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School Board Reports


Good evening everyone, I’m Valerie and I’m training under Diana Luu to
become your new school board representative in the following semester for
Will C Wood High School. Will C Wood has been taking on a lot the past month,
and we are very proud of all our leaders for all they've been able to accomplish.

To start off Will C. Wood has been starting off our football season strong with
both our Varsity and JV team beginning a winning streak against our
opponents. We’re looking to amp up the school spirit by bringing back our Kat
Kartel to cheer on our sports teams. For those of you who don’t know, Kat
Kartel is a club organized by the student body that memorizes cheers, dresses
up in spirit gear, and goes crazy for our athletes during their games or
competitions. With all of our sports coming back, Will C. Wood spirit is better
than ever!

Last week we just finished one of the first large events of the year, Club Rush!
During lunch we had all the clubs come out to engage the student body and
help them find a club that aligned with their interests. It was a huge success
and Club Rush was swarmed with people eager to join a club!

Coming up in October is the Fall Comedy, “I Hate Shakespeare!” from October

21st to the 23rd. We just had Auditions during August with everyone putting in
their best efforts. Truly if it were up to me I would’ve had everyone who
auditioned make it in.

That's all I have for you for this meeting. Thank you for your time, and I look
forward to getting to know you all.

Good afternoon everyone. Homecoming week was a success and recovery went
smoothly over at Will C Wood, and we have more fun things to look forward

These next few weeks will be focusing on Rose grams to start our funding for
the pack it up project. Penny wars is also coming to an end, with raging success
this year.
Next we have the black and blue bowl which is just around the corner and our
campus is bursting with excitement. The game this year is at home and
everyone is very excited to be welcoming the bulldogs to our campus. The 2
events taking place during the black and blue bowl are the mannequin
challenge and the dodgeball tournament.

Starting on November 1st we will be starting up Christmas Wish. For those of

you who don't know, Christmas Wish is an annual fundraiser we host to give
kids whose parents can't afford gifts, christmas presents. This is something
our students look forward to every year, and we typically raise 1,000 dollars

Our annual pink out game takes place tomorrow. Our cheerleaders are very
excited to perform with the 2-14 year olds who have signed up for our Cheer
Clinic. Their first practice was yesterday and their second practice is taking
place right now. Senior night is also happening at our Pink our game, where we
will be honoring all our band, football, and cheer seniors.

Thank you for your time, I hope everyone has a lovely rest of your evening.

Hello members of the Board, it's wonderful to see you all here today in good
health, and I hope you enjoyed your break.

Will C Wood is excited to be back on campus, and we are currently gearing up

for Winter Ball. Our Juniors, as per usual, are putting on the Ball.

Our Winter Ball team has for many years now held a Becca’s closet, a free
wardrobe full of dresses and suits students can shop in if they can't afford a
nice outfit. All sizes are included for everyone's comfort.

Our pack it up team collected the supplies for 60 backpacks, with all essentials
included for our homeless community. These were handed out the day break
started, kicking off Thanksgiving break the right way for our leaders.

Christmas Wish was a huge success and we were able to give the chosen foster
family of 4 each 5 items of their wishlist.
Just yesterday the leaders on campus of ASB and Link Crew were able to have a
Thanksgiving dinner drive in movie mash up, and we all watched Elf and
enjoyed wonderful homemade food.

In preparation for finals there is a peer support group, and a free tutoring
session every day for anyone who signs up. Fellow students, college
volunteers, and teachers are helping to teach our students all they need to
know in time for finals, giving them the best chance of success.

Our students who participated in taking the PSAT just received their scores and
they’re very excited with the opportunities that have been presented to them.
Thank you for your time today, and good luck to my fellow representatives in
their finals.


Good evening School Board members, I hope you’ve had an amazing week, I’m
excited to inform you on what Will C. Wood has been up to!

With students coming back to school on the 22nd we are preparing to roll out
the red carpet and welcome them back!! Our plan is to decorate our campus in a
“HollyWOOD” theme to leave our students feeling great to be back! While
doing this we plan on decorating our campus with stars with our students
names on them because that's what they are!! We also want our Staff to feel
welcomed as well so we are planning to make stars for each teacher and
placing them on their classroom doors!

Recently we just had our Senior Class and ASB class elections! With elections
happening between Alex Reeves and Demi Rodriguez for ASB President and
Crystal Vang against Diana Luu for Senior Class Vice President. All of the
competitors did an outstanding job with their campaigns and we received huge
student participation in the elections with a majority of the student body

With ASB putting in work, our Link Crew is getting our students involved as
well! With National Tamale day coming up on March 23rd our Link Crew is
celebrating by sharing a delicious and rich Tamale recipe and posting the
student results up on the Link Crew instagram page. Link Crew is also
celebrating National Pets and Pajamas day on March 26th and if our students
post pictures of them with their pets and Pajamas their picture is posted on the
Link Crew Instagram page. They also get automatically entered in the raffle
that comes along with it!

Along with our social media events we are also getting ready for our
Homecoming week coming up soon. Our themes are Around the World, Disney,
Hippie Vibes, the Winter Season, and Wildcat Spirit. Each section of the
campus will be decorated in these themes so that all of our students can
experience homecoming without having to show up to campus every single

This concludes my report and I hope you all have a great evening. Thank you!

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