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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Your Excellencies the committees, the honourable judges, dear my friend who participates in this
speech contest, and my loving brother and sister.
First of all, I would like to thank God Allah SWT who has been giving us blessings and mercies
so we can attend this speech contest in good condition. Allow me to introduce myself, my name
is Rosiana Narwastu a representative from class XII Science 3.
Ladies and gentleman.
Today, I'd like to talk about a topic that is close to the heart of every culture and society:
tradition. Tradition is the thread that weaves the tapestry of our heritage, the compass that guides
our values, and the cornerstone upon which our identities are built.
Traditions are the rituals, customs, and practices that are passed down from one generation to the
next. They are the stories told by our elders, the songs we sing around campfires, and the recipes
that fill our kitchens during special occasions. They are also the festivals, holidays, and
ceremonies that bring us together as families, communities, and nations.
Traditions are more than mere rituals; they are the embodiment of our shared history and
collective wisdom. They connect us to our ancestors, reminding us of their struggles, triumphs,
and the lessons they learned along the way. They serve as a bridge between past, present, and the
future, allowing us to preserve our cultural heritage and pass it on to the generations yet to come.
my loving brother and sister.
As we know in Indonesia, there are many traditions. Each region has different traditions. These
include the tooth-scratching tradition in Bali, the Sekatenan tradition in Solo and many more.
However, as time goes by, traditions in Indonesia begin to lose their meaning. Many people
consider traditions to be just superstitions that don't need to be continued and passed of date.
However, if we look at its social meaning, this tradition has many benefits, including maintaining
the unity, strength and identity of our ancestors. Meanwhile, if today's traditions start to
disappear, then in the future generations, our children and grandchildren will not know how these
traditions are and the feeling of love for the Motherland will slowly start to fade.
So, we as Indonesian citizens who have many traditions, must preserve these traditions so that
they are not lost to time, by adding certain innovations that do not lose their original value so that
the potential of the traditions becomes more interesting and can evolve in this now highly
developed world. In this way, our country's cultural richness will continue to exist and can be a
source of inspiration, connection and unity for generations to come.
In conclusion, tradition is a powerful force that shapes our lives, binds us together, and enriches
our cultural tapestry. It is a source of strength, resilience, and identity. Let us cherish and
celebrate our traditions while also being mindful of their potential to evolve and adapt to the
needs of our ever-changing world. By doing so, we can ensure that our traditions continue to be a
source of inspiration, connection, and unity for generations to come. That's all my speech for
today thank you for your attention and I am sorry if there is any word or my behaviour that
unpleasing you all and to God I beg for forgiveness.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

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