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Sep 34th 2023

Blog proposal

In the article "Cursive handwriting is back in ontario schools Roessingh(2023,July 11) examines

the importance of cursive handwriting that it is back in ontario's schools and its different success

that is told in this article. Specifically Roessingh claims that cursive handwriting is a big

important concept for students learning what cursive handwriting is and how it can have affect

on their writing method. By drawing the current research has been done by psychology and

brain scientists have shown Roessingh(2023) the functional magnetic resonance imagining to

study brain activities. As Roessingh(2023) article showed and helped us understand the

importance and benefits of cursive writing and how cursive handwriting has helped

remembering concepts .He reports that not only cursive writing or in general writing it has

shown so many type of benefits in writing such your brain is remembering the informations that

you are writing down you think that the information you are writing down is not helpful but it has

shown by researchers that you are actually improving by doing cursive writing

Rosessignh(2023). Rosessignh's article is about not only cursive writing helps children

remember important information but it also helps adults too. This type of idea are important

because there are some disadvantage and advantage like doing cursive writing or general

handwriting it has should a great brain improve on students and adult some disadvantage can

be like it can be hard for children to use online method for cursive writing because you are not

use to writing things down instead it is all online. In sum the issue is talking about how cursive

writing is beneficial to children and that Ontario schools will have cursive writing back because

not just help with how you write but it is a practice for your brain and thinking skill as well. I

agree that cursive writing is a beneficial skill not just for younger children but also adults too and

it develops new skills in writing and memorizing information and understanding the information.
By focusing on the benefits of cursive writing there is a overlook the deeper problem like cursive

writing it a good benefits but as you get older and you go to university or high school

handwriting and cursive becomes less and most of the writing skills you used in elementary and

middle school are not much used which becomes hard for people who are used doing cursive

writing. In my view, educators are telling us that cursive writing helps the development of

creativity and the importance of writing and the benefit of being when we think it is not important

at all. I argue that the educators are giving the informations base from the researcher and the

perspective for using the different type of ways to write cursive writing in class because they are

doing cursive writing because they want to but because it has shown by researcher that there

has become difficulty to a lot of children when it comes to doing cursive writing. By drawing on

the working of Rossesignh(2023) which examines the importance of cursive writing and how it

can be useful not just in school but anywhere and it might not look useful right now but it will in

the future. I will show how cursive writing is ever helpful in school but anywhere and also across

the school education system. My hope is to make sure that cursive writing is not just because it

looks good but it helps your skills and improves a lot of your skills that you have never thought

you had problems with.

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