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Sunny Coast Hotel & Resort | Barista Guide

General Information

• LRs can only train if no MRs are in the server.

• Only MRs and HRs can answer PTS requests.

• When training, grammar is not required for lower ranks.

• You may only use this guide, and not make your own.

• Make sure to keep track of trainees grammar strikes.

• If a trainee has passed, ask an HR to evaluate them.

Barista Host

• Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?

• As a Barista, you’re to hand food and drinks to guests.

• There are over 10 machines, and over 10 food assortments.

• If you’re caught spamming drinks or flinging them at people, you may get

• If they ask for a complicated order don’t hesitate to ask for help from another

HandTo Gui

• Press “H” on your keyboard if you are on PC, and “Hand To GUI” on the top of your
screen if you are using a mobile device like iPad or a mobile phone.

• Type the guests username into the long box that appears across your screen. You
may only say the first few words.

• For example; you press H. When using the GUI use the starter of their username.
For example, you can use “deli” instead of “delievqs”.

Trollers and Warnings.

• While working at the hotel behind the bar, you’ll encounter trollers, exploiters
and spammers.

• If you do see a troller, you ask them to stop only ONCE.

• If they continue, you start giving warnings.

• Trollers receive III warnings, while exploiters/hackers get none.

• The warnings format is: W I | (Type your username) | Abusing caps.

• When a troller reaches III warnings, you call for a MR+. Same goes to spammers.

Barista Helper Guide.

• That is all! Helper may now go to their trainee, good luck!

• Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?

• (If they do, please answer them politely)

• Alright, we can now begin. We will go over how to make most drinks. These will be
easy to begin with. (Include a test of approaching them.)

Greeting Guests.

• Alright, we will now be testing your greetings; we will then demonstrate an

exploit and trolling attack. You will be asked to follow the steps.

• When I come to you, have your greeting ready. You must present it to me as soon
as I turn to you.

• You can start when I come to you. (Correct their greeting if needed.)

Exploiting/Trolling Demonstration

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