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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Arts in Elementary Grade- Rhythm

Name John Paul Almonte Course/Block: BEED 203

Learning Areas Arts Time: 5:30 to 6:30


At the end of the lesson the pupils are able to:

a) Students will understand the concept of rhythm in arts

b) Students will recognize and describe different types of rhythm in artworks.

C) students will make the proper pattern of different types of rhythm in artworks.


Topic: Rhythm in principle of arts

Reference: Art Education - Principle of Arts

Materials: Cartolina, Picture and Marker.

Strategies: 4 A's Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)



A. Preliminary Activities
Good Morning Class! Good Morning sir Almonte!

Let's start this day with a prayer. Okay Mr. Student starts the prayer
Hila please lead the prayer

To start the lesson let us first have a warm Student starts to participate in warm up
up, Everyone kindly please stand.

Teacher Recalls the previous lesson

Learning Task 1: Motivation
Class i have a question, Did you know Student raise his hand. Sir!
what is Rythm?

Okay Mr. Ramos It is a repeated pattern po.

Okay thank you Mr. Ramos! You’re right
it is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of
movement or sound.

Alright let us proceed.

B. Lesson Proper
Learning Task 2- Activity

And now to hype the class and remove Opo Sir!

your tiredness and exhaustiveness, we will
have an activity. Are you guys ready?

So, I have here different images which

demonstrate different rhythms. All you
need to do is to connect what type of
rhythm it is.



3. D


a. Regular Rhythm
b. Flowing Rhythm
c. Random Rhythm
d. Alternating Rhythm
e. Progressive Rhythm

1. A
2. E
3. D
4. B
5. C
Alright, very good students!

Learning Task 3- Analysis

The were involved was;
Rhythm in principle of arts
Regular Rhythm
Flowing Rhythm
Random Rhythm
Alternating Rhythm
Progressive Rhythm

So what do we mean by Regular Rhythm?

Well Regular Rhythm: This is
characterized by a consistent and
predictable pattern, where elements are
evenly spaced, creating a sense of stability
and order.

Did you get me class?

Yes po sir!
The next is Flowing Rhythm. When we
say Flowing Rhythm: This type of rhythm
conveys a sense of movement and
continuity, with elements that appear to
flow seamlessly from one to the next, often
found in natural or organic compositions.

Now do you follow?

Opo sir
The next will be Random Rhythm where
elements are placed without a discernible
pattern or regularity, creating a sense of Yes po, Very clear
chaos or spontaneity. Is it clear guys?

The next will be Alternating Rhythm,

Alternating rhythm involves a repeated
pattern with regular intervals of variation,
which can create a sense of balance and
variation in a composition.

And Lastly Progressive Rhythm, In this

type of rhythm, there is a clear progression
or change in the elements as you move
through the composition, creating a sense
of development or transformation.

So know all of these rhythm types are not

limited to a single art form and can be
applied in various creative disciplines,
including visual arts, music, dance, and
Is there any question?
Does it gives you a clearer perspectives?
Now you can easily understand each
differences? None sir.
Yes sir

Learning Task 4- Abstraction Yes sir

Again what do we mean by Rhythm?

Okay very good! it is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of

movement or sound.
So what is regular rhythm?

Regular Rhythm, This is characterized by

a consistent and predictable pattern,
How about Flowing Rhythm? where elements are evenly spaced,
creating a sense of stability and order.

When we say Flowing Rhythm: This type

of rhythm conveys a sense of movement
and continuity, with elements that appear
to flow seamlessly from one to the next,
Then what is Random Rhythm? often found in natural or organic

Random Rhythm where elements are

Next, what is Alternating Rhythm? placed without a discernible pattern or
regularity, creating a sense of chaos or

Alternating rhythm involves a repeated

pattern with regular intervals of variation,
And Lastly what Progressive Rhythm? which can create a sense of balance and
variation in a composition.

It is a clear progression or change in the

elements as you move through the
composition, creating a sense of
Learning Task 6- Application development or transformation.
So now I have a question, So what is the
importance of Rhythm in our daily life
situation? Rhythm is important in our daily lives
because it helps us to stay organized and
focused, and it can also have a positive
Very Good, So any questions or impact on our mood and well-being.
None sir.


1. __________This is characterized by a consistent and predictable pattern,

where elements are evenly spaced, creating a sense of stability and order.

2. __________This type of rhythm conveys a sense of movement and

continuity, with elements that appear to flow seamlessly from one to the
next, often found in natural or organic compositions.
3. __________where elements are placed without a discernible pattern or
regularity, creating a sense of chaos or spontaneity.
4. __________involves a repeated pattern with regular intervals of variation,
which can create a sense of balance and variation in a composition.

5. __________It is a clear progression or change in the elements as you

move through the composition, creating a sense of development or

Using 1/8 Illustration board, make a poster and create one of the types of rhythm. You
will be graded according to the following criteria:
Creativity 30%
Relevance to the topic 30%
Originality 20%
Neatness 20%
Total 100%

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