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高二 L5

1. ( )The man ____________ out of nowhere and robbed the old lady before she could shout for help.
(A) stunned (B) appeared (C) boasted (D) blossomed
解答 B
解析 這個男人不知道從哪冒出來,在老婦人尖叫求救前搶劫她。 (A)使……驚訝 (B)出現 (C)
炫耀 (D)開花
2. ( )All members of the audience were really attracted by the ____________ movements of the ballet
dancer. (A) historic (B) leisurely (C) literary (D) graceful
解答 D
解析 所有的觀眾確實都被這位芭蕾舞者優雅的動作所吸引。 (A)歷史的 (B)悠閒的 (C)文學的
3. ( )In order to afford a house in Taipei, Brian is working day and night, so he doesn’t have time for any
____________ activities. (A) breathtaking (B) instrumental (C) historic (D) leisure
解答 D
解析 為了在臺北買一間房子,Brian 日夜工作,所以他沒有時間從事任何休閒活動。 (A)極為美
麗的 (B)樂器的 (C)歷史悠久的 (D)休閒
4. ( )At the front ____________ of the theater stands a life-sized cardboard cutout of the superstar, Tom
Cruise. (A) entrance (B) blossom (C) appearance (D) destination
解答 A
解析 在戲院的前門立著一個巨星湯姆.克魯斯真人大小的人形立牌。 (A)入口 (B)花朵 (C)
外貌 (D)目的地
5. ( )Taipei 101 is no doubt the ____________ of Taipei. It attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists
every year. (A) capital (B) landmark (C) entrance (D) literature
解答 B
解析 臺北 101 無疑是臺北的地標。它每年吸引數十萬的遊客。 (A)首都 (B)地標 (C)入口 (D)
6. ( )This restaurant ____________ delicious food, good service, and a romantic atmosphere. (A)
appears (B) stuns (C) boasts (D) blossoms
解答 C
解析 這間餐廳標榜美食、優質服務和浪漫的氣氛。 (A)出現 (B)使……驚訝 (C)擁有;標榜 (D)
7. ( )Despite feeling disappointed, the badminton player accepted the defeat with ____________. (A)
grace (B) leisure (C) capital (D) splendor
解答 A
解析 儘管覺得失望,這名羽球選手有風度地接受失敗。 (A)優雅 (B)休閒 (C)首都 (D)壯觀
8. ( )The news that Kobe Bryant had died in a plane crash ____________ basketball fans all over the
world. (A) appeared (B) boasted (C) stunned (D) mocked
解答 C
解析 Kobe Bryant 死於墜機的消息使全世界的籃球迷驚訝。 (A)出現 (B)炫耀 (C)使……驚訝
9. ( )It is so romantic to sit under a cherry tree in ____________, chatting and enjoying some snacks and
drinks with friends. (A) splendor (B) blossom (C) appearance (D) instrument
解答 B
解析 和朋友一起坐在盛開櫻花的樹下聊天、享受一些點心飲料,真是浪漫。 (A)壯麗 (B)花開
(C)外貌 (D)樂器

10. ( )Younger audiences are advised not to watch this video, as they may not be able to make a clear
____________ between fact and fiction. (A) distinction (B) appearance (C) landmark (D)
解答 A
解析 年紀較小的觀眾不被建議觀看這部影片,因為他們可能無法清楚區分事實與虛構。 (A)區
別 (B)外表 (C)地標 (D)樂器
11. ( )Without enough start-up ____________, Kevin has no choice but to delay his plan to start his own
business. (A) delicacy (B) grace (C) capital (D) entrance
解答 C
解析 沒有足夠的創業基金,Kevin 別無選擇只能推遲他創立自己事業的計劃。 (A)纖細 (B)優
雅 (C)資金 (D)入口
12. ( )Tourists visiting Spain shouldn’t miss the chance to take a good look at Gaudi’s ____________ La
Sagrada Familia. (A) magnificent (B) deliberate (C) instrumental (D) previous
解答 A
解析 造訪西班牙的遊客不該錯過好好欣賞由高第設計的壯觀的聖家堂這個機會。 (A)壯觀的
(B)有意的 (C)樂器的 (D)之前的
13. ( )As the saying goes, “Don’t judge a person by his or her ____________.” It means our mind is more
important than our looks. (A) literature (B) instrument (C) splendor (D) appearance
解答 D
解析 正如諺語所說: 「不要以貌取人。」意思就是我們的心智比我們的外貌更重要。 (A)文學 (B)
樂器 (C)壯麗 (D)外貌
14. ( )A violent typhoon caused our flight to Paris to be canceled. We were delayed for more than ten
hours before we finally arrived at our ____________. (A) capital (B) entrance (C) destination
(D) literature
解答 C
解析 強烈的颱風造成我們前往巴黎的班機被取消。在我們最終抵達目的地之前,我們已經被延誤
了超過 10 小時。 (A)首都 (B)入口 (C)目的地 (D)文學
15. ( )To everyone’s surprise, it was revealed that the ____________ photos had been taken with
smartphones. (A) generous (B) inevitable (C) deliberate (D) stunning
解答 D
解析 令大家驚訝的是,據透露這些撼動人心的照片是用智慧型手機拍攝的。 (A)慷慨的 (B)不
可避免的 (C)故意的 (D)撼動人心的
16. ( )Of all the works of classical Chinese ____________, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is my favorite.
(A) destination (B) literature (C) instrument (D) appearance
解答 B
解析 在所有經典中國文學作品中, 《三國演義》是我的最愛。 (A)目的地 (B)文學 (C)樂器 (D)
17. ( )Louis is a very____________ person; he always thinks twice before he takes action. (A) leisurely
(B) deliberate (C) distinctive (D) breathtaking
解答 B
解析 Louis 是個非常謹慎的人;他在採取行動之前總是再三考慮。 (A)悠閒的 (B)細心謹慎的
(C)獨特的 (D)驚人的
18. ( )Jazz singer Louis Armstrong had such a(n) ____________ way of singing that most people can
easily identify his voice. (A) constructive (B) deliberate (C) instrumental (D) distinctive
解答 D
解析 爵士樂歌手 Louis Armstrong 有如此獨特的唱歌方式以致於大部分的人可以輕易地辨識他的
聲音。 (A)有建設性的 (B)故意的 (C)樂器的 (D)獨特的

19. ( )I will never forget my first experience of seeing Niagara Falls. The sight and thundering sound of its
powerful rushing water were truly ____________. (A) delicate (B) leisurely (C) breathtaking
(D) graceful
解答 C
解析 我永不會忘記初見尼加拉大瀑布的情景。它震耳欲聾的聲音和磅薄的水流真是驚人。 (A)
精美的 (B)悠閒的 (C)驚人的 (D)優雅的
20. ( )It takes not only talent but also years of practice to master a musical ____________. (A) leisure
(B) instrument (C) grace (D) distinction
解答 B
解析 要精通一種樂器,不但需要天分還要有數年的練習。 (A)悠閒 (B)樂器 (C)優雅 (D)差

21. ( )On my birthday, I received a very ____________ doll, which was carefully handmade by my best
friend, Julia. (A) delicate (B) historic (C) leisurely (D) previous
解答 A
解析 我生日當天收到一個非常精美的娃娃,那是我最好的朋友 Julia 細心手工打造的。 (A)精美
的 (B)歷史的 (C)悠閒的 (D)先前的
22. ( )Mount Fuji is Japan’s No. 1 tourist attraction. Its ____________ scenery never fails to impress
anyone who goes there. (A) historical (B) previous (C) splendid (D) deliberate
解答 C
解析 富士山是日本第一名的旅遊景點。它壯觀的景色從不會讓去到那裡的人失望。 (A)歷史的
(B)之前的 (C)壯觀的 (D)小心翼翼的
23. ( )It was a ____________ occasion when Barack Obama became the first black president of the US in
2009. (A) previous (B) historic (C) stunning (D) delicate
解答 B
解析 當歐巴馬在 2009 年成為美國第一位黑人總統時,那是歷史性的場合。 (A)之前的 (B)具歷
史意義的 (C)驚人的 (D)精美的
24. ( )The recently opened fitness center was ____________ a flagship bookstore, which shut down earlier
this year as online shopping took off. (A) stunningly (B) distinctively (C) previously (D)
解答 C
解析 這間最近開幕的健身中心先前是間旗艦書局;因網路購物興起,書店今年稍早結束營業。 (A)
驚人地 (B)獨特地 (C)先前地 (D)壯觀地
25. ( )After breakfast, the couple took a ____________ walk along the path, taking in the smell of freshly
cut grass. (A) literary (B) leisurely (C) historical (D) deliberate
解答 B
解析 吃完早餐後,這對夫婦沿著小徑悠閒地散步,聞著剛割草過後的味道。 (A)文學的 (B)悠
閒的 (C)歷史的 (D)故意的
26. ( )Metaphors and similes are two of the most common ____________ devices used by writers to
express their ideas. (A) previous (B) splendid (C) leisurely (D) literary
解答 D
解析 暗喻和明喻是作家們用來表達他們想法最常見的兩種文學技巧。 (A)之前的 (B)壯觀的
(C)悠閒的 (D)文學的
27. ( )The twin brothers look very much alike, but the nail-sized birthmark on the little one’s right cheek
makes for a ____________ difference. (A) delicate (B) splendid (C) distinct (D) deliberate
解答 C
解析 這對雙胞胎長得超像,但在弟弟右臉頰上指甲大小的胎記是明顯的差異。 (A)精緻的 (B)
壯麗的 (C)明顯的 (D)小心翼翼的

28. ( )As I gazed upon the ____________ of the Grand Canyon, I couldn’t help feeling how small human
beings are within the vastness of Nature. (A) splendor (B) instrument (C) literature (D)
解答 A
解析 當我凝望著大峽谷的壯麗時,我不禁覺得置身於大自然的廣袤無邊,人類是多麼地渺小。 (A)
壯麗 (B)樂器 (C)文學 (D)目的地
29. ( )The ____________ of the lace wedding gown caught the eye of the bride-to-be. She tried it on and
knew this was the one for her. (A) destination (B) delicacy (C) leisure (D) blossom
解答 B
解析 這件精美的蕾絲婚紗吸引這位準新娘的目光;她試穿後知道,她要的就是這件。 (A)目的
地 (B)精美 (C)休閒 (D)開花
30. ( )Viewers can’t wait to watch the next season because they are having a hard time guessing who the
real murderer is based on the ____________ episodes of the drama. (A) graceful (B) splendid
(C) previous (D) literary
解答 C
解析 觀眾們等不及看下一季,因為他們根據這齣戲的前幾集很難猜測誰是真正的凶手。 (A)優
雅的 (B)壯觀的 (C)之前的 (D)文學的

1. ____________________ The model is popular because of her high EQ and g____________l manners.
Besides, she is always humble.
解答 graceful
解析 這位模特兒很受歡迎是因為她的高 EQ 和優雅的舉止。此外,她總是很謙虛。
2. ____________________ I will meet you at noon tomorrow at the front e____________e to the department
store. See you then!
解答 entrance
解析 我明天中午會在百貨公司前門入口和你見面。到時候見!
3. ____________________ Although this actor is far from being handsome, his d____________e acting style
sets him apart and has made him a superstar.
解答 distinctive
解析 雖然這個男演員遠遠稱不上帥,但他獨特的演技讓他與眾不同並成為超級巨星。
4. ____________________ Don’t judge a person by his or her a____________e. What truly counts is a
person’s attitude and ability.
解答 appearance
解析 不要以貌取人。真正重要的是一個人的態度與能力。
5. ____________________ Travelers all around the world love to visit Bangkok, the c____________l of
解答 capital
解析 世界各地的遊客喜歡拜訪泰國的首都──曼谷。
6. ____________________ Even the crowds and people selling souvenirs can’t distract me from the
s____________r of the waterfall.
解答 splendor
解析 即使人群和販賣紀念品的人們也不能讓我從瀑布的壯麗中分心。
7. ____________________ In my grandfather’s garden, you can see many colorful b____________ms. People
love to take pictures there.
解答 blossoms
解析 在我爺爺的花園裡,你可以看到很多色彩繽紛的花朵。人們喜歡在那裡照相。

8. ____________________ Among all the authors of English l____________e, Charlotte Brontë is my
解答 literature
解析 在所有英國文學的作者當中,我最喜歡 Charlotte Brontë。
9. ____________________ The view from the observatory deck of Seoul Sky is truly b____________g. No
wonder it is so popular.
解答 breathtaking
解析 從首爾樂天世界塔的觀景臺看到的景色實在太美了。難怪它很受歡迎。
10. ____________________ The beauty and g____________e of figure skating makes it my favorite event in
the Winter Olympics.
解答 grace
解析 花式滑冰的美麗與優雅使其成為我在冬季奧運中最喜歡的賽事。
11. ____________________ Seoul Tower, which features amazing night scenes, is the most famous
l____________k in Seoul, South Korea. Many couples love to spend a romantic
evening there.
解答 landmark
解析 首爾塔以令人驚奇的夜景為特色,是位於南韓首爾最著名的地標。很多情侶喜歡在那裡度過
12. ____________________ When asked what I do mostly during my l____________e time, I always answer,
“Doze off on the sofa.”
解答 leisure
解析 當被問到我閒暇時大多在做什麼時,我總是回答:「在沙發上打瞌睡。」
13. ____________________ Night markets in Taiwan b____________t a wide variety of snacks and drinks.
Hungry visitors will surely eat and drink to their heart’s content.
解答 boast
解析 臺灣的夜市以各式各樣的點心及飲料為傲。飢餓的拜訪者一定會吃喝到心滿意足的地步。
14. ____________________ New York is seen as the financial c____________l of the world. Many
international companies set up their headquarters there.
解答 capital
解析 紐約被認為是全世界的金融中心。許多國際公司將它們的總部設在那裡。
15. ____________________ I was really mad at Mat because he had stood me up again. I had waited for him at
the station for hours, but he never a____________red.
解答 appeared
解析 我真的很氣 Mat 因為他又放我鴿子。我已經在車站等他數小時,但他沒有出現。
16. ____________________ Few people like to spend time with Mr. Lee because he always b____________ts
about his wealth and his education background.
解答 boasts
解析 少有人喜歡花時間和李先生在一起,因為他總是誇耀他的財富與教育背景。
17. ____________________ The little girl was so attracted to the d____________e Barbie doll that she begged
her mother to buy her one.
解答 delicate
解析 這個小女孩是如此受此精美的芭比娃娃所吸引,以致於她央求她媽媽買一個給她。
18. ____________________ Mark Twain is seen as one of the masters of American l____________e. His novel
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been translated into many languages.
解答 literature
解析 馬克.吐溫被視為美國文學的大師之一。他的小說《湯姆歷險記》已被翻譯成許多種語言。
19. ____________________ Amy’s presentation truly s____________ned her boss as she was able to come up
with the excellent business plan overnight.
解答 stunned

解析 Amy 的報告真的讓她的老闆印象深刻,因為她能夠在一夜之間想出極好的商業方案。
20. ____________________ The security guards will check every person at the e____________e to the concert
hall for safety’s sake.
解答 entrance
解析 為了安全起見,警衛會在音樂廳入口檢查每個人。
21. ____________________ Years wrinkled Tom’s skin and changed his a____________e; however, time has
also made him a man of wisdom.
解答 appearance
解析 歲月弄皺了 Tom 的皮膚並且改變了他的外觀;然而,時間也讓他成為一個有智慧的人。
22. ____________________ It is safe to say that washing machines were a s____________d invention for they
can save people a lot of trouble doing the laundry.
解答 splendid
解析 可以肯定的說,洗衣機的發明真是太棒了,因為它們可以省去人們許多洗衣服的麻煩。
23. ____________________ Developing the app was a team effort. Sara did the programming and Zac
provided the c____________l needed to set everything up.
解答 capital
解析 開發應用程式是團隊的努力。Sara 做程式設計而 Zac 提供一切設置所需的資金。
24. ____________________ Shampoo and natural soap just for babies are free from chemicals, so they won’t
hurt the d____________y of babies’ skin.
解答 delicacy
解析 小寶寶專用的洗髮精和天然皂不含化學藥劑,所以它們不會傷害小寶寶纖細的肌膚。
25. ____________________ Most people choose big cities like New York, Paris, or Tokyo as their
d____________ns, while I prefer places that are off the beaten path to avoid the
hustle and bustle.
解答 destinations
解析 大部分的人選擇像是紐約、巴黎或是東京作為他們的旅行目的地,但我則偏愛人煙罕至的地
26. ____________________ Before the choir’s first song, the school band played a beautiful i____________l
piece without them.
解答 instrumental
解析 在合唱團演唱第一首歌前,學校樂團演奏的一支優美的器樂曲。
27. ____________________ The famous story of “The Tortoise and the Hare” teaches us that a steady,
d____________e pace is better than a fast and careless one.
解答 deliberate
解析 著名的〈龜兔賽跑〉故事教導我們穩定且小心翼翼的步伐比快速且粗心的步伐更好。
28. ____________________ This bus tour visits all of the city’s major l____________ks, so it’s a great choice
for tourists who want to see the sights quickly.
解答 landmarks
解析 這次巴士之旅拜訪了所有城市的主要地標,所以對於想快速觀看景色的遊客而言是個很好的

1. Nancy 出眾的身高讓她在人群中很顯眼。
Nancy’s exceptional height makes her ①____________ ②____________ in a group of people.
解答 ①stand ②out
解析 exceptional adj. 出眾的;stand out 顯眼
2. 無論宗教或性別,每個人應該要有受教育的平等管道。
①____________ ②____________ religion or gender, everyone should have equal access to education.

解答 ①Regardless ②of
解析 regardless of 儘管,無論
3. 這本小說的主題是關於斯德哥爾摩症候群──一種被害人愛上她的綁架者的狀況。
The novel is about Stockholm syndrome—a condition where the victim ①____________ ②____________
③____________④____________ her kidnapper.
解答 ①falls ②in ③love ④with
解析 fall in love with 愛上
4. 由於他的頭髮染成藍色,Tim 在班級照中比所有其他學生顯眼。
With his hair dyed blue, Tim ①____________ ②____________ from all the other students in the class
解答 ①stands ②out
解析 dye vt. 染;stand out 顯眼
5. 時間和經驗可以是最棒的老師。他們可以將我們從粗魯無知的人轉變成有禮貌且成熟的人。
Time and experience can be the best teachers. They can ①____________ us from rude and ignorant people
②____________ polite and mature ones.
解答 ①turn ②into
解析 turn...into...(把……)變為……;ignorant adj. 無知的
6. 這位深思熟慮的編輯答應所有作者說,他絕不會沒有先和他們談過就修改任何句子。
The thoughtful editor promised all authors that he would ①n____________ make any changes to their
sentences ②____________ ③____________ with them first.
解答 ①never ②without ③speaking
解析 thoughtful adj. 深思熟慮的;never...without N/V-ing 為雙重否定。此處有「強調」的意味,強
7. 沒去拜訪大都會博物館的話,到紐約的旅行就不算完整。它貯藏的世界級藝術收藏終年都能使觀光客
A trip to New York is ①____________ complete ②____________ ③____________ the Metropolitan
Museum. The world-class collection of art it houses delights tourists throughout the year.
解答 ①not||never ②without ③visiting
解析 not/never...without N/V-ing 為雙重否定,此處有「強調」的意味,強調某行為的必要性
8. 澳洲的野火已經奪走許多野生動物的生命。受傷的動物可被見到虛弱地躺在路邊,等待救援。
The wildfires in Australia have killed a lot of wildlife. Wounded animals ①____________ ②
____________ ③____________ lying weakly by the side of the road, waiting for rescue.
解答 ①can ②be ③seen
解析 be seen + V-ing 表當下某事進行的過程中被看見
9. 如果你發現自己在森林中與一隻熊面對面,冷靜地向後退。
If you ever find yourself ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ with a bear in the woods,
calmly back away.
解答 ①face ②to ③face
解析 face to face 面對面

1. From the cherry trees of spring to the red leaves of autumn, Kyoto has the power to attract tourists all
year round. Kyoto __(1)__ many famous gardens and temples. Probably the city’s most famous temple is
Kinkaku-ji, a(n) __(2)__ gold-covered structure. On sunny days, the pond next to Kinkaku-ji provides a
perfect mirror image of the temple.
Another feature of Kyoto that __(3)__ is the city’s geishas. Geishas are women specially trained in
performing arts such as music and dance. A geisha must master the kyomai dance, one __(4)__ to slow music
and __(4)__ to express deep emotion. The kyomai dance truly sums up Kyoto’s charming mixture of

traditional culture and natural beauty.
In summary, no trip to Japan is complete __(5)__ spending at least a few days in Kyoto. This magical
city is sure to leave you with a new-found respect for Japanese culture.
( )(1) (A) is famous as (B) ends up with (C) is crowned with (D) is filled with
( )(2) (A) deliberate (B) magnificent (C) leisurely (D) instrumental
( )(3) (A) turns into (B) leads up to (C) stands out (D) sets on fire
( )(4) (A) performed; designed (B) performing; designing (C) performed; designing (D)
performing; designed
( )(5) (A) with (B) without (C) apart from (D) of
解答 (1)D (2)B (3)C (4)A (5)B
解析 (1) (A)以某身分出名 (B)最後…… (C)加頂於;覆蓋……的頂部 (D)充滿
(2)(A)(動作等)小心翼翼的 (B)壯麗的;雄偉的 (C)悠閒的 (D)樂器的
(3)(A)轉變成 (B)一路通往 (C)顯眼 (D)對……縱火
(4)此題測驗分詞片語的用法,原句為...the kyomai dance, one that is performed...and is designed
to express....,省略關代 that 和 be 動詞後,僅保留過去分詞 performed 和 designed
(5)本題考 no...without...雙重否定句型,強調某行為的必要性。在此強調須花費一些時間駐足
2. Have you spent any time in Japan? If so, you __(1)__ have noticed people bowing there. Japanese
people __(2)__ for a range of purposes, including greeting someone, expressing gratitude, and apologizing.
Although bowing is a __(3)__ custom in Japan, it remains an important part of the country’s culture
today. Moreover, what many non-Japanese people may not know is that there are a variety of ways to bow,
and the ability to bow appropriately in any given situation is considered a vital aspect of being an adult. In
fact, many Japanese companies train their employees in how to bow upon coming __(4)__ with important
business partners.
Bowing can be divided into two types: bowing while standing and bowing while kneeling. __(5)__,
many subtypes involving one’s bowing angle and hand position also exist, and are adopted depending on
factors such
as the context of the gesture and the social status of the person bowing and the one being bowed to. Whether
one is a man or a woman can also determine that person’s bowing styles.
( )(1) (A) are possible to (B) are likely to (C) are about to (D) are going to
( )(2) (A) are seen bow (B) are seen bowed (C) are seen bowing (D) are seen to bowing
( )(3) (A) historic (B) stunning (C) graceful (D) deliberate
( )(4) (A) hand in hand (B) heart to heart (C) face to face (D) an eye for an eye
( )(5) (A) However (B) Therefore (C) While (D) Instead
解答 (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)A
解析 (1) be possible to 和 be likely to 均有「可能」的意思,差別在於前者不直接修飾人,而是多以
虛主詞 it 開頭,如 It is possible for sb. + to V,而 be likely to 用於修飾人或事物均可,故為本
題答案。be about to 和 be going to 均有「即將做某事」的意思,但 be about to 較為口語
(2)be seen V-ing/to VR 為感官動詞被動句型。接現在分詞表示該動作發生的「當下」被看到,
接不定詞表示做某事的「完整過程」都被看到。本題只有 are seen bowing 符合句型要求
(3)(A)歷史悠久的 (B)撼動人心的 (C)優美的 (D)(動作等)小心翼翼的
(4)(A)手牽手 (B)坦承親切地交談 (C)面對面 (D)以眼還眼
(5)前句指出主要的兩種鞠躬方式包含站著鞠躬和屈膝鞠躬兩種,但後句 subtype 一詞,表示
應選 however。 (A)然而 (B)因此 (C)在……的時候 (D)代替
3. Planning a trip to Japan? If so, __(1)__ planning your trip, consider learning about some of this
country’s customs. Here are a few to get you started.
1. Making slurping* sounds while eating noodles won’t make you __(2)__. In fact, doing so is considered
polite! For people from Western countries, this custom may take some getting used to, but rest assured the
locals will appreciate your following it.
2. Fold your kimono or yukata left over right. For Japanese people, wearing these clothing items involves
__(3)__ many rules. If you’re a visitor, this one rule is the most important because folding right over left is

reserved for funerals.
3. Far from mastering appropriate chopstick use, some visitors don’t feel at home eating __(4)__ a knife and
fork in hand. Therefore, as with the kimono rule, try to remember just this one custom: Don’t stand your
chopsticks up in your food; this too is appropriate only at funerals.
We hope these tips help you upon reaching your __(5)__: Japan. Finally, the most important rule of all:
Have a great trip!
註:slurp (喝東西)發出的聲音
( )(1) (A) rather than (B) regardless of (C) apart from (D) except for
( )(2) (A) step in (B) stand out (C) set aside (D) set out
( )(3) (A) follow (B) followed (C) following (D) to following
( )(4) (A) with (B) by (C) within (D) without
( )(5) (A) capital (B) literature (C) instrument (D) destination
解答 (1)C (2)B (3)C (4)D (5)D
解析 (1) (A)而不是 (B)不管 (C)除了……之外還有…… (D)排除……之外,其他都……
(2)(A)居間調停 (B)顯眼 (C)擱置 (D)出發
(3)此處考 involve 用法,後面動作須接動名詞,故為 following
(4)本題考 no...without...雙重否定句型,在此強調用刀叉吃飯的必要性。故選 without 才符合
(5)(A)首都 (B)文學 (C)樂器 (D)目的地
4. Japan has many unique cultural features. For example, you may be surprised by the number of rules
related to shoes that local people can __(1)__. Specifically, there are clear expectations about when to
remove one’s outdoor shoes; doing so is not only important when visiting someone’s home but also expected
at many public places.
If you’re not sure __(2)__ to remove your outdoor shoes, keeping this one simple rule in mind should
help: shoes should only be worn as far as the first step into the house. The genkan* is a building or room’s
__(3)__ section. Usually, a genkan __(4)__ people’s shoes and ends with a single raised step that signals the
beginning of the main part of the building in question*. Remember to remove your outdoor shoes before you
walk onto this raised step. __(5)__, Japanese people will expect you to turn your shoes around to face back
toward the door. Of course, there are other related rules that Japanese people keep to, but they will no doubt
appreciate it if you just follow the simple steps mentioned above.
註:genkan 玄關 in question 討論(或議論)中的
( )(1) (A) be seen follow (B) be seen being follow (C) be seen following (D) be seen followed
( )(2) (A) when (B) what (C) why (D) where
( )(3) (A) landmark (B) appearance (C) destination (D) entrance
( )(4) (A) is involved in (B) is turned into (C) is filled with (D) is crowned with
( )(5) (A) Therefore (B) Then (C) On the contrary (D) Previously
解答 (1)C (2)A (3)D (4)C (5)B
解析 (1) be seen V-ing/to VR 為感官動詞被動句型。接現在分詞表示該動作發生的「當下」被看到,
接不定詞表示做某事的「完整過程」都被看到。本題只有 be seen following 符合句型要求
(2)本句說明何時該脫鞋的原則,依句意應選 when
(3)(A)地標 (B)外表 (C)目的地 (D)入口
(4)(A)牽涉 (B)轉變成 (C)充滿 (D)以……作為冠冕
兩句並無因果關係,故 therefore 不合,兩句也無對比關係,故 on the contrary 不合。previously
意為「先前地」語意不合。在此只有用於表示順序的 then 最為合適。 (A)因此 (B)然後 (C)
相反地 (D)先前地
5. Japan’s fascinating culture is shown through various elements. One example that __(1)__ is the
country’s many Shinto shrines. Let’s take a look at the Shinto religion and how Japanese people use Shinto
shrines for prayer.
According to the statistics*, Shinto is Japan’s most popular religion and dates back as far as the third
century BC. Its central theme is the existence of god-like creatures called kami. __(2)__ to live inside all
worldly objects, these creatures are worshipped* by Shinto followers. A Shinto shrine can be recognized by

its torii*, a gate-like statue that serves as the shrine’s __(3)__. A trip to southwestern Japan is __(4)__ a visit
to Japan’s most famous torii. This __(5)__ statue rises out of the water next to Miyajima, a small island in
__(6)__ being visually stunning, a torii separates the human world from the divine world. Therefore,
people who visit Shinto shrines bow when walking through the torii and __(7)__ wash their hands and mouth
in a special fountain.
At the shrine itself, people __(8)__ by some steps. First, place some money in the red box __(9)__;
second, ring the bell; next, bow and clap your hands twice each; finally, sit silently for a brief moment and
then bow again. If you visit a Shinto shrine, be sure to __(10)__ these steps. Doing so makes the kami happy.
註:statistics 統計資料 worship 崇拜 torii 鳥居
( )(1) (A) turns out (B) ends up (C) stands out (D) makes up
( )(2) (A) Believing (B) Believe (C) To believe (D) Believed
( )(3) (A) capital (B) entrance (C) literature (D) instrument
( )(4) (A) always complete without (B) never completed with (C) never complete without (D)
always completed with
( )(5) (A) previous (B) breathtaking (C) leisurely (D) literary
( )(6) (A) Except for (B) In spite of (C) As a result of (D) Apart from
( )(7) (A) then (B) therefore (C) otherwise (D) instead
( )(8) (A) are seen pray (B) are seen prayed (C) are seen praying (D) are seen be praying
( )(9) (A) providing (B) provide (C) provided (D) that providing
( )(10) (A) spend some time follow (B) spend some time to follow (C) spend some time
following (D) spend some time be following
解答 (1)C (2)D (3)B (4)C (5)B (6)D (7)A (8)C (9)C (10)C
解析 (1) (A)結果是(出乎意料) (B)最後落的……的下場 (C)顯眼 (D)組成
改為現在分詞,被動改為過去分詞。本題前後句的主詞均為 these creatures,且神應是「被
認為」存在於所有世俗的物體中,故選 Believed
(3)(A)首都 (B)入口 (C)文學 (D)樂器
(4)本題考 never...without...雙重否定句型,用於強調參觀鳥居對日本之行的重要性。故選
(5)(A)先前的 (B)驚人的;極為美麗的 (C)悠閒的 (D)文學的
(6)(A)排除……之外,其他都…… (B)儘管 (C)後果;結果 (D)除了……之外還有……
(7)(A)然後 (B)因此 (C)否則 (D)代替
(8)be seen V-ing/to VR 為感官動詞被動句型。接現在分詞表示該動作發生的「當下」被看到,
接不定詞表示做某事的「完整過程」都被看到。本題只有 are seen praying 符合句型要求
(9)此題測驗分詞片語的用法,原句為 some money in the box which/that is provided,省
略關代 which/that 和 be 動詞後,僅保留過去分詞 provided
(10) 本題考 spend + 時間 + V-ing 的用法,表示花費時間做某事。後面動作僅能接現在分
詞,故選 spend some time following
6. Attending a traditional tea ceremony is a unique Japanese experience. Many places in Japan now offer
English-language tea ceremony experiences to enable overseas visitors to __(1)__ this tradition.
__(2)__ where you’re from, remember that good manners are important during tea ceremonies. One
must abide* by a number of __(3)__ rules in order to appear polite. First, no tea ceremony is properly
observed* __(4)__ bowing. The beginning of the ceremony __(5)__ two rounds of bowing, one when you are
serving your tea and another just before you take your first sip. When your cup __(6)__ tea, pick it up using
your right hand and place it on the palm of your left hand.
Try to drink your tea in just two or three sips. Some people can be heard __(7)__ during a tea ceremony.
Far from __(8)__ rude, slurping* shows your host that you are enjoying your tea. Finally, place your teacup
back down on the mat and bow once more. Overseas guests are not expected to wear any special clothes.
__(9)__, remember to wear white socks, which are considered to be an acceptable substitute * for traditional
Japanese socks known as tabi. A tea ceremony is a great way to come __(10)__ with Japanese culture. Be
sure to include this experience in your trip to Japan.

註:abide 遵守 observe 遵守;奉行(法律、規則或習俗) slurp (喝東西)發出的聲音 substitute
( )(1) (A) keep off (B) get rid of (C) come up with (D) fall in love with
( )(2) (A) Thanks to (B) Instead of (C) Apart from (D) Regardless of
( )(3) (A) leisurely (B) distinct (C) graceful (D) instrumental
( )(4) (A) with (B) without (C) but for (D) due to
( )(5) (A) involves (B) excludes (C) controls (D) holds
( )(6) (A) has turned into (B) has been filled with (C) has been covered in (D) has been crowned
( )(7) (A) slurp (B) slurped (C) slurping (D) to slurping
( )(8) (A) appear (B) to appear (C) appearing (D) being appeared
( )(9) (A) Thus (B) Then (C) However (D) Furthermore
( )(10) (A) head to toe (B) face to face (C) head to head (D) hand in hand
解答 (1)D (2)D (3)B (4)B (5)A (6)B (7)C (8)C (9)C (10)B
解析 (1) (A)不接觸;遠離 (B)擺脫;丟棄 (C)想出 (D)愛上
(2)(A)多虧 (B)作為……的替換 (C)除了 N 之外還有…… (D)不管
(3)(A)悠閒的 (B)顯著的 (C)優美的 (D)樂器的
(4)本題考 no...without...雙重否定句型,用於強調鞠躬對於妥當遵守茶道習俗的重要性。故選
without 才符合本句構
(5)(A)包含 (B)排除在外 (C)控制 (D)拿著
(6)(A)轉變成 (B)充滿 (C)被……覆蓋 (D)以……作為冠冕
(7)be heard V-ing 為感官動詞被動句型。接現在分詞表示喝茶的當下正好被聽到發出聲音。
故選 slurping,其餘均不符合句構
(8)far from 指「完全不……」,後方動作應接動名詞,故選 appearing
味,答案應選 however。 (A)因此 (B)然後 (C)然而 (D)而且;再者
(10) (A)從頭到腳 (B)面對面 (C)正面交鋒的 (D)手牽手

1. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) apart from (B) throughout (C) destination (D) delicate (E) landmark
Kyoto is truly a beautiful city in Japan, and it delights many tourists. __①__ the year, the city is
attractive because of its wonderful natural scenery. Also, Kyoto has many shrines and temples. A famous __
②__ in this city is the Kinkaku-ji, or Golden Pavilion Temple in English. It is a beautiful pavilion that is
three stories tall. __③__ this temple, visitors can also see geishas. These women wear colorful kimonos with
silk sleeves that reach their __④__ ankles. As you can see, there are many reasons why Kyoto is a must-visit
__⑤__. It would be a great idea to take the time to visit Kyoto sometime in your life. You are likely to fall in
love with this Japanese city!
解答 ①B ②E ③A ④D ⑤C
解析 (A)除了……之外 (B)自始至終 (C)目的地 (D)纖細的 (E)地標
2. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) face to face (B) capital (C) leisurely (D) breathtaking (E) graceful (F) landmarks (G)
destination (H) in (I) a large number of (J) throughout
Not very far east of Osaka and south of Kyoto is a smaller city called Nara. During Japan’s Nara period
(710-794), Nara was Japan’s __①__. Therefore, the emperor lived __②__ Nara until the capital was moved
to Kyoto in 794. Now Nara is a popular tourist __③__, especially as part of a day trip from Kyoto or Osaka.
Nara has __④__ interesting things to see. Perhaps the most famous of its __⑤__ is a huge Buddha*
statue located in the main hall of the Todaiji temple complex*. Made of bronze, the __⑥__ sitting Buddha
reaches 14.98 meters in height and weighs around 500 tons. The distinctive statue was first built during the
Nara period. However, it has been reconstructed several times __⑦__ the centuries to repair damage such as

that caused by earthquakes.
In addition to the Buddha statue, many people visit Nara to come __⑧__ with its deer. In Japan, deer
are considered heavenly creatures and protectors of the country. Many of these __⑨__ animals can be seen
walking around Nara Park. The deer are not afraid of humans, and sellers in the park offer snacks so that
visitors may feed them. Tourists are sure to enjoy a __⑩__ day in the park. Many people find themselves
falling in love with the city when they visit there.
註:Buddha 佛陀 complex 建築群
解答 ①B ②H ③G ④I ⑤F ⑥D ⑦J ⑧A ⑨E ⑩C
解析 (A)面對面 (B)首都 (C)悠閒的 (D)驚人的;極為美麗的 (E)優美的 (F)地標 (G)目的
地 (H)在……(地點) (I)大量的 (J)貫穿整個時期
3. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) magnificent (B) landmarks (C) views (D) historic (E) covered in (F) destinations (G) in (H)
capital (I) boasts (J) splendid
Kyoto has many fascinating places recognized by UNESCO. For example, the global organization’s __
①__ Monuments of Ancient Kyoto is a collection of 17 locations in and around the city of Kyoto. Some are
located within Japan’s ancient __②__ itself. Others are only as far as the nearby smaller cities of Uji and
Otsu. These 17 popular tourist __③__ are made up of 13 temples, 3 shrines, and 1 castle. __④__ Japan, the
government has a system for labeling places of special importance. According to that system, these 17 __⑤
__ contain 160 Important Cultural Properties, 38 National Treasures, and 8 gardens that are Special Places of
Scenic Beauty. As a result, Kyoto __⑥__ one of the biggest collections of UNESCO World Heritage Sites of
any city in the world. It is truly a great option for those who want to travel meaningfully.
Any visitor to Kyoto is advised to visit as many of these __⑦__ sites as you have time for. Probably,
the most famous of these landmarks are the __⑧__ Kinkaku-ji and Kiyomizu-dera. Kinkaku-ji is an elegant
Buddhist temple, most of which is __⑨__ gold. Kiyomizu-dera is a temple that sits on top of a hill in eastern
Kyoto and provides wonderful __⑩__ of the city. This temple is currently being restored but hopefully it
will display its magnificence to the world again soon.
解答 ①D ②H ③F ④G ⑤B ⑥I ⑦A ⑧J ⑨E ⑩C
解析 (A)宏偉的 (B)地標 (C)風景 (D)歷史悠久的 (E)被……覆蓋 (F)觀光勝地 (G)在……
(地點) (H)首都 (I)以……為傲;擁有 (J)壯麗的;雄偉的
4. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) at first (B) behind (C) previously (D) appearance (E) instruments (F) distinctive (G) capital
(H) graceful (I) person of art (J) stand out
If you visit Kyoto, you may be fortunate enough to see some geishas. Geishas are Japanese ladies who
wear __①__ kimonos and paint their faces white. Therefore, such women are recognizable from their __②
__. However, what is less well-known is what geishas actually do. Let’s take a look at the history __③__
how the geisha profession developed.
A geisha is a __④__. More specifically, geishas are female entertainers who __⑤__ for their skills in
such art forms as music and dance. However, the word geisha __⑥__ referred to men. Eighteenth-century
Japan saw the development of __⑦__ entertainment centers. These centers offered shows involving musical
__⑧__ and poetry. However, __⑨__, all the entertainers were men. Later, female dancers called odoriko*
started working as entertainers and calling themselves geisha, and since 1800 most geisha in Japan have been
women. Geishas enjoyed increasing popularity from 1800 up until World War II. This was then halted* by the
war because many women were required to work in factories.
Today, the geisha profession is still respected, but geisha culture is mainly restricted to Kyoto, Japan’s
former __⑩__. It is estimated that only 1000 to 2000 geishas are currently active.
註:odoriko 舞者 halt (使)停止
解答 ①H ②D ③B ④I ⑤J ⑥C ⑦F ⑧E ⑨A ⑩G
解析 (A)起初 (B)在……背後 (C)先前地 (D)外表 (E)樂器 (F)獨特的 (G)首都 (H)優美的
(I)藝能之人 (J)突出;傑出
5. (A) entrance (B) throughout (C) appear (D) a sea of (E) destination (F) face to face (G) feast on
(H) on fire (I) capital (J) stunning
Kyoto is a great place for anyone who enjoys attending festivals. Take a look below at our year-round

guide to some of Kyoto’s most popular festivals for your eyes to __①__.
․Spring: Light Festival. For several days in March, Kyoto’s Higashiyama district is lit up by __②__
lanterns. The idea is to light the walkways to Kyoto’s many __③__ temples and shrines.
․Summer: Gion Matsuri. Happening __④__ July in Kyoto, this festival is one of Japan’s largest parades.
Visitors come __⑤__ with numerous floats* featuring shrines being carried through the streets.
․Autumn: Fire Festival. To experience the Kyoto Fire Festival, travel outside the city to a village called
Kurama, the festival’s __⑥__. Here, huge wooden torches are set __⑦__ and carried around the streets.
․Winter: The New Year. The __⑧__ into the New Year is one of the most celebrated holidays in Japan. On
New Year’s Eve, crowds of visitors __⑨__ at Kyoto’s temples to pray for good fortune in the coming year.
We hope this list assists your preparations for traveling to Japan’s ancient __⑩__. Whenever you
choose to go, festival lovers are bound to really enjoy their experiences in this most historic of cities.
註:float 花車
解答 ①G ②D ③J ④B ⑤F ⑥E ⑦H ⑧A ⑨C ⑩I
解析 (A)進入 (B)貫穿整個時期 (C)出現 (D)一大片的…… (E)目的地 (F)面對面 (G)盡情
欣賞 (H)著火 (I)首都 (J)撼動人心的;令人驚訝的
6. (A) boast (B) historical (C) distinct (D) throughout (E) a large number of (F) destination (G)
stands out (H) breathtaking (I) blossoms (J) one of
Two highlights of southern Japan are Kyoto and Osaka. Although located very close together, these two
cities are known for being very __①__ from each other. Osaka __②__ as a business center. This status is
represented by the Port of Osaka, __③__ the major ports in Japan for both domestic and international trade.
By contrast, Kyoto is more __④__. In addition, Kyoto is more of a place to be enjoyed for its stunning views.
The big question for tourists is which of these cities to make your travel__⑤__ if you have time to visit
only one. The answer depends on what you want from your Japanese travel experience. Osaka is known by
many as “Japan’s kitchen” because it is thought to __⑥__ some of the country’s best food. Be sure to try
Osaka’s okonomiyaki, a type of pancake containing __⑦__ delicious ingredients. By contrast, tourists
looking for __⑧__ sights and gardens should consider favoring Kyoto. This city offers a wide variety of
natural colors __⑨__ the year. In the spring, there are pink cherry __⑩__ and in the winter the snow is
Although Kyoto versus Osaka is a tough choice, whichever city you visit, each has so much to offer that
while there, you are likely to forget all about the other one.
解答 ①C ②G ③J ④B ⑤F ⑥A ⑦E ⑧H ⑨D ⑩I
解析 (A)以……為傲;擁有 (B)歷史的 (C)顯著的;明顯的 (D)貫穿整個時期 (E)大量的 (F)
目的地 (G)顯眼 (H)驚人的;極為美麗的 (I)花朵 (J)其中之一


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