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Jerome Kenneth M.


Reflection on the article of Gulla, M., Sawyer, M., and Zandstra, C.

entitled “Dear Teacher: Lessons from Two Generations of Future

The article is about a project where students send letters to the

teachers and share their problems in life. I have learned that students
encounter many challenges in life that we don’t know. As teachers, we
should be kind to them, caring to them, and loving to them.
Teachers are the important people in the life of students. We
should be kind to the students. The letters express their feelings and pain
with their lives. What we can do as teachers is to be kind to them.
Simple kindness will help the students to realize that life is still
beautiful. They will have someone as a friend.
Caring towards our students will make them feel special. Knowing
that our students have many problems in life, at least they will see that
someone cares for them. We must be updated with how they feel in
every day and always show that we are here and we care. That is what I
will do in order to give care to my students.
Most importantly, I will show them my love. I dream of being a
good teacher that students will remember even when they get old. In
order for this to happen, I should show them my love to them. The
students need love for them to feel and stay strong in life no matter how
hard it is.
In the end, I can say that students are very strong people but they
need our help. We can help them and we should be kind to them, caring
to them, and loving to them. They will remember us someday as
someone who love them and helped them in their problems in life.

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