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NAME: Matias, Jennie D.

DATE: Oct 18, 2023


1. What is Freedom?

- Individuals can exercise their rights and follow their desires when they are free to act, think, and
make decisions without undue restraint or compulsion.

2. Can rules take away our freedom? Why?

- To some extent, restrictions can limit our freedom. Rules, rules, and laws are established to
provide a framework for a functional society and to secure the safety and well-being of its people.
Individual freedom can be limited when restrictions become unduly rigid, illogical, or impinge on
fundamental human rights. Maintaining order while preserving individual liberty is a complicated
and ongoing societal task that frequently entails trade-offs between collective interests and
personal liberties.

3. Why do we say that freedom is a foundation of morality?

- Freedom is regarded as a cornerstone of morality because it allows individuals to make moral

choices, exercise moral responsibility, and support concepts of autonomy, rights, and human
dignity, all of which are fundamental to ethical decision-making and moral ideals.

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