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After loading the data from excel into power BI, to start modelling, select the following icon on the

The software will automatically show the link between the different sheets. From the Users sheet,
remove “column 3” and “column 4” as they contain no data. Same applies to “column 5 and 6” in
sheet1 and “column 28” on orders sheet.

Renamed sheet1 “Products”.

Click on the links between the sheets to open a form and change the cross-filter direction from single
to both. At first there will be no link between “orders” and “returns”. Click and drag the “order ID”
under “orders” to the one under “returns”. Also change the cross filter direction to both.

1. On the ribbon at the top, select “New Column” to create a new column. Go to that new column
now under “Data” select more options and select “new measure” on the list that appears and write
the formula “Total_Cost = Orders[Shipping Cost] + Orders[Total Amount]”

2. Select “New Column”. Go to that new column now under “Data” select more options and select
“new measure” on the list that appears and write the formula “Total_Cost_Vat =
Orders[Total_Cost] * 1.15”

3. Select “New Column”. Go to that new column now under “Data” select more options and select
“new measure” on the list that appears and write the formula “Profit% = Orders[Profit] /
Orders[Total_Cost]” This is because the figures demonstrated seem to have been derived from
dividing the profit by the total cost.


Report 1: Customer performance analysis

The count of customer ID and sum of sales by product category helps us the proportion of
our customers who tend to buy in each product category. This can with inventory purchases
and targeted marketing to individuals according to their interests. Small box is a leading
product container in nearly all the sub-categories, this means that there should be great
volumes of small boxes purchased. Count of customers and sum of sales by city indicates
that the products and sold to the South African market, and which city has more customers.

Report 2: Product Performance

The sum of sales by product category bar graph shows the sales quantity per product
category and technology sells more and on the left of the bar graph are actual numbers per
product category. The pie chart showing the sum of sales between periods indicates a big
reduction from 2015 to 2020. The sum of sales by product container and province shows which
provinces make the most sales and their product container, demonstrating the size of
products that sell the most.
Report 3: Sales Performance

The sum of profit by product category shows the proportion contribution by each category
towards the total profit. The sum of sales by city and province shows the total sales made
in each city and province. This shows what parts contributed to the huge decline in sales
from 2015 to 2020.

Report 4: Profit Report

Sum of profit by province and city show the provinces the business makes profits and losses in and
can help management direct attention. Sum of profit by product container shows the size of products
the profits the business makes mostly come from. Sum of profit per product category and sum of
profit base margin per product category profit made from each product category and base margin
per product category. Total Profit % margin shows the total margin made on the products sold in a

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