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‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

‫ َو َع َلى َأِل ِه‬, ‫َسِّيِد َن ا ُم َح َّم ِد اْب ِن َع ْب ِد ِهللا‬, ‫َو الَّص َالُة َو الَّس َالُم َع َلى َر ُسْو ِل ِهللا‬, ‫َاْلَح ْم ُد ِهلل‬, ‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا‬
‫َاَّما َب ْع َدُه‬, ‫َو َص ْح ِبِه َو َم ْن َو اَلُه‬
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens,

Firstly, let’s thank unto our God Allah SWT. Who has given us mercies and blessings, so we can join
this competition, and also may Sholawat and Salam always be with to our prophet Muhammad SAW.

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that holds immense significance for our beloved nation,
Indonesia - Islam as a moderate religion. In a country where diverse cultures, religions, and traditions
converge, understanding and embracing a moderate interpretation of Islam is not just important; it is
vital to maintaining our harmonious coexistence and national unity.

Indonesia, often hailed as a model of religious tolerance, has a long-standing tradition of embracing
moderate Islam. Our nation's foundation is built upon the principles of "Pancasila," which
emphasizes social justice, unity in diversity, and respect for all faiths. This inclusive approach to
governance reflects the essence of a moderate interpretation of Islam.

Moderate Islam in Indonesia signifies a path that celebrates diversity and promotes coexistence. It
encourages dialogue between different religious communities, fostering understanding and empathy
among people of varying beliefs. This approach has enabled our nation to flourish as a tapestry of
cultures, where mosques, temples, churches, and other places of worship stand side by side,
symbolizing the unity that transcends religious boundaries.

Indonesia's moderate interpretation of Islam draws from the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad,
who advocated for compassion, humility, and respect for all. The principles of "gotong royong"
(cooperation) and "musyawarah" (consensus) are deeply ingrained in our culture, echoing the
Prophet's teachings of unity and cooperation among diverse communities.

Furthermore, the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika motto, which translates to "Unity in Diversity," encapsulates
the spirit of moderate Islam in Indonesia. It reflects the belief that despite our differences, we are
united by our shared humanity and common aspirations. This motto has guided us through
challenges, reminding us that our strength lies in our ability to stand together as one nation.

In today's global landscape, where extremist ideologies threaten peace and harmony, Indonesia's
commitment to moderate Islam serves as an inspiring example. By embracing this approach, we
uphold our national identity as a land of tolerance, where individuals of various faiths can thrive and
contribute to our collective progress.

As we celebrate Indonesia's rich diversity and the spirit of moderate Islam, let us continue to uphold
the values that have shaped our nation. Let us reject any form of extremism that seeks to divide us.
Instead, let us cultivate an environment where every citizen can practice their faith freely and live in

In conclusion, Indonesia's embrace of moderate Islam stands as a testament to our commitment to

building a just, harmonious, and united nation. Let us carry forward this legacy, remembering that
our diversity is our strength, and our unity is our foundation.

That’s all, thank you very much for your nice attention. The last I say,

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

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