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A. Background of The Report
Technological developments are growing rapidly day by day, this is
evidenced by the emergence of daily work tools that are equipped with high
technology systems. The development of this technology, of course, is not
wasted by telecommunication manufacturers to update the technology.
Another important thing that helps us shape the media of the future is the
development of interactive communication technologies. Interactivity is
usually focused on the communication process which is a characteristic of
interpersonal communication. In interpersonal communication, the sender
and receiver share roles, and each party receives a full message in the form
of verbal and non-verbal communication. (Herawati, 2011)
Communication discusses journalism, because journalism is part of the
science of communication which examines the process of conveying
messages, ideas, thoughts or information to other people with the intention of
informing, influencing and providing clarity. Journalism is an applied
science that is dynamic and continues to develop in accordance with
developments in information and communication technology and the
dynamics of society itself (Qorib, 2019: 22). Journalism itself is an art and
skill of searching, collecting, processing, compiling, and presenting news
about events that occur every day that attract the interest of the public. As
information technology progresses, from daily reports, daily newspapers are
printed, and it develops into electronic media, namely radio. (Hikmat, 2018:
Radio is an electronic device that can be used to listen to news or
information, songs, plays, and so on through radio broadcasts. Radio is a
one-way communication tool because it only functions as a medium for
presenting information. The radio broadcasting is one of the types of mass
media. Radio is a means of mass communication such as newspapers,
magazines, or television. ”The power of radio, among others, is not known
distance and obstacles, and has its own charm, like strength sound, music,
and sound effects”. (Romli, 2004).
Radio is one of the information media that presents material broadcast in
audio form with spoken language. Even though it's not like the media print
and other electronic (newspapers, magazines, tabloids, television, internet,
etc.), radio has its own advantages in conveying broadcast material. With its
portable form, the radio can be carried anywhere, radios can still be heard
without using electricity, but utilizes battery energy. Audio properties of a
radio have the advantage because that way, radio can still be enjoyed without
focusing on radio broadcasts only. We can listen to the radio while doing
activities, while lying down, or as a backsound when we hang out and talk
with friends. Besides, radio listeners can imagine the sound generated by the
radio.For example, in a radio play, or in a song, listeners can simply it is fun
to imagine the video clip of the song according to his wish. Another
advantage of radio is that it can function as a radio friend or companion for
listeners, because when on air, an announcer always greets the listener
News is information that is important and attracts audiences. News value is
an element that is used as a measure of facts that deserve to be presented and
used as news to be disseminated to the public through print and electronic
mass media. According to Paul de Masenne, “The definition of news is
information something new about an important and attention-grabbing event
as well as the interest of the audience”. According to Prof. Mitchel V.
Charnley, “The definition of news is a report about facts or opinions that
attract attention, are important and needed by a group of people”. According
to MV. Charnley and James M. Neal, “The definition of news is a report
about an event, opinion, trend, situation, condition, interpretation that is
important, interesting, new and must be conveyed to the public as soon as
possible”. From some of the definitions above, in general the definition of
news is information that is important to know, actual, factual, needed, and
can influence the public.
Warta pagi
B. Problem of The Report
1. How is the producting proses of news script at Radio Republik
Indonesia Madiun
C. Objectives of The Report
1. To know the produvtion proses of news script at Radio Republik
Indonesia Madiun.
D. Scope of The Report
This report focused on the production proses of news script at Radio
Republik Indonesia.
E. Significances of the Report
This final project report is expected to give significances to:
1. The Writer
a. To fulfill the requirement to get English Diploma Three Degree.
b. To know more about Journalism
c. To share the knowledge with other especially for English
Program Students.
2. State Polytechnic of Madiun
a. To make the reference about journalism material for State
Polytechnic of Madiun, particularly for English Program
b. To contribute literature collection in State Polytechnic of
3. The Reader
a. To give information about Journalism Material.
b. To increase the knowledge about the journalism especially about
the production process of the one of program at RRI Madiun.
c. To provide the references for the next final project report
especially for those who want to make further studies on
Journalism, Radio Broadcasting and Radio Production Process.
F. The Time and Place of The Report
The writer took the data in the process of making this report at RRI
Madiun. The timeline for this progress report is shown in the table below.
1. Time For The Report
The report took seven months from January to July 2023. The report
progress timeline is shown in the table below.

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