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Developing powerpoint-based interactive multimedia of mathematics

multiples and factors materials for elementary school
This research aims to describe PowerPoint-based interactive multimedia products in learning
multiple material mathematics and class IV factors of the Karangtengah Baru, Imogiri State
Elementary School, and describe the feasibility of the product. This research uses a
development method or Research and Development (R&D), which includes six stages of
development. The results of this development study show that the product developed meets
valid and practical criteria. The validity can be categorized as “Very Good”, with an average
score of 4.6 and a percentage of 92%. The assessment results from media experts are
categorized as “Good”, with an average score of 3.9 and a percentage of 78.7%. The
assessment results from media experts are categorized as “Good”, with an average score of 3.9
and a percentage of 78.7%. Assessment from class teachers is categorized as “Very Good”,
with an average score of 4.7 and a percentage of 95.7%. Practicality seen from student
response assessments can be categorized as “Very Good”, with an average score of 4.7 and a
percentage of 94% of 10 students as respondents. Based on the above exposure, it can be
concluded that PowerPoint- based interactive multimedia products are developed and feasible
for use in Class IV elementary mathematics learning multiple materials and factors.

Keywords:multimedia, interactive, PowerPoint, mathematics

1 Introduction
Mathematics is a general science that has a fundamental role in the development of modern
technology and is very influential in various other disciplines (Dahal et al., 2022; Papadakis,
2020a; 2020b). Moreover, applying mathematics science leads us to daily-life problem-solving.
The reason is that almost all problems in life can be related to mathematics. Therefore, the
student’s understanding of mathematics should be correct and complete following the stages
of learning mathematics by applying fun methods and media and implementing mathematical
principles (Papadakis & Kalogiannakis, 2019). Fatimah (2009) states that mathematics learning
is the process of forming logical thinking, not just teaching students to be adequate at
Consequently, the students are taught to solve the problems by implementing logical thinking
and analysis (Katsaris & Vidakis, 2021). Mathematics learning in elementary school has several
intentions (Kalogiannakis & Papadakis, 2017). The central purpose is to introduce students to
numbers, arithmetic operations, measurements, and simple fields. Heruman in (Suhendri, 2016)
states that the learning process in elementary school aims to Instill Basic Concepts,
Understanding Concepts, and Coaching skills. Instilling Basic Concepts, Understanding
Concepts, and Coaching skills. Based on the observation conducted on the 7th and 13th
October 2020 in SDN Karang Tengah Bantul, particularly on fourth-grade students consisted ten
students in total, the researcher observes the learning process held on the 7thand 13th October
2020. The results show that ten fourth-grade students and five students have been assumed not
to understand the materials delivered by the teacher, which is caused by students’ disinterest in
ongoing learning. Moreover, the material delivered by the teacher tends to be monotonous and
boring because the teacher delivers the material using conventional learning media, and this
has an impact on students’ interest in ongoing learning (Dahal et al., 2022). The rapid
development in technology and communication has enormously influenced the world of
education, where today’s technology has presented computers as a medium of learning
(Papadakis et al., 2022). Nowadays, there is already a computer-based interactive learning
program that has many advantages over ordinary printed teaching materials. Interactive multi-
media is included in the technology-based learning materials. According to Novitasari (2016),
Interactive multimedia is a learning medium that combines several aspects of images, videos,
animations, and sounds in a platform and allows users to interact directly (Tsoukala, 2021).
Following the opinion, Rahmansyah (2016) states that interactive learning multimedia can
display several aspects of the text, sound, images, animation, and video simultaneously in one
media. Thus, the interactive multimedia will serve all students with different characteristics
(Lazarinis et al., 2022). There are application programs derived from the computer that might
be used to design interactive multimedia (Papadakis, 2022a; 2022b). One of the programs is
the Powerpoint application. This application is remarkably familiar among teachers and the
world of education. Therefore significant difficulties are rarely found when using the application
(Mamolo, 2022).
Microsoft PowerPoint is an application program developed by Microsoft cooperation as
one of the tools to design and display media. According to Grzeszczyk (2016), PowerPoint
is computer software that creates interactivity and requires users to create various activities,
ranging from interactive quizzes to games. Moreover, the PowerPoint program is specifically
designed to display attractive multimedia programs, which are relatively easy and inexpensive
to manufacture and easy to use because they do not require raw materials other than tools for
data storage (Rusman et al., 2013).
Munir (2013) states several advantages gained when using interactive media in the learning
process, including 1) The learning becomes more innovative and interactive. 2) Teachers would
be more creative and innovative in delivering materials. 3) A combination of several aspects
such as text, audio, video, and animation in a single unit supports each other to achieve
learning objectives. 4) Increase the students’ motivation during the learning process. 5)
Interactive media
could visualize learning materials which hard to deliver using conventional media (Barianos
et al., 2022). Moreover, Pujiriyanto (2012) states that the advantage of interactive media is
presenting several aspects that functionalize children’s sensory senses.
Based on the advantages of using interactive multimedia and the problems of learning
mathematics with multiples and grade IV factors at SDN Karangtengah Baru that have been
stated previously, the authors assume that multimedia learning can overcome the problems
faced and make it easier for teachers to deliver learning materials by sticking to learning centred
on the student. Interactive multimedia also attract students’ attention and makes the learning
process more fun, interactive, and student-centred, as well as changing students’ paradigms
toward the ease of learning mathematics. In addition, the use of media is increasingly varied,
and students become more optimally accepted by Messages or learning materials considering
the diversity of learning modalities that students have (Musfiqon, 2012)

Andriani, M., & Wahyudi, W. (2016). Development of Interactive Power Point Learning Media through
a Scientific Approach to Integrative Thematic Learning for Grade 2 Students of SDN Bergas Kidul 03
Semarang Regency. Scholaria: Journal of Education and Culture, 6(1), 143-157.
Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research

Mathematics Game as Interactive Learning Media In COVID-19

Pandemic Era
The COVID-19 Pandemic requires teachers to innovate. Mathematics game on computer or
android platform is one of the utilization of technology in the 4.0 era as interactive learning. This
type of research is research and development which aims to produce a proper and interesting
mathematics game application based on multimedia for junior high school students. Appropriate
learning media here is learning media that has valid, practical and effective criteria. The
mathematics game application in this research was developed by Microsoft PowerPoint
software. This research was using preliminary study and product development stages. The
subjects of this research were the seventh-grade students of junior high school in Tuntang
Subdistrict. The scoring results by the material expert get the average score 42 then
categorized as very feasible, while the scoring results by the design or display expert get the
average score 44 then categorized as very feasible. On the limited scale trial test get the score
of 42 then categorized as very good, and on the wide scale trial test get a score of 43 then
categorized as very good. Based on the results can be concluded that the mathematics game is
very feasible and interesting for junior high school students.
Introduction From the theory development, methodologies and solutions are needed to resolve
educational interference [1]. To optimize educational opportunities in the future, the educational
paradigm needs to move to effective competencies in resolving education problems that are
happening right now [2]. COVID-19 pandemic that is happening right now has impacted the
world in various sectors, including the educational sector. Education in Indonesia also felt
serious impacts from this pandemic, thus demanding teachers to innovate. During this
pandemic, all kinds of learning activities must be done online to prevent the spread of the
corona virus itself. On the other hand, mathematics subjects often become student's least
preferred subject in learning, as found in the low student’s achievement and students'
responses were easily bored in learning mathematics. It is really challenging for a teacher to
teach online or without meeting the students directly. Teacher experienced many difficulties
delivering the materials and the student felt difficult to understand the given materials. In offline
learning there are many students who misunderstand in terms of mathematical equations [3],
and during online learning it would be more difficult for students to understand mathematical
equations without meeting the teacher directly. Students often complain because there are a lot
of given tasks and they often can’t resolve the question of it. Moreover, the teacher also
complained about the decreasing student learning achievement. This becomes a serious
problem in mathematics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic because online learning has
limited learning media. We never know when the COVID-19 pandemic will end so that the
situation will be normal again and learning activities
can be back offline. In this current situation, interactive learning media has an important role to
support the online learning activities. The important role of learning media is supported by
several previous research theories. Based on the 21st century competency framework which
expects students can absorb information, recognize media, and Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). Integration technology in the classroom can bring positive
impacts on motivation, involvement, and student interest in learning while encouraging the
development of active, explorative, and investigative learning styles to have better knowledge in
mathematics [4]. Learning media has a contribution in improving students' quality of learning,
not only applied in modern and expensive learning media, but also in simple and cheap learning
media [5]. Combining learning game-based diagnostic mechanisms can not only reduce
mathematical anxiety levels of students but also increases interest in learning and problem
solving skills, thereby increasing the learning performance [6]. The development of knowledge
indicates that the use of technology can be positively influencing student learning [7]. It shows
that the interesting and innovative learning media that can be accessed via computer or android
is needed for students to learn mathematics, in order that students can apply all their learning
experiences in solving problems and motivating students to learn through play therefore
students do not feel burdened. From the perspective of technology, The solution in mathematics
problem is more images will look better in a learning environment [8]. Concrete studies on
creation and evaluation of educational games should be designed according to the principles of
instructional design game [9]. Accordingly, in designing a learning media the game must have
criteria that are appropriate for a game. Based on the descriptions, the learning of mathematics
can be done by using learning media in the form of a game to support students in order to make
interactive and fun learning. One of the most important things in the industrial revolution 4.0 is
online learning that means learning independently [10]. Mathematics learning in the 4.0 era
requires students and teachers can perform interactive learning activities using media and
technology that is already developing rapidly. Ideal education is inherently natural, anticipatory
and prepatoristic, namely always referring to the future and always preparing a young
generation for a better quality, and better future life [11]. Utilization of computers and android is
the main choice to make a learning media, because its orientation refers to the future and
according with current technological developments. Game learning media is interactive and fun
learning media. Therefore, the author aims to develop mathematics learning media in the form
of games that are valid, practical, and effective also can be accessed by students either using
personal computer or smartphone.

The Development of Interactive Multimedia PowerPoint Geometry Class

III in Elementary School


This study has the main purpose to develop a product in the form of interactive multimedia PowerPoint
geometry for elementary school students Grade 3 so that the product development is valid and practical.
This type of research is development research or research and development. There are three stages that
are carried out in developing the model according to the development model, including the development
or prototyping stage and the assessment stage. The next Data is done through quantitative and
qualitative analysis techniques. Based on the results of interactive multimedia validation developed to
obtain results with very valid categories. In addition, you will also get better results. In addition, you will
also get the value of the questionnaire practicality by learners obtain results with a very practical
category. Based on the description, the product development of this research is interactive geometry
multimedia products for elementary school students Grade 3 stated to have met various criteria of
validity and practice so that this product can be used by teachers and students in the classroom. In the
modern learning process, so that in the learning process can increase the interest and interest of
students in learning, even play a role in student psychology.
Today the digital world is growing very rapidly. The use of digital has become a major theme in
human life, so many innovations that can help humans in
doing their work, especially in the field of
Education. According to (Wijaya et al., 2016), age 21 is referred to as the age of
proficiency in education and knowledge (knowledge age), because the power of fulfilling
the interests of life in various situations is increasingly skill-based. In the 21st century
education is very important fo students to learn expertise, utilize innovative ICT media,
and be able to survive using expertise for
life (Zubaidah, 2017).The development of increasingly sophisticated technology resulted in
the advancement of the world of education that makes it easy for all parties in the
learning process including for students. Technology can be used for the teaching and
learning process so that students are easier to access
teaching materials and understand teaching materials. One of the uses of such technology is to
utilize technology for the creation of Learning media (Alim, 2018; Nurrita, 2018; Safitri,
Alim, Noviana, Ibrahim, & Hermita, 2021). Next, (Jalinus & Alim , 2019; Wijaya, Li,
Hermita, Putra, & Alim, 2021) mentioned that learning media is a tool used by teachers
or teachers in delivering materials to help the learning process in the classroom so that
students become passionate about learning.The use of interesting, innovat
ive and not boring media in learning can arouse students ' interest in learning and stimulate
students in conducting learning activities and have an effect on children's psychology
(Alim, Fauzan, Made Arnawa, Sari, & Hermita, 2020; Hermita et al., 2020; So
n, L. D., 2015). One of the technology-based media that can attract the attention of
learners in the learning process is interactive multimedia. Interactive Multimedia is a
combination of text, illustration, sound or moving images (video and animation) and
plus a control tool that serves as an operational regulator according to the user's wishes
(Kurniawati, 2018).With the development of learning media, namely interactive multimedia
used in the field of education, learning systems are conventionally replac
ed by the delivery of more modern knowledge. Thus, in the learning process using the right
interactive multimedia will provoke the curiosity of
learners and learning systems will be more interesting and memorable for learners (Rusdewanti,
P. P., and Gafur., 2014). Another advantage of interactive multimedia is to be an alternative
medium for the learning process in schools. With interactive multimedia, learners can have
a new perception that initially considers difficult a lesson, then students become enthu
siastic and motivated to more actively understand the material. Students also find it easy to
memorize and understand the lesson (Alim, Fauzan, Arowana, & Musdi, 2020; Hermita
et al., 2021; Muthulakshmi, P., & Veliappan, 2016). Similarly, the research cond
ucted by (Riyadi, S., 2014) which produces data that the learning process
becomes very effective with the interactive multimedia. Students 'grades also increased
compared to students' grades when studying conventionally. Interactive Multimedia can be
developed using several applications, namely adobe flash, power point, genially, and
others. Based on this idea, interactive multimedia is defined as a learning tool in the
form of digital media with filler components that are interrelated to increase the inter
est and spirit of learning of learners. Interactive Multimedia can also improve students ' learning
outcomes in order to achieve learning goals.One of the subjects that exist in schools that
can use interactive multimedia is mathematics. Mathematics is a subject that holds a
valuable contribution in human life. The role of mathematics itself is rational, careful,
responsive, effective, and efficient. Therefore, students must master arithmetic or
mathematics from an early age (Siagian, 2016). Mathematics is a type of subject that has an
abstract nature so that teachers must adjust the level of development of the students with the
math material taught in school (Waskito, 2014). The definition of the abstract is a state that is
not real and only exists in the students ' shadow about the mathematical object
mentioned in the problem. The abstract nature of mathematics makes this subject difficult to
understand.The material chosen in this study is geometry because it is considered to be widely
applied and close to the real life of the students. Geometry provides many basic skills and builds
logical thinking skills in problem solving. Geometry involves points, angles, flat figures and
space figures, symmetry, etc. According To (Wulandari S. Christine., 2017), geome
try is a part of the subject of mathematics that is known by children from an early age,
because almost all visual objects are in the form of geometry, so geometry is no longer
Foreign to everyday life. In the real life of the learners, geometry material is found in the
measurement of buildings, circles, wheel balance, construction of houses, roofs, floors,
rectangles, the manufacture of other tools that require lines and circles (Baiduri, 2019).
One of the objects of geometry calculation is a flat figure -shaped object. This object
has only a length dimension and a width dimension. That way, build data can be
assessed area and perimeter (Wulandari S. Christine., 2017). There are several types of
flat figures such as: square, rectangle, triangle, parallelog
ram, Rhombus, kite, circle, and trapezoid. In elementary school the study of the field of
flat building is less attractive to students, because the scope of geometry which tends
to be considered boring and complicated because it is related to the formulas
and characteristics of each building which is sometimes almost the same (Nur'aeni,
2010). Based on the results of observations
and interviews that have been conducted at SDN 002 Lubuk Baja Batam City, researchers
found that the flat geometry material taught by teachers in the classroom only use the manual
and taught on the board according to the procedure without any learning media.
Based on these circumstances, innovation and development in the manufacture of
Technology-Based Learning media is needed by teachers. The Learning Media can attract the
attention of students so that the spirit of learning math material that they perceive as
abstract and boring material. In addition to abstract values, math material is also known to be
difficult because it requires students to have high calculating skills. This is the role of
learning media that makes it possible to design innovative and creative learning plans in the
classroom. Learning Media must also be interactive with students so that students can
communicatein conveying the difficulty in the subject anywhere and anytime. Based on
this, the author made this study with the title
“The Development of Interactive Multimedia PowerPoint Geometry Class III in Elementary

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