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I wish to breath, I really wish to live

These sores on my heart aches with a beat

These memories shatter my core with heavy teary scenes

These things are undone, left hanging hoked within the souls of its roots

This really hurt so much

I just wish to breath, to live but I am left with echoes that remind me that I am empty

That you left so cold

We met on a crack of destiny

A breath of a chance as love crossed stranger’s paths

Slowly a remedy of the tension was eased for the scales of balance

A hand that was given to hold, to guide, to care left an infant on a shore with night armour

A simple gift of words, nurtured with delicacy

Moments of bear hugs, warmth like sun graces on my soul

I was right, that was me, the real me but now I am desperate,

Desperate to escape this emptiness while she went hiding

This hole it is so deep, so bloody quite, so lonely, so dark

Hands are stretched out, please come back just this once

Swearing on ifs, that once now had went cold

Creatures’ inside my mind are thoughts that shun me, a culprit for your leavings

Please just let me live, I begging my love

I am pinned to the wall with moments you sank,

Tell me you thought of me !

Did it hurt?

You were freezing down there my love

I know

Please tell me you held up, waiting for my grasp yet I failed you
I am ashamed of your love, a stain I am,

A mark to be scrubbed away

How I wish to be baptised maybe this halo ache will lay me to rest

Sun light is cast away by the moon and it is gone cold.

No ray

You left me, she is still left behind

Quite and broken,

Alive yet desperate with questions on the handle

Why did you apologise like you knew your time has ticked

Five years old has come to a halt my darling

Legends are indeed liars, there is no happily ever after

If not, then you wouldn’t be the only one cold under while she is trapped and begging

Please let her go my Ray

I hate you


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