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Mount Safa International


Islamic Studies
Secondary 2

 Zakaah
 Sujud Sahw


1. What does the word ‘Zakah’ literally mean, in English? [1]

2. How does Allah describe the importance of charity in Surah Ali ‘Imran, verse
92? [1]
3. What is the difference between Sadaqah and Zakah? [1]
4. State TWO benefits, or positive effects, of giving Zakah, on a person. [2]
5. A person had RM10,000 in Ramadhan 1441H. In Rajab 1442H, he has
RM16,000. Does he need to pay Zakah? Explain your answer.
[Assume that the nisab is RM15,000] [2]
6. Can an orphan receive Zakah? Explain your answer. [2]

Sujud Sahw

7. What is Sujud as-Sahw? [1]

8. List TWO main occasions when Sujud as-Sahw is required. [2]
9. A man is praying Zohr. In the second raka’at, he finds himself unsure whether
he is in his second raka’ah or third. Describe what he needs to do from then
until the end of his prayer. [2]
10. What do we recite in Sujud as-Sahw? [1]

Please submit the following to me on Thursday, 16 April 2020, by 2pm:

 Notes on Zakah
 Own notes on Sujud as-Sahw
 Answers to the list of questions above

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