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A Time when you and your friends discovered a secret

It was already past school time. Me and my friends, Jeevan, Umar and Kuhan were discussing our
answers with the teacher. After we understood how to answer correctly, the teacher left. Me and my
friends were chit chatting while packing our bags to go home.

All of a sudden, a loud bang came from the third floor. Our class is located on the second floor which
means we could hear it loud and clear. I asked “ What was that sound?”. Jeevan said “ Wanna go and
check it out?”. All of us agreed. We made sure that no teachers were watching us. We slowly went to
the third floor and we saw a “ DO NOT ENTER” sign. We chose to go in anyway.

I thought to myself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”. Well, this is where things started to
take a turn. We split up and checked each classroom to find where the sound came from. Suddenly,
Jeevan yelled “Guys, come and take a look at this!”. We immediately rushed to where he was and saw
a large cabinet that looked like it was built in the ancient times.

Umar got curious and tried to open the cabinet. The handle was a bit rusty which made the cabinet
hard to open. Kuhan helped Umar to open the cabinet. Me and Jeevan stood few meters away from
the door because it was releasing a weird smell. Guess what, when the door finally opened, a dead
body fell out. We were really shocked, we didn’t have the courage to make a single sound.

This is why the school put up the “DO NOT ENTER” sign. Many years back, the third floor exploded
due to some gas leak. They never explained the situation properly and the headmaster was always
nervous when someone asked about the explosion as if they were hiding something. Jeevan spotted
another cabinet right behind us. Me and my friends mustered up our courage and decided to open
the cabinet.

There was a sticky note on the door that says “ DO NOT OPEN”. We were thinking of going back home
but we wanted to unravel the mystery that has been hidden for who knows how long. Me and Kuhan
decided to open the cabinet. Another dead body fell out, and this time, it was the teacher that went
missing, Pn Zalirana. She was an easy going teacher with a bright personality. One day, she just didn’t
come to school. She was known for having a perfect attendance record. So her close friend,my class
teacher, Pn Maimon decided to visit her.

When she arrived at her house, police were swarming inside Pn Zalirana’s house. When my class
teacher asked one of the police officers what had happened, they said that Pn Zalirana went missing.
Police officer suspected that she might have been kidnapped. How is she here then? All of us decided
to check out each classroom but found nothing. Only that particular classroom contained dead

We decided to go home and to never speak about it ever again.

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