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04/27/2023 NHB+: Anatomy of Ads 2.

Alen’s Live Call Notes : Google Doc URL

The Call Recording : Replay URL

Daniel Boss Hits $1000 a Day in Profit


Summary: Daniel is making like $1,000 a day profit on his offer now. Eric is doing like
$100 AOV or something, which is really nice. When I was on Warrior Forum, when we
had these $100 days it was a huge celebration. They gave hope to a lot of people.

Bizarre Gurus: Motivation, Inspiration and


Summary: The difference with motivation is that it's basically like they see what you've
done. Inspiration is that you have gone in their mind and then made it possible for them.
There's going to be a lot of bizarre future bizarre gurus here.

Beginning of Free Flow Copy Session


Summary: Alen wants to teach how to tap into instant creativity on demand. He needs
two volunteers. Who's brave?

Make Up an Offer For Ben


Summary: Ben and Brad, make up an offer. Make up a market. Like, I'll sell something
interesting to whatever. Just spit it out. It doesn't matter if it's good or not. This is the
point of the lesson.

Dan Sorkin: Infrared light device to improve memory

More Free Flow Copy Session

Summary: All right, who else wants to hit us? Thank you. Do we need a new offer?
Because we can't let them get into the chatGPT. Doesn't matter what it is. Cat
grooming. How about a tutoring service for someone who wants to learn about
international law for traveling.

Alen: A new shoe for diabetics


Ideas Come From Losing Awareness


Summary: When do most of your ideas come forth? When you're in a shower, right
before you fall asleep. If you have to think, you are not creative. To tap creativity on
demand, you need to learn how to lose awareness.

Chad: Self-Publishing Your Book in 2023


Ben: How to Stop Thinking While Playing Games


Setting the intention and asking the question


Summary: You can ask any type of question. It's more of a process of losing awareness.
Once you lose awareness, you enter pure creativity. There's a level above it to help you.

Alen: Vending Machine Example


Andrew Tansil: Dry Wicking Dress Suit


When You Have Too Much Desire

Summary: When you have a lot of desire, you lose awareness. It's like losing awareness
and then just letting it out. Let's try it on some of the markets you guys are in. Who
wants to go?

Zell: How to Code With Chat GPT


Summary: Let Chat GPT help you with your learning process. Can be simple things like
getting an API from Discord. Could be having the best developer in the world as your
personal mentor. Will change the way we develop, how we code and how the future

Before Chat vs After Chat


Summary: With this, it just feels like I can sit down anywhere, be anywhere, and pump
out an offer and blow people's minds. Thinking doesn't have access to deep memory. It
only has access to short term memory, like a computer. Set an intention before I roll and
then be unaware.

Alen on Selling To High-Emotional States


Summary: We're going to teach you Anatomy of Ads part Two how to sell to high
emotional states. It's a lot easier to get money out of people that have money in the
marketplace. The context in which it's super easy to flow has so much to do with
something that's going on internally.

Why Confidence Is So Important For Clients


Summary: It's stupid to think that you're not enough. It's almost just like freestyling. Use
Lil Wayne as an example. He hasn't written a song in like over 20 years. How can you not
have enough?

What Feels Like Fun For You?

Summary: You have to figure out what's important to you, what's your criteria, and
typically what energizes you. If a certain area feeds your energy, that's the place to go.
For me personally, it's just like, what?

Woo woo

Summary: One of the things that you have to realize is that everything in your mind is
imagined. And as such, the entire reality of your customers is imagined, too. Key to
becoming a master at marketing is to become the master of imagination.

Willpower and Imagination


Summary: Willpower controls imagination, right? So everything is imagined. What stops

the development of intellectual willpower is fear. The key is to break desirable power,
right, to be in control of what you want.

How to Develop a Spiritual Willpower


Summary: How do you develop a spiritual willpower like the God willpower? How do you
feel a compulsion to do something great in your life? The spiritual willpower is the I
right? "I". Once you free the "I", what will happen is that you will not think much.

Free the "I"


Summary: You got to free the "I", right? Your whole identity is shaped on this. Once you
free it so you get rid of desire, then you control willpower. From this, you can control
your imagination.

Freedom for the "I"


Summary: The war in the "I" is all about who controls whose "I". If you can free yourself
completely, then it becomes part of you, and then you just draw massive amounts of
power. The next stage of the mind is willpower is a directive intelligence which directs
"This Is Not Your Life"

Summary: "What this does, it discovers everything that's not yours, and it frees you, " he
says. And then you can rebuild whatever you want it to be. Then you can take control.

Idan: Creativity and Willpower


Summary: Idan: I started thinking, I'm everything, and I am a God. What we do, we
create people. We create items. So we are gods. All the power is within. Once you take
possession of it, you become aware of it. And then you can create anything.

The Art of Marketing


Summary: It's a battle of imagination. People making you think to make you feel
something. And that's what you do as a marketer. Did you guys get value out of that
little new level in the mind?

Anatomy of Ads 2.0


Summary: The first call we did with anatomy of Ads 1.0 was the why, what, how model.
On this model, you put them into a problem state, then you show them the outcome.
This works really well on people that aren't in solution state. Can you guys hear that
background noise?

The problem of high-emotional state customers


Summary: People with money operate on high emotional states, operate on the
currency of time. High emotional state buyers need one thing to move forward, which is
trust. The way you generate trust for them is that you have to diagnose their problem
and then put them to the solution.

How to Automate the Facebook Groups

Summary: One of the things is, like, rapport is the key to selling high motion to the
buyers. Once you establish their trust, you want to go into the solution state as fast as
possible. High emotional state buyers look for opportunities as much as the gain.

How to Restore Client Confidence in the Sales Pitch


Summary: A lot of times you have to knock out their confidence in the sale and then
reestablish confidence. If you can diagnose their problem and you can tell them what's
going on, they automatically trust you. And then what ends up happening is now you
diagnose a problem, you solve that, and then you offer a prescription.

How To Target the Low-Emotional Prospects


Summary: In essence, it's like you target the helpless, but then you make them helpless,
right? And now they have to pay you to get out of that new helpless state. If you want
to get somebody to trust you, all you have to do is combine what they see and what
they feel and explain it.

How to Get Out Of Sex Problems


Summary: A lot of people are really in denial that they are not as satisfied with their sex
lives as they might think or respond to in dialogue. You can't diagnose something unless
you pull it apart. Can you speak to if one of the problems is admitting that they have a

How to Bring People In to Coaching


Summary: How do you even begin to bring these people into the programs in that case?
Well, it depends on who, right? Are they younger, older men or women? Who's the
audience? And that determines how to bring them in.

Ads for High Emotional State

Summary: If they're unaware, then your ad is here to make them problem aware. And
then if they are problem aware, they're solution aware. This is where high emotional
state people live.

Real Truth and Trust


Summary: There's a big difference between truth and trust. Truth can stand on its own.
It proves itself. Trust, you have to prove. This is why superstructures work so well. It's
like the superstructure in the mind. When you tell the truth, trust is automatic.

The Difference Between Negligible and Unworthy


Summary: The difference between helpless and worthless. Like helpless are looking for
a solution. Versus worthless is not really sure. Maybe that's why it affects how much
they're willing to spend. How could you build trust in email?

How To Diagnose Your Problem and Offer a Solution


Summary: Most of them are solution state because they're all looking for solutions. They
won't let you take them into a solution state unless they trust you. Diagnose their
problem in the opening, solve it, and then offer a solution prescription.

Adding More Dimension to Your Copy


Summary: If you want to shape reality, which means shaping their imagination, you
have to access different parts of the plato. The more you can be in there, the more
immersive. But at what points can you add dimension?

A Copy Has To Give Its Reader Dimension


Summary: In essence, what you do is you find one thing and you expand upon it. If it
feels flat, the copy will focus on them, but they won't focus on the copy. A copy has to
give them something. You give them a feeling, you give them hope. You add dimension
to it.
Why We Need to Lose Our Awareness

Summary: When you lose awareness, it goes into the subconscious mind where it's
creative. Intention, the question, what you want from it, and then let it kind of sink into
the ocean. In the depths of the ocean, it's going to find what it wants.

How to Move People From Their Problem States to Their Solution States

Summary: Jazz: How does that tie into the TSL or VSL? If it's if you're going after a low
emotional state market. What ends up happening is you're moving them out of
worthless, hopeless into helpless state. People buy only when they're in solution state,

Should I Scale My Offer?


Summary: Dan: I had a question about the offer that I'm running. What offer is it? The
Religious Islamic offer. Should I scale this offer to two K, three K per day, or maybe start
another one? Dan: I can't figure out if a high ticket works for this market or not.

Facebook Ad Sales: Is Facebook a Good Medium for Consulting?


Summary: Would you say that I'm thinking about Facebook ads doing B2B, some sort of
high ticket service, some kind of consulting, into, like, a corporate world? Do you think
Facebook ads are an effective medium for that? Once they start delegating a lot, it
becomes a headache.

Exploring the AC model of sales


Summary: The way to get the trust is this. You diagnose their problem, you solve it, and
you offer a prescription. As you scale the business, the more time you run out of, right?
And you need more time. You really have to learn how to become highly effective and
efficient with time.

How to Sell Templates to an Accountability State Market

Summary: When selling templates to a market that's in an accountability state, when
they want templates and swipe files and stuff like that. The main thing is to get their
trust and to get them to trust you. Feel free to change it. It'll work.

Dangers of ChatGPT

Summary: If the components of the business are commodities, your business will
become a commodity. What I'm teaching these guys to do is to license the offer as the
back end now. All these copywriting gurus are just accelerating their own demise.

How To Sell To Your Clients


Summary: Chad: You taught us how to go to our deep memory to pull out the answers. Is
it also fair to say that clients that we're trying to sell to, do they have that same
capability to get that answer? They have no idea how to access it.

Your subconscious mind moves so fast


Summary: Your conscious thoughts are the end of processing of your subconscious
mind. The difference is the pace of vibration. Your subconscious mind moves so fast,
you can't imagine how fast it moves. The key is to absorb everything that I teach here
and fast forward.

How To Make An SEO Agency Owner Feel Unreliable


Summary: Josh: One of the clients they're working with has a Bizop offer. He asks:
Should I be making people feel helpless at that point? Josh: It's never one or the other.
It's a ratio. And then you can communicate what they see to make them feel worthless
and hopeless.

Hopeful Thinking: The 3 Step Process


Summary: It's like all the things that they have no control over amplified. And so to
remove hopeless, you give them hope. And the way you do that is to give them back
control of their life. And then the way you give them choice is give them awareness of

The Hard Thing to Get Someone to Admit They're Bad at


Summary: Alen says the hardest thing is to get men to admit they were bad at dating. Is
it because of pride/ ego? Yes. But it's like you have to remove the ego from the problem
so that way it doesn't try to hold on to something. We'll talk about next week.

The Problem of Ignorant People


Summary: In a helpless state, they're mostly in a solution state. That means they are
proactively seeking change, and they're doing something about it. Once they realize the
problem is not part of them, they are willing to let it go.

Dissociating from emotional states


Summary: When people are unemotional, they're more apt to spend more money, right?
Because what happens is they're calculating future payoffs. All change so if you look at
all change comes from the future. Change does not come from the past. And so this is
why it's so important.

Is High-Emotional State Retargeting Appropriate for Sales


Summary: The difference is people in high emotional states want to move forward on a
timeline. People in low emotional states are no longer solution seeking. The best
targeting is if you can code based on how far they are into your sales message.

How Will You Know When You Overcome Depression?


Summary: In private therapy, the question to ask is not what your life is going to look
like because you're asking them to imagine things they cannot imagine. All solutions are
basically future oriented. How will you know when you overcome depression? And so
then they can bounce into the future.
How to help depressed people get out of it

Summary: A lot of these people, they're depressed, et cetera. What that translates is I
don't have the willpower to deal with my imagination. Once you can take possession of
this imagination, then all this stuff, once you get willpower, then you can become the
master imagination. Any advice?

Creativity vs. Business: Truth vs Trust


Summary: Money follows trust. If they don't trust you, they're not going to give you
money. He says tapping into creativity, losing awareness, that's the biggest thing. You
can make a lot of money and hash out good stuff really quickly, he says.

Willpower to Create

Summary: Trees don't struggle to grow. The sun doesn't Struggle to shine. The earth
doesn't struggle to rotate. The wind doesn't struggle to blow like water. The only things
that struggle are humans. Why do we struggle with everything?

Ask Questions in the Lounge


Summary: When you ask questions, you're trying to pull more stuff into your mind. The
more we talk about things, the better, because those things get in the mind on a much
deeper level. If you have any questions, any of this, let me know.

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