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Unicamp 2018

E lderly flight passenger throws coins into engine for ‘luck’, delays take-off for

China Southern Airlines Flight 380 was held up at the Shanghai Pudong
International Airport after an elderly woman passenger caused a disruption,
according to the airline's official WeChat account. An investigation into the
incident is under way.

Passengers boarding the flight reportedly saw an elderly woman throwing coins at
the engine for “blessings” from the middle of the boarding staircase and alerted
the crew. Ground staff said the woman, who appeared to be about 80 and had
limited mobility, was accompanied by her husband, daughter and son-in-law.

The captain was quoted as saying the metal, if sucked up by the engine, could
have caused serious damage, including failure.

The flight was later given a green light and took off at 5.52pm, more than five
hours late. It is scheduled to arrive in Guangzhou at 8.14pm.

(Adaptado de Sarah Zheng, Elderly flight passenger throws coins into engine for
‘luck’, delays take-off for hours. South China Morning Post, 27/06/2017.
Disponível em
flight-passenger-throws-coins-engine-luck-delays-take. Acessado em

O que é correto afirmar sobre o incidente relatado na

notícia anterior?

a) Por causa do incidente, o avião chegou a seu destino com cinco horas de atraso,
às 17h52.

b) Segundo o piloto, moedas atiradas na turbina do avião causaram sérios danos à

c) Uma idosa chinesa, seu marido, sua filha e seu genro quase provocaram um
acidente aéreo.

d) A ação de alguns passageiros evitou o risco de um grave acidente aéreo

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)

Leia os textos a seguir para responder às questões 68 e 69.

Texto 1

In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of
political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has
spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents
displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement
to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling — any street
art medium. Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and
reclaim their communities’ stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures
alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the
virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our
society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of
vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as
effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that
her art transforms “locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to
feeling like a collective community commons.”
(Adaptado de: Acesso em

Texto 2
Segundo o Texto 1, é correto afirmar que a arte de rua é

A) Uma representação vanguardista de arte, originada na Califórnia, que busca

combater o preconceito que associa essa manifestação artística ao vandalismo.

B) um movimento político no qual os artistas buscam difundir a diversidade

através da união entre diferentes classes da sociedade.

C) uma manifestação artística, com motivações políticas, que busca defender os

direitos de pessoas em situação de rua.

D) um estilo artístico que materializa a luta de alguns grupos contra mecanismos

sociais que buscam apagar suas vozes.

(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1ª fase)

Em 2020, Joaquin Phoenix ganhou o Oscar de melhor ator por sua interpretação
no filme “Coringa”, de 2019. Apresenta-se, a seguir, um trecho de seu discurso na

“I think whether we’re talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or
indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice.
We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one
race, one gender, or one species has the right to dominate, control, and use and
exploit another with impunity. I think that we’ve become very disconnected from
the natural world, and many of us, what we’re guilty of, is an egocentric
worldview: the belief that we’re the center of the universe. We go into the natural
world, and we plunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially
inseminate a cow, and when she gives birth, we steal her baby even though her
cries of anguish are unmistakable. Then we take her milk that’s intended for her
calf, and we put it in our coffee and our cereal”.

(Adaptado de
ranscript-phoenix-wins-for-joker. Acessado em 02/07/ 2021.)

Em seu discurso, o ator:

A) inicia pela crítica à destruição da natureza para, então, defender a luta contra
as desigualdades sociais.

B) destaca a arrogância do ser humano ao mencionar a exploração cruel dos


C) usa exemplos práticos para ilustrar a opressão sofrida pelos trabalhadores

rurais a partir da industrialização.

D) centraliza seus argumentos na necessidade de lutarmos contra o racismo e a

desigualdade de gênero.

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