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___________ 1.

It includes accepting constructive criticisms, politely disagreeing, and never resorting to bullying or
personal attacks.
Always be respectful
___________ 2. It can also be used to spread misinformation and distortions.
Share expert knowledge
___________ 3. Some of this information is available to us, their rights still rest on their original creators.
Give credit where credit is due
___________ 4. It refers to information that is based on reality but is used to inflict harm.
___________ 5. The persons’ bylines used alongside articles they did not write, or organizations’ logos used in videos or
images they did not create.
Imposter content
___________ 6. Refers to content that contains false information with the deliberate intention to mislead or deceive the
___________ 7. When genuine content is re-circulated out of its original context.
False context
___________ 8. When headlines or visuals do not support the content.
False connection
___________ 9. Cropping photos or choosing quotes or statistics selectively.
Misleading content
___________ 10. Understanding this landscape is the first step towards better and responsible use of media and
Information Disorder
___________ 11. The rise of technological advances has also changed the way media is consumed and produced.
Responsible Use of Media and Information
___________ 12. It refers to information that is false, but the person sharing or disseminating it unknowingly perceives it
as something true.
___________ 13. It will still be received by you, an individual with his own set of understanding and thinking.
My Responsibility as a Media Consumer
___________ 14. This information may be true, still, they are not yet proven so and so it may also be false or incomplete.
Avoid sharing raw and unverified information
___________ 15. Always be aware of how your messages may be interpreted.
Think about who can see what you have shared
___________ 16. You to keep confidential or information that is private in nature, especially without their consent.
Respect other people’s privacy
___________ 17. These factors influence how they understand and interpret the media they consume.
Be open to learning and constructive criticisms
___________ 18. It described as people who oversee media projects from conception to completion and may also be
involved in the marketing and distribution process.
My Responsibility as a Media Producer
___________ 19. It is fabricated “news sites” or fabricated visual.
Fabricated content
___________ 20. When genuine content is manipulated to deceive.
Manipulated content

21-23. Three Categories of Information Disorder

24-28. Five Core Concepts of Media Literacy
All media messages are ‘constructed.
Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules.
Different people experience the same media message differently.
Media have embedded values and points of view.
Most media messages are organized to gain profit or power.
29-35. Enumerate the seven responsibilities as a media producer.
Give credit where credit is due
Avoid sharing raw and unverified information
Think about who can see what you have shared
Be open to learning and constructive criticisms
Share expert knowledge
Respect other people’s privacy
Always be respectful

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