more efficient. The ability of these new tools to simulate a human brain

has been reaching a very high point for several years. In our country Puerto Rico there were toll employees

whose number of workers was reduced too much when they decided to implement this technological tool to

collect the automatic toll with an Autoexpreso stamp, this has an advantage that the vehicular flow is faster,

but has a disadvantage since there was a high volume of unemployed.

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In my opinion Artificial Intelligence is an excellent tool, it is an extraordinary advance for everything, from

making an appointment through a digital platform, buying items online, or to search for a location or route,

to being able to unlock my cell phone with Facial Recognition, believe me, it does much more than that. I

totally agree with the author of this article (Carlos Tomasini) on how he describes the importance and the

ideal of implementing this tool in companies and enterprises. The author emphasizes here how social

networks can be attentive to complaints, positive and negative comments, questions, suggestions, etc. In

order to improve their products and services according to the needs of their customers. I think, since

Artificial Intelligence is very broad in its capacity to surpass the human brain in many areas, that in some

not too distant years technology will take over or replace human labor and many areas of work could be

covered by machines. Then there will be other things to learn so that our brain will grow in knowledge and

be able to use this technology that is already in front of us.

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Tomasini, C. (2017). Artificial Intelligence at your service: Knowing what people are saying about your
company on social networks, what your customers want and how to communicate with them in a more
personal way are some of the possibilities that this technology already offers. Entrepreneur Mexico, 25(10),

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