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Spelling test with answers

1. Which of the following sentences is correct:

a) Let's see if you come to see me.

b) Let's see if you come to see me.

c) Aber if you come to see me.

Solution: a. The three options are pronounced in the same way but "a ver" is used when
we are interested in knowing something or to ask to check something, while "haber" is
used as a verb or noun and indicates quantity or existence. "Aber" does not exist.

2. How do you write it?

a) Absorb.

b) Absorb.

Solution: a.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct

a) You have to paint that go white.

b) You need to paint that fence white.

Solution: b. Vaya is a verb, while valla is a noun and means fence or billboard.

4. Put "there is", "there" and "ay" in the correct place.

1. I hurt my foot.
2. Do you know where _a grocery store?
3. I have left the plate ___, on the table.

Solution: 1 (ay), 2 (hay), 3 (ahí). Hay is a verb, ahí is an adverb of place and ay is an
interjection indicating an emotion.

5. Place: why, why or because

I have understood _______ you have explained it very well

Solution: because. Because it is a causal conjunction, like the one in the sentence above.
Why it is only used in interrogative sentences and why it is a masculine noun indicating

6. Where is the error in this sentence?

Go and pick up toys immediately

Solution: It is "Go pick up the toys", the imperative is used and not the infinitive.

7. Halla or beech? Which of the two sentences is correct?

a) Ernesto's office is located in Madrid.

b) I hope Jorge passed.

Solution: Both are correct. Hallar is a verb indicating to find, while "haya aprobado" refers
to the third person singular of the present subjunctive of the verb haber.

8. How do you write it?

a) I miss you

b) I miss you

Solution: a. Echar de menos is without h.

9. Is the following sentence correct?

Ana had fried some croquettes for dinner.

Solution: it is correct, although the phrase "Ana had fried" sounds better to you. The verb
freír has the particularity of having two participles: one regular (freído) and the other
irregular (frito) and both are correct. The same applies to printed and printed.

10. Where is a tilde missing?

The teacher is addressing me and not you.

Solution: A tilde is missing in "me", since it refers to the first person singular. Mi without
accent indicates possession.

11. Which of these two words is misspelled?

a) Expectacular

b) Spectacular

Solution: spectacular

12. Which of the two verbs is spelled correctly?

a) To agree.

b) Combenir.

Solution: a.

13. Where is the error in this sentence?

There were three girls sitting on a bench.

Solution: Había (singular). It is an error to put the verb in plural when the nominal element
refers to several persons or things.

14. Which sentence is the correct one?

a) I was surprised that he did not come

b) I was surprised he didn't come.

Solution: b, option a, responds to one of the most common errors in Spanish, the

15. If yes or no, which sentence is correct?

a) That shirt is not red, but orange.

b) You have to go to work, otherwise you will be fired.

Solution: both are correct, otherwise it is used to contrast one concept with another (it is
not red, but orange); otherwise it is used when introducing an unconditional sentence (si no

16. How do you write it?

a) Eggplant

b) Berengena

Solution: b.
17. Which of these two sentences is correct?

a) Lightning destroyed the barn

b) Lightning destroyed the barn.

Solution: a.

18. Giraffe or Giraffe, how do you spell it?

Solution: giraffe.

19. In which word is the accent missing?

a) Pencil.

b) Imágen.

c) Bat.

Solution: Imagen is a flat word ending in n, therefore it is not accented, it can be misleading
because it does have an accent in the plural, imágenes.

20. Choose the correct phrase:

a) You have to foresee the difficulties we will have this year.

b) You have to anticipate the difficulties we will have this year.

Solution: b. The verb preveer does not exist in Spanish, it is prever which means to foresee
which means to see before, to anticipate, however, but it is often confused with the verb
proveer which means to provide.

21. Which word is spelled correctly?

a) ginger

b) ginger

Solution: b.

22. Which of the two is correct?

a) Invention.
b) Inbención.

Solution: a.

23. Choose the correct one:

a) What is happening is surreal.

b) What is happening is surreal.

Solution: b. Surrealism is an artistic movement that emerged in France, surrealism is


24. Which sentence or sentences contain an error?

a) Juan felt very frustrated when he left the exam.

b) Juan felt very frustrated when he left the exam.

c) Juan felt very frustrated when he left the exam.

Solution: b and c are incorrect. It is frustration or frustrated.

25. Choose the correct phrase.

a) Eva fell because she had nothing to say.

b) Eva kept quiet because she had nothing to say.

Solution: a. Calló is a form of the verb callar in the past perfect tense, while cayó is the
conjugated verb caer. This sentence points to the fact that Eve stopped speaking so it is
"fell silent".

26. A or ha, which is correct?

a) Carlos came for dinner, but he had to leave early.

b) Carlos came for dinner, but he had to leave early.

Solution: b. In this case ha is the third person singular of the verb haber, not a preposition.
A trick? If in doubt, change "a" to "había", if the sentence makes sense, put the h.
Example: Juan se ha caído (John had fallen), makes perfect sense. Juan va a por uvas
(Juan goes for grapes), this last one doesn't fit, does it, it has no h?

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