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Task 1

In this activity, we will learn some announcements which you

might be already familiar with. Read the four
printed announcements and listen to the
spoken announcements that follow.

Example 1:

Task 2

Now, you will analyze the social functions of the captions, by

identifying the focus, the context, and the relationship with
their respective headlines.

Task 3
Next, you are going to analyze the information which
make up the announcement
Analyze the announcements
using entries listed in the table below.
Task 4

Printed announcement format is different from spoken format, below are the
links to the examples of spoken announcements. Please bear in mind that this
type of format contains cultural differences. These examples are only for the
purpose of learning. Now, watch the video below and answer the questions that
1. Morning Announcements Friday May 5th, 2017

Video by: SuttonMemorialHighSchool

2. North Wales Elementary 1-25-13 Morning Announcements

Video By: NPTV

3. 9/14/17 Morning Announcements

Video By: Cornwall Elementary School

4. Principal Tina Holt does first day announcements and pledge

Video By: Knoxville News Sentinel

5. 9/23/16 Morning Announcements

Video By: Cornwall Elementary School

Task 5 M1 LA2
Now report the similarities and differences of the
four announcements in Task 1 and also compare them to the
spoken announcement.



Complete the following announcement by using the expressions

from the box. (format download)

Task 6
Create an announcement by using information below!

1. School graduation photo

2. September 4th 2018
3. Get 5 shots for only 20K
4. Pre register online at


In this activity, I have



The key features of

announcements include…………………………………….………………


What I like most about this activity



What I need to improve/learn more


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