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Learning Activities

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: Ge Psy1a - Understanding the Self

Instructor: Ser Jamier L. Llego, LPT, MIT

Student Name: Christian Dave Morales

Course: BSIT

Year: 1st Year

Date Submitted:

ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space.


Date of Submission:

Rubric Used: Answering Reading Questions

Things to do:
1. Conduct an interview with a family member, a close friend, and someone you just met
(a classmate).
2. Using the OCEAN question guide, ask each of them the same item under the scenario
3. The objective of the activity is to capture their impression or how they see you in every
4. Use the template in Google Docs for encoding the data gathered
5. Make a copy and rename the file to <LAST NAME> OCEAN.
6. Invalid file name will be marked zero.
7. After completing the worksheet, change the restrictions to Viewer and copy the link of
the file.
8. Post the link of the Google Docs worksheet on VLE.
9. Answer this question: Is there any differences in how each person answered the
scenarios or questions? Please justify the answer.

A Family Member A Friend A New Friend

<Fe Gracia Gamorot> <Full Name> <Gian Louise Bueno>

Openness The appreciation in the work

of art is a little bit good but the
no because you don’t know confidence and persistence of no, because you have no
Appreciating art
how to do that. the art was always there. talent for that.

You will always try or risk

some new ideas for the
betterment of yourself and Yes, because you're
Yes, because you are easy to
Appreciating new or different ideas come up with new things. accepting any ideas for other
talk to.

You always accept others'

perspective of values that
yes, because you tend to they really have so you can
Yes, because you’re good at
Acknowledging other values splurge on all your new adjust and acknowledge it.
keeping a valuable things

Understanding the feelings of others sometimes yes and As a friend you always not sure but yes, i see it when
sometimes you don’t accept the flaws or the i’m with you.
understand other people. problems that they have been
encountered and understand
the feelings that I was being
to express to you.

You always give an

impression to those behaviors
yes, because you know how Yes, because I saw how other
Understanding the behaviors of others that you actually feel that are
to respect other people people you understand.
really bad or good that will
affect others and yourself.

Conscientiousness Yes you always take care of

no, because you don’t always yourself first and then the i think yes, because you
Being careful
take care of yourself others who are part of your always saying us to careful

You're not always on time on

It depends on the time those appointments because
yes, because you are always
because you always wake up you have some priorities but
On-time with appointments on time or early for any
late but sometimes you wake you're making it balanced so
up early. that it can't affect the future
self you have.

Following rules or instructions yes, because you will follow i think yes, because you
everything i ordered you. always follow the instructions
You are always following the
like doing the VLE activities.
rules and your not trying to be
deviant( or badlungon) and
crossing the lines to those
rules also the given
instructions are always there
in your mind and being aiming
for that.
Before you just wanted the
yes, because you won’t ask if word "this is all right and I
you’re going to say anything, i accept it" but now you are Yes, because you are both
Being hardworking
just always see you willingly always trying to risk studying and working.
doing hard work. everything and try to be
challenged on anything.

Extraversion You're more of a listener than

a talkative person because
you feel like listening to others
is very very important but Yes, because you have a lot
Yes, because you are so very
Being talkative you're making a way to be of topics and for that I always
annoying in my house.
talkative sometimes. spend my time talking to you.

Since before you're always a

Yes, because you are a sociable person and you have Yes, because you have a lot
Being sociable
friendly man. many friends like any gender of friends that I see.
to accept them.

As myself you always enjoy

accompanying others
Yes, Everytime i'm with you I
Enjoying others company it depends on your mood because it can build so much
always enjoy it..
trust, friendship and
memories to each other.

Tendency to have a dominant style no, because you're Your not quite dominant style No, because you’re a simple
comfortable with what you but you try to become 1 to man that I see.
have. those parts that really need to
be improved or need some
adjustments in a group, team
or friends.

I barely disagree because

you always accept others'
opinions and choices but you
have to try your own opinion,
not because you have good suggestions and even choices
Tendency to agree and go along with
opinions and you always that will make our group, team Yes, because you agreed with
Agreeableness others rather than to assert one's own
suggest them to follow your and also friends to get along what they suggested.
opinions and choices
suggestion for other people. with trying new things that we
never tried before.

You're not a low temper or too

sensitive, but your reaction
The tendency to frequently experience
will be reacted to those
negative emotions such as anger, worry, Yes, because I always see I think no because I see
Neuroticism specific problems or situations
and sadness, as well as being you changing your behavior you're always happy.
being encountered that really
interpersonally sensitive
need to use some emotions
or your personal reactions.

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