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Cognitive developement

Changes in thinking and understanding

İnterpreting, judging and reasoning.
Çocuklar neyi ne zaman öğreneceğine.student-centered. Kendileri karar vermeli.
Biyoloji önemli olduğunu düşünür eğitim çok önemli bulmaz bahsetmez.
Genetic epistemologist.(how we come to know). Abstract symbol
reasoning(distinguishes human from animal)
Developement leads learning
4 factor theory(biological maturation,activity,equilibration,social experience).
Basic tendencies in thinking(organization,adaptation).
Organization- looking and grasping.
Adaptation-adjusting the environment.equilibrium
Assimilation-Yeni bilgiyi varolan bilgilerimize uydurma. All bearded man
Accommodation-Yeni bilgi varolan bilgilerimize uymayinca
1)Sensorimotor stage(infancy)-reflex actions to goal directed. Starts to develop
object permanence(haniymis top iste burda)7 months. Begins
Imitation,thought,memory. Motor hareket var sembolsuz kelimesiz sonlara
doğru gelismeye başlar.(mobility).
2)Preoperational stage(toddler early childhood)-egocentric(collective
monologue cocuklar beraber oynarlar konusurlar ama aslinda etkilesmezler).
Irreversible(geriye dönük düşünemezler).symbolic starts.
Animism- cansiz varliklara insani özellik eklerler.konusan tren araba
They have better skills but not mastered.geçmiş hatirlamazlar kolay sikilirlar.
Perceptual centration-only one dimesion thinking. Can not compensate and lack
of conservation. (nesne degisse de ayni nesne olabilir)
3)Concrete operational(elementary and early adolescene)-
reversible,identity,compensation. Konsantre olabilirler.Soyut kavramlari
anlamakta zorluk. Animism egocentrism goes empathy raises.ironi saka
anlamazlar aglayabilirler. Conversation.
4)Formal operational(adolescence-adult)-hypoethical thinking.deductive
reasoning.her insan ulaşamaz egocentrism yok ama ergenlikte belki belirebilir
Language: Behavioristic-reinforcement Cognitive-imitation
Constructivist theories- Piaget(activity) & Vygotsky(social interaction)
Psycholinguistic theories- Chomsky(inheritance) (LAD)language acquisition
device.(basic and surface structure) surface is actual words.
The crying stage 0-2=crying for food needs
Cooing-vocalization stage 2-4= aaa,ooo satisfaction pleasure sounds
Babbling stage 4-9=babbling gaga mama
First syllable 9-18=objects juice mama
18-2y=two word more juice.daddy go?
2y-4y=telegraphic stage(expanded anad grammatical markers) I eated bread.
Daddy book, play car (istekleri) 18 m. 2 yas twinkle twinkle little star
3 yasinda kendi isimlerini cinsiyet yaslarini tam soyleyebilirler
Holophrase=(1-2 yasta complex fikirleri 1-2 kelimeyle anlatirlar)
Intonation=Ayni kelimeleridir kullanip farkli anlamlar kastedebilirler
Overgeneralization/overextension=tum tuylu seyler kedi (too much assimilation)
Undergeneralization-underextension=Sadece kendi oyuncak arabasina araba.
(too much accommodation.
Piageta göre grammer gelişimi icin daha fazla accodommation gerekir.
Vygotsky: Sociocultural theory of cognitive development.
Private speech=talking to yourself so important (self regulation, not immature)
first out loud then silent for vygotsky but for Piaget is egocentric.
Scaffolding=guides teachers(adults) cocuklari dinlerler ve dogru yolla çocuğun
anlayabileceği şekilde anlatirlar. Child is no alone in ‘discovering’ the world
with the help of language or demonstration and observation.
Language is the most important tool.Culture shapes the cognitive development.
“Development is the transformation of socially shared activities in internalized
Interactions creates transformation improves knowledge.
Thinks cognitive (opposite to piaget)
Inter-psychological(between people) intra-psychological(inside the child).
Culture tools real tools-abacus,calendars,rulers)
Assisted learning Vygotsky=
Teacher centered. Teacher should do more than arranging the environment do
that students can discover on their own.
İndividual and cooperative
Provides strategic help in the initial stages of learning,diminishing as students
gain independence.
Learning leads developement
1-Imitative learnings 2-Instructed learning 3-Collaborative
The zone of proximal development-çocuğun tek basina çözemeyeceği bi
problemi yetişkin rehberliğiyle basariyla cozmesi ya da gelismis bir akranla.

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