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We pick Barcelona where we want to travel.

Barcelona is the capital of Spain. This city is great place to travel.

Let me introduce about the place.

First, Barcelona has a weekend market. At Palo Alto market, you can try taste food from around the

Also, you can see band performance here. At Sant Antoni market, you can meet young Spanish

I want to buy tapas, wine and watch busking performance.

You can see traditional and vintage items here.

Second, One of great place, Alhambra is a place built in Granada by the Moors who settled on the
lberian Peninsula.

Although it is huge in size, it is highly regarded for its sophisticated beauty.

The location in the Alhambra Palace is the most famous.

And Casa batlle is an apartment building that was completely remodeled by Antoni Gaoudi in 1906
form a building built in 1870s.

Because of its strange appearance, it is also called the "house of Bones" in the area.

If you want to see new architecture that you don't often see anywhere else, I highly recommend

Last but not least, There has Bad point. When traveling, be careful of pickpockets.

You should not go around alone late at night because it can get mugged.

Barcelona is very hot and humid to travel in summer. Tourists often get easily ripped off.

You must be careful drugs in the club.

Now, We talk a lot of Barcelona where has great food, market, place and some worries.

What do you think about Barcelona? Is it good to travel, or bad?

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