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Hello and welcome everyone.

My name is Katherine Pinedo and I want

to be your major. Well, I think that we always dream of a perfect city
but also we know that the perfect city doesn't exist. Sometimes the
journalists say that majors don´t do their job but I promise that I will
change this city. We can start by changing the rules a little bit, such as
not allowing smokers in the street and putting a specific place for
them. we will allow to use the parks like a playground for the kids and
we will also build a dog lover park. on the other hand, obviously the
robbers aren't allowed and if they continue I will make criminals do
community service. Also, I must put polices officers in the streets for
our own protection, especially for the children. Finally, I promise to
build a city that can be used by everyone, building ramps to improve
access for people with wheelchairs and other disabilities, they will be
able to enter the subway in their wheelchairs because we will also put
elevators in the subways. That's all, thank you for your attention.

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