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❑ ​1​. Dirty Pairs: C. ½L ❑ ​25​. All Honor: E. L (K) ❑ ​47​. Xmas Cheer: E. 2L
xx​ ​zz​ ​bb​ ​oo​ ​yy​ ​aa​ ​cc ​(​DD​/​ww​ can be substituted)† 111​ ​999​ ​DDD​ ​www​ ​111​ (one a pair)† 222 555 ​DDD​ ​DDD​ ​DD
❑ ​2​. Clean Pairs: C. L ❑ ​26​. Heads & Tails: E. L (K) ❑ ​48​. Xmas Eve: E. 2L
xx zz bb oo yy aa cc (DD*/ww can be substituted) 111​ ​999​ ​111​ ​999​ {​111​/​999​} (one a pair)† xxx​ (1/5/7/9) ​zzz​ (2/3/4/6/8) ​DDD​ ​DDD​ ​DD
❑ ​3​. Heavenly Pairs: C. L ❑ ​27​. Unique Wonders: C. 2L ❑ ​49​. All Kong Hand: E. L
xx zz bb oo yy aa cc NEWS ​D​D​D​ ​1​1​1​ ​9​9​9​ {D*/w/​1​/​1​/​1​/​9​/​9​/​9​} xxxx zzzz bbbb oo {DDD*/www}
❑ ​4​. Honor Pairs: C. L ❑ ​28​. Windy Dragons: C. 2L
11​ ​99​ ​DD​ ​ww​ ​11​ ​99​ ​DD​† NN EE WW SS DDD ​DDD ❑ ​50​. Mah Jongg: 20 (K)
❑ ​5​. Knitting: C. L ❑ ​29​. Three Great Scholars: E. L {​xxx​/​xyz​} ​zzz​ ​bbb​ ​ooo​ ​yy​ (​DD​/​ww​ can be substituted)†
x​x​ z​z​ b​b​ o​o​ y​y​ a​a​ c​c DDD​ ​DDD​ ​DDD​ {xxx/xyz} {bb/ww} 4 of a kind
❑ ​6​. Windfall: C. L ❑ ​30​. Four Blessings: E. 2L Concealed Honors 32
xx zz bb oo yy NEWS NNN EEE WWW SSS xx Concealed #s 2-8 16
❑ ​7​. Dragon’s Breath: C. L ❑ ​31​. Gone with the Wind: E. 2L Exposed Honors 16
xx zz bb oo yy ​D​D​D ​D* NNN EEE WWW SSS DD Exposed #s 2-8 8
❑ ​8​. Dragonet: C. L ❑ ​32​. Windy Chows: C. ½L 3 of a kind
xx zz bb NEWS ​D​D​D ​{D*/w} xyz​ ​xyz​ ​xyz​ NEWS w Concealed Honors 8
❑ ​9​. Gertie’s Garter: C. L ❑ ​33​. Hachi-Ban: C. L Concealed #s 2-8 4
1​1​ 2​2​ 3​3​ 4​4​ 5​5​ 6​6​ 7​7 xzboyacp {​DD​ ​DD​ ​DD​/ww ww ww} Exposed Honors 4
❑ ​10​. Crochet: C. ½L ​45​. Triple East: E. 2L Exposed #s 2-8 2
x​x​x​ ​z​z​z​ ​b​b​b​ ​o​o​o​ y​y G​ATE​ H​ANDS Pair​ (only for Mah Jongg) 2
Flower 4
S​EQUENCE​ H​ANDS ❑ ​34​. Confused Gates: C. L
111 ​999​ ​2345678​ {​2​/​3​/​4​/​5​/​6​/​7​/​8​} (Add up and round score to ten’s place before multiplying for…)
❑ ​11​. Dragon’s Tail: C. L ❑ ​35​. True Gates: C. L Own Flower ×2
123456789 { DD*www/DDD*ww} 111 999 22 44 66 88 Round Flower ×2
❑ ​12​. News Hand: C. L ❑ ​36​. Dragon Gates: C. L Dragon Pung/Kong ×2
123456789 NEWS {w/1/9} DDD {111/999} 2345678 {2/3/4/5/6/7/8} Own Wind Pung/Kong ×2
❑ ​13​. Nine United Sons: C. 2L ❑ ​37​. Golden Gate: C. L Round Wind Pung/Kong ×2
2345678 111 999 {2/3/4/5/6/7/8} DDD {111/999} 22456688 Mah Jongg off the Flower Wall ×2
❑ ​14​. Five Odd Honors: C. L Clean​ (only one suit, with honors) ×2
123456789 & 5 different honors N​UMBER​ H​ANDS Pure​ (only one suit, no honors) ×8
❑ ​15​. Run, Pung, Pair: C. L
123456789 xxx zz ❑ ​38​. Up You Go: C. 2L
❑ ​16​. Seven Up: C. L 2 44 666 8888 NEWS
1234567 NEWS ​D​D​D ❑ ​39​. Down You Go: C. 2L
2222 444 66 8 NEWS K​EY
J​EWEL​ H​ANDS ❑ ​40​. Chop Suey: C. L
123​ ​123​ ​123​ NEWS w C. = concealed E. = exposed
❑ ​17​. Jade: E. L (K) ❑ ​41​. Chow Mein: C. L L = limit (500) (K) = Kongs acceptable for Pungs
222 333 444 666 888​ (one a pair) 789​ ​789​ ​789​ NEWS w D = dragon w = wind
❑ ​18​. All Pair Jade: C. L ❑ ​42​. Civil War: C. 2L
xx zz bb oo yy aa ​{​cc​/​DD​} 1861​ ​1865​ NNN SSS X​ = dots X​ = bams X​ = cracks
❑ ​19​. Imperial Jade: E. 2L (K) ❑ ​43​. Numbers Racket: E. 2L XXX​ = any one suit
xxx zzz bbb yyy DDD​ (one a pair) xxx​ ​xxx​ ​xxx​ {DDD ​DD​/www ww} X​X​ = any two suits
❑ ​20​. Ruby Jade: E. L ❑ ​44​. DBL. NO.: E. 2L X​X​X​ = using all three suits
DDD​ ​DDD​ ​xxx​ (1/5/7/9) ​zzz​ (2/3/4/6/8) {​xx​/​zz​} xxx ​xxx​ zzz ​zzz​ {DD*/ww} X​X​X​† = suits irrelevant
❑ ​21​. All Pair Ruby: C. L ❑ ​45​. Triple East: E. 2L
xx zz bb oo yy aa cc xxx​ ​zzz​ ​bbb​ EEE DD (​1​/​9​) xyz = numbers in sequence
❑ ​22​. Imperial Ruby: E. 2L (K) ❑ ​46​. Triple South: E. 2L xzboyacp = numbers irrelevant
111 555 777 999 DDD​ (one a pair) xxx​ ​zzz​ ​bbb​ SSS DD (​1​/​9​) 19DW = honors irrelevant
❑ ​23​. Ruby: E. L (K) D* = dragon does not need to match suit
222 333 444 888 DDD​ (one a pair) {…/…} = and one of
❑ ​24​. Pearl: E. L (K)
222 333 444 888 DDD​ (one a pair)

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