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Hello viewers, today I am here to present some cases of diseases that have
been fatal to people, this is silent news the first disease.
Tomás: What is bronchitis / what is bronchitis
Tomas: Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lower airways.
Thomas: symptoms/symptoms
Tamara: People can experience: Cough: phlegmy, dry or chronic Whole body:
fatigue or discomfort Nasal: nasal congestion or postnasal drip. Difficulty
sleeping, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, or chest tightness are also
Tomás: how it spreads/how it spreads
Tomas: These viruses are spread through the air when someone coughs or by
physical contact, for example, someone who has not washed their hands.
Thomas: how is it cured? / How it is cured
Tamara: Treatment consists of self-care and cough medicine. Treatment
usually includes cough relief remedies, which can last for several weeks. In
general, the use of antibiotics is not recommended.

Thomas: What is
Karla: Influenza is an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory
system and also produces a series of characteristic general symptoms. It
usually appears in outbreaks or waves, several throughout each winter, and it
is a disease with worldwide distribution.

Thomas: symptoms/symptoms
Tomás: The flu affects the lungs, nose and throat. Young children, adults tend
to be at higher risk.

Tomas: How it spreads

Karla: People with the flu can infect other people. Most experts believe that
influenza viruses are spread primarily through airborne droplets produced by
coughing, sneezing, or talking.

Tomas: Como se cura/how is it cured

Shots: Treatment consists of fluids and changes in activity.
Karla: The flu is mostly treated with rest and fluids so the body can fight the
infection on its own. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers can
help with symptoms. An annual vaccination can prevent the flu and limit its

Thomas: What is / what is
Daza: Sinusitis occurs when fluid accumulates in the sinuses (cavities in the
face that are filled with air). This buildup of fluid allows microbes to multiply.

Tomas: People can suffer:
Areas of pain: face, sinuses, forehead, ears, or back of the eyes.

Tomas: How it spreads

Daza: Sinusitis is not contagious, but the cause may be. The most common
cause of sinusitis is a cold or the flu. When you have a cold or the flu virus,
your sinuses can become inflamed and this prevents mucus from draining

Tomas Como se cura/how is it cured

Tomás: The treatment depends on the severity of the patient.

Daza: Acute sinusitis generally does not need any treatment other than
symptomatic relief with pain relievers, nasal decongestants, and saline nasal
washes. Chronic sinusitis may require the use of antibiotics.

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