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Education: Journal of Christian Religious Education│p-ISSN 2088-8570 e-ISSN 2745-9845



Lisa Sri Rejeki Roearni1, Johni Hardori2 1
2Bethel Indonesia Theological College,

received April 16, 2020, revised May 20, 2020, published June 30,

The purpose of this study was to get an overview, to increase PAK learning activities through problem solving learning models

in PAK learning for class IX-B students of SMP K Bethel Jakarta-Pusat. This research was conducted at SMP K Bethel Jakarta-Pusat, with the

subjects studied were students of class IX-B. The method used is classroom action research which consists of two cycles. In the first

cycle, learning was carried out by applying a problem solving learning model accompanied by observation sheets of student learning

activities. Whereas in cycle II learning was also carried out by applying a problem solving learning model accompanied by observation

sheets of student learning activities and a list of questions. Each cycle consists of four stages of research, namely planning,

implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The research data were analyzed using comparative descriptive followed by reflection.

Comparative descriptive is done by comparing data on initial conditions, cycle 1 and cycle 2, for student learning activities. The results of this

study indicate that the application of the problem solving learning model can improve the learning activities of class IX-B students of SMP K

Bethel Jakarta-Pusat. It is proven that the percentage of students in PAK learning activities increases from the initial condition 0.58% to

70.5% in the first cycle and to 100% in the second cycle or in the final condition, an increase of 99.42% from the initial condition. The results

of this study indicate that the application of the problem solving learning model can improve the learning activities of class IX-B students

of SMP K Bethel Jakarta-Pusat. It is proven that the percentage of students in PAK learning activities increases from the initial condition

0.58% to 70.5% in the first cycle and to 100% in the second cycle or in the final condition, an increase of 99.42% from the initial condition. The

results of this study indicate that the application of the problem solving learning model can improve the learning activities of class IX-B

students of SMP K Bethel Jakarta-Pusat. It is proven that the percentage of students in PAK learning activities increases from the initial

condition 0.58% to 70.5% in the first cycle and to 100% in the second cycle or in the final condition, an increase of 99.42% from the initial


Keywords: Learning Activity, Problem Solving Learning Model

This study aims to observe, know and prove empirically about the
Implementation of Christian Religious Education in overcoming the hedonistic
lifestyle at SMA Suluh Jakarta. The sources in this study were 8 students, 3
representatives of parents and 1 Christian religion teacher. The instruments
used in collecting data were open questions, data were collected by
interviews, direct observation (observation) and documentation. This
research was born from researchers' observations of the times that occur in
the scope of adolescents who do not understand the true purpose of life for
pleasure. So that a teenager must understand the appropriate principles
about the right lifestyle according to God's Word. The researcher also saw in
a seminar that the researcher attended about the purpose of life being done
for God.

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Keywords:Learning Activities, Learning Problem Solving

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Education: Journal of Christian Religious Education│p-ISSN 2088- e-ISSN 2745-


Students in their teens are an age group that is vulnerable in accepting cultural
developments, lifestyles and perspectives on various things that are happening in the
world and society. In adolescence, there is a process of change from the age of
children to adulthood. According to EH Erikson, at this time, adolescents must find
their own identity. He must have a lifestyle of his own, which can be recognized and
stable despite all kinds of changes. (Gunarsa, 1991: 210). Changes in a teenager are
often influenced by the environment, family, association and technology. The
influence received by a teenager can be in the form of positive influence and negative
influence. The influence that develops in the child can become a habit that creates a
purpose in life in terms of what he believes.

In this modern era there are many cultures and habits of life that develop
among teenagers. For example: a child can be in front of a technological device
andgadgetsfor hours without being disturbed by the surroundings. In the
gadgetswhat they hold can have any facilities, both positive and negative.
Noted in requestsearch enginesthose looking for pornographic material
amounted to 68 million or 25% of the total request (Tung, 2015: 17). This is a
negative that can be accessed ingadgetswhich are owned. And the negative
things that the teenager sees can lead him to a negative lifestyle.

Negative life patterns are characterized by their own pleasure in the world
of adolescents. In this modern era, a teenager can go to various fun places if
there is no strict supervision from the school or parents. What is fun for a
teenager does not necessarily have a good impact on him and could be
harmful to his soul. The author once asked a teenager who attended a music
event in Jakarta with an age standard of 18 years and over but the age of the
teenager was not sufficient. However, in various ways, these teenagers can
participate in the music programs they are interested in. Music programs are
one of the things that teenagers are most interested in because for teenagers
music can be enjoyed and brings its own pleasure. With the money you have,

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Education: Journal of Christian Religious Education│p-ISSN 2088- e-ISSN 2745-

Growing and developing in the pleasures of the world/fun environment

that cannot be limited will bring oneself into bonded pleasures and even
pleasure can be a life goal that must be pursued. The view that considers
material pleasures and the enjoyment of life as the purpose of life is called
hedonism. Although in fact life is not always there in pleasant things. Life is
also often at the point of distress, at the point of sadness. But a teenager who
is in a happy position will find it more difficult to feel the sadness of others and
even difficult to help others.

When a teenager has been formed with a lifestyle like this then until old
age only pleasure is sought and becomes the goal in his life. This is what
makes the author see indications of a hedonistic lifestyle in students at SMA
Suluh Jakarta. The author found students who could not face problems by
escaping to drinking. Pleasure that is only a moment that continues to be
carried out when the pressure being faced is no longer strong enough to bear.
Enjoyment of music has become addictive in students so that students think
music can calm their hearts and minds. The writer also found that there were
students who visited certain places without a clear time limit. Just act according
to his heart's desire.

The implementation of Christian Religious Education is certainly needed in

every lesson and handling negative life attitudes that can damage a teenager
so that they continue in the future. Because Proverbs 22:6 says: Educate a
young person according to the way he should go, so even when he is old he
will not deviate from that way. The role of education through a teacher at
school and parents at home can be a good example if Christian values are
built into the education of a teenager. Every Christian learning process must
have a good impact on a student. So the teacher must teach true Christian
values, introduce Jesus to each student, become a living example for the
students' portraits at school.

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Education: Journal of Christian Religious Education│p-ISSN 2088- e-ISSN 2745-

Christian Religious Education that introduces Jesus as the main figure in

students' lives is the most important thing a Christian educator can do. An
interview with Mr. Basuki Tjahja Purnama, the Governor of DKI Jakarta said that
dependence on God is important so that a child who has struggles must
experience a meeting with God for himself. With this the authors assume that the
implementation of Christian Religious Education can overcome the hedonistic
lifestyle of teenage students. And this education can be started by families and
teachers at school. Because educating a young person from a young age will have
a good impact and become a determinant in the future life of a student. There is a
high hedonistic lifestyle among teenagers which also occurs at Suluh Jakarta High
School. So that the implementation of Christian Religious Education is important to
overcome this lifestyle that is not suitable for use in adolescence. The purpose of
this study is to analyze and test how big the impact of the implementation of
Christian Religious Education is in overcoming the hedonistic lifestyle at SMA Suluh

The research method is defined as a scientific way to obtain data with
specific purposes and uses. (Sugiyono, 2015: 3). According to Bogan and Tylor,
qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in
the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior.
Meanwhile, according to Kirk and Miller, qualitative research is defined as a
particular tradition in social science that is fundamentally dependent on
observing humans in their own area and relating to these people in language
and events. (Margono, 2004: 36).
In this case, the author uses a qualitative research method or is called a
case study research. With qualitative methods researchers are required to
collect data or in-depth information about the special characteristics of people,
groups of people, programs and everything related to education.
(Punaji Setyosari, 2010: 34).

In qualitative research, it is not enough for the researcher to just

describe the data, but he must provide interpretation and in-depth study of
each case and follow the progress of the case. Study

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qualitative requires researchers to dogrounded research,namely finding

theories based on data obtained in the field or social situations. Then the
nature of "emic perspective”which means obtaining data not "as it should be",
but based on things that happened in the field, experienced, felt and thought
by participants/data sources (Sugiyono, 2015: 296)
With data obtained through words and actions to produce a theory that
comes from hypotheses, qualitative research is "generating theory". So content
requires more attention in qualitative research than symbols or attributes in
quantitative research. So the analysis used in qualitative research is more
descriptive-analytic in nature, namely the interpretation of the content is made
and arranged systematically or thoroughly and systematically. Also the
consideration of researchers in the use and interpretation of the meaning
contained in the phenomenon of findings is very necessary in this case.


Based on the results of interviews with research subjects, it was found that
Every student understands the meaning of life that is lived in everyday life.
Each student has different goals in life but students understand that each goal
is for God and service. By applying the principles in the Bible through the
words, actions and thoughts of students, students will know that the life they
have must be based on the Bible so that students will find nothing in vain.
When listening to a song dedicated to God, students also understand that it
provides peace that is built from a closer relationship with God. So students
already understand the true meaning of life according to God's Word.

In this case some students have been able to control themselves over their
desires for an object and goods but most students still cannot control themselves
over these desires because of anger, disappointment andsulkto parents and
circumstances are often still found in students. So that there are things like
striking at school, running away from home, students use them as tools so that
parents can fulfill these wishes. This must be addressed by applying the truth of
God's Word in Galatians 5:23, namely self-mastery. Student

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Education: Journal of Christian Religious Education│p-ISSN 2088- e-ISSN 2745-

must try to control himself against desires that come from himself against desires
that suddenly appear, desires that are not in accordance with the age of students
and negative desires that can harm students.
Students are able to align themselves with the things they have because
students already feel fulfilled by all things. This makes students always grateful
before God for every situation they experience, both good things and bad
things, also for every object or facility that students have. But students still
can't do important things on time, so they often delay work from teachers and
parents. This is done because there are other things that students do and
laziness that still needs to be kept away from students.
The important thing is that by helping other people students can
overcome the hedonistic lifestyle. And this is already there in students when
they see someone who needs help wanting to help him. Several students gave
concrete examples of helping others when they didn't have much time and had
to take other risks such as being scolded, losing opportunities and other
things. Students are willing to take the risk for people who need help, even
though there are some students who cannot do it. In terms of helping other
people, students can do it even though this has not yet touched the realm of
sacrifice. And by helping others, students can understand the feelings of
others to not only do things that are fun for themselves but also for others.

The students hold the principles of life that are obtained from the Bible
and also people around them like peers. Opinions of peers are opinions that
students take into account if these opinions are positive opinions. So in this
case teachers and parents always remind students of the importance of
upholding the principles that the Bible teaches. With theocentric is the
standard of everything they do and say. So students understand that owning
expensive things is not something that should be instilled in students in
association and creating high standards for others. So that the religious
lessons that students get at Suluh Jakarta High School affect

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students' lives in the daily actions, deeds and thoughts of students so that students
can have a lifestyle that is in accordance with what God's Word teaches.


From the results of research conducted by the authors, it can be concluded

that the implementation of Christian Religious Education can overcome the
hedonistic lifestyle at Suluh Jakarta High School. With the implementation of
Christian Religious Education, students can learn to form an understanding of
the right lifestyle according to the standards of God's Word by respecting
everything they have. Reflecting on the lives of other people and sympathizing
with the circumstances of others with the love of Christ. This will be confirmed
by true beliefs that are not derived from worldly beliefs. So every student has
the right to understand his own worth before God so that students know that
the purpose of this life is happiness obtained from God. The pleasures sought
are not only material,


Bible, 1999.Indonesian Bible Institute, Jakarta.

Gunarsha, Singgih. 1991.Child and Adolescent Developmental Psychology.Jakarta: CPC
Noble Mountain.

Margono. 2004.Educational Research Methods. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Setyosari, Punaji. 2010.Education and Development Research Methods.Jakarta :
Setyosari, Punaji. 2010.Research Methods Research and Development. Jakarta:
Sugiyono. 2004.Educational Research Methodology.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Tung,
Khoe. 2015.Towards a Dream Christian School Today.Yogyakarta: ANDI.

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