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1. Yunita (21051013)
2. Ananda Nur Febriyanti T (21051002)
3. A'an Alfikri (21051001)
4. Joshua AWA Gultom (21051040)
5. Moh. Safar Saladun (21051031)
6. Aswad Muttalib (21051039)





Praise to the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of His grace so that the
writer can complete the preparation of this paper on PTM / HEAVY EQUIPMENT in its simple
form and content.

In preparing this PTM / HEAVY EQUIPMENT paper, the authors received guidance,
assistance, advice, and attention from various parties. Therefore, on this occasion the author
would like to thank Mrs. Suriyati Fattahudin, ST., MT as a Lecturer in the PTM / HEAVY

The authors hope that the authors of this paper can be useful for various parties,
especially for Civil Engineering students, and the authors are aware of the deficiencies that
exist in this paper, for this reason the authors do not forget to ask for criticism and
suggestions from all parties that are constructive for the perfection of this paper. in the

Luwuk, 16 April 2023



LIST OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................


A. Background........................................................................................................
B. Formulation of the problem...............................................................................
C. Objective............................................................................................................


A. Asphalt Sprayer.................................................................................................
1. Asphalt Sprayer definition...........................................................................
2. Functions of Asphalt Sprayer......................................................................
3. Asphalt Sprayer Technical Specifications...................................................
4. Types of Asphalt Sprayers...........................................................................
5. Parts - Asphalt Sprayer Parts.......................................................................
B. Asphalt Finishers...............................................................................................
1. Asphalt finisher definition...........................................................................
2. Functions of the Asphalt Finisher Tool.......................................................
3. The Role Of Asphalt Finisher......................................................................
4. Asphalt Finisher Machine Operator............................................................
5. How Asphalt Finisher Works......................................................................


A. Conclusion.........................................................................................................
B. Suggestion.........................................................................................................

A. Background
Asphalt is a material that is often used in the manufacture of road pavement
construction, especially in the surface layer because of its advantages, among others, having
elastic properties when receiving vehicle loads, having resilience, being able to withstand
noise, and being comfortable.
The increasing traffic volume growth has an impact on the demand for the
construction of road pavement structures and the use of materials used. In Indonesia,
excessive traffic loads and high air temperatures often occur, so that consideration is needed
in planning asphalt mixtures. Asphalt is a material obtained from the distillation of
petroleum. Asphalt is brownish black and has viscoelastic properties so it will soften and
melt when it gets sufficient heating and vice versa. This viscoelastic property makes asphalt
able to envelop and hold the aggregate in place during the production process and its service
life. Therefore, asphalt with good quality is needed so that asphalt mixtures with good
performance will be produced later. Because asphalt is the top layer of pavement that
receives a direct impact from traffic, it must be strong enough, stable, and stay in place even
when there is loading from traffic.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. Explain the definition of Asphalt Sprayer!
2. What is the function of Asphalt Sprayer?
3. State the Technical Specifications of Asphalt Sprayer!
4. Mention the types of Asphalt Sprayer and what is the capacity of the container?
5. What are the parts contained in the Asphalt Sprayer?
6. Explain the definition of Asphalt Finisher!
7. What are the Functions of the Asphalt Finisher Tool?
8. What Is The Role Of Asphalt Finisher?
9. How does Asphalt Finisher Machine Operator work?
10. Explain How Asphalt Finisher Works!

C. Objective
The purpose of this paper is to describe the Asphalt Sprayer and Asphalt Finisher
based on the problem formulation.

A. Asphalt Sprayer

1. Asphalt Sprayer definition

Asphalt Sprayer is equipment used to spray liquid asphalt (ordinary asphalt or
emulsified asphalt) on road finishing works. Asphalt is poured into the tank and then cooked
using a heating pipe and a burner until the hot asphalt reaches the required temperature.
After that, the liquid asphalt is sucked up by the pump and then sprayed via a Hand Sprayer.
This asphalt sprayer functions to spray liquid asphalt onto the road media. Usually this
asphalt sprayer is used as a complement and tool for the benefit of road contractors.
2. Functions of Asphalt Sprayer
Broadly speaking, this construction tool does have an important role in road
construction. Where with the Asphalt Sprayer, liquid asphalt will be sprayed onto the
surface of the road that is being built. The existence of this asphalt is to bind the material in
it so that any vehicle can pass the road even with a heavy load. Another function of the
Asphalt Sprayer is to help work on road construction to go faster. In addition, this heavy
equipment also functions for road casting.
3. Asphalt Sprayer Technical Specifications
Following are the Technical Specifications of Asphalt Sprayer:
a) Asphalt Tank 1,000 – 1,200 Liters
b) The Heating Pipe heating system is burned using a burner
c) Manual / Hand Operator Washing Tank
d) Front and rear tires
e) Asphalt pump diesel engine
f) burners
g) Clutch / Clutch
h) Solar Tank
i) Hand Sprayer / Single Nozzle.

4. Types of Asphalt Sprayers

a.) Small sprayer, with a capacity of 700 liters
b.) Medium sprayer, has a capacity of 1,000 liters.
c.) Large sprayer, with a capacity of 1200 liters
5. Asphalt Sprayer Parts
The parts of the Asphalt Sprayer are as follows:
a.) Nozzel is a hole that regulates the release of asphalt.
b.) Power line is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of power/engine producing
c.) The pipe line is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of a distribution component
(pipe) and a connector.
d.) Pump Group is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of components for pumping
e.) Bumer Group is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of components for heating
f.) Relief Valve is a part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of a relief valve component.
g.) Kettle Unit is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of heating tank components.
h.) Fuel Tank is part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of fuel tank components.
i.) The Chassis Unit is the part of the asphalt sprayer which consists of the components
holding the unit.
B. Asphalt Finishers

1. Asphalt finisher definition

Hot asphalt mix spreader equipment or Asphalt Finisher is machined equipment for
spreading hot asphalt mixture on the surface of the road body according to the width and
height of the planned overlay thickness.
The asphalt finisher has wheels that are in the shape of a centipede or another name for a
crawler and a hopper that has no bottom, under the hopper there is a knife that has the same
width as the hopper. During the spreading process, the spreading system begins by loading
the asphalt into the hopper, then the asphalt will fall onto the surface which is combed by the
knife, so the desired level of flatness will be arranged by the knife. Asphalt Finisher is very
useful for hot mix asphalting activities because asphalt service contractors can easily spread,
arrange and get the desired results quickly, precisely and accurately.
2. Functions of the Asphalt Finisher Tool
The main function obtained from this tool is the asphalt finisher for hotmix asphalt,
namely the completion of the hotmix asphalt process to the road surface. Hot mix asphalt is
brought from the manufacturing site using a dump truck, then poured into the asphalt
finisher hopper in stages, the asphalt finisher accommodates large volumes. In a situation on
a wide road, the position of the screw can be increased in width to the maximum level
according to each tool, as well as the thickness of the asphalt to be spread can also be
adjusted or adjusted. Optimal results will be seen from the results of a uniform stretch, the
same thickness, the same width, the same slope and a flat surface.
3. The Role Of Asphalt Finisher
Asphalt finisher plays an important role in work, especially in hardening and re-
coating , asphalt finisher can also anticipate various types of asphalt. The following work
can be done using an asphalt finisher:
a) The Asphalt Finisher will mix the material for the construction of a new road, on the
newly made road surface, the new road is in good condition because the gravel and
rocks used still have a high level of stability.
b) Recoating roads, applying old bituminous coatings and roads that do not meet road use
requirements. This resurfacing is carried out on roads that have been damaged, with the
aim of extending the life of the road so that it can still be used in the future.
c) Adjust setting, perform seam joints on old layers, using slight overlap to prevent loss of
4. Asphalt Finisher Machine Operator
In essence, asphalt finisher is very useful for road construction specifically for
restoration, so that it can be used again. Spraying in an asphalt finisher also has procedures
at each stage, so that there are no work failures that result in maximum work. In addition to
the machine factor, there is also the human factor or the so-called finisher as a determinant
of the success of the job. This factor also has its own regulations, as follows:
a) Must be 18 years old
b) If the finisher is usually replaced by someone else, it is mandatory to notify the
deficiencies of the machine to be used.
c) Operators must understand the features of the machine.
d) Check the condition of the machine before use.
5. How Asphalt Finisher Works
The following is the working process of the Asphalt Finisher tool:
a) In order to get an even field result, it needs to be done by a hopper finisher/knife with a
stretch height of up to 14 cm before it is compacted.
b) This Asphalt Finisher tool has a thickness of 5 cm, with a speed of 1 to 1.5 meters per
minute, and can reach up to 50 tons per hour.
c) Spreading can be done slowly, layer by layer of asphalt is done after the work on
coating the bottom foundation has been completed.


A. Conclusion
Heavy equipment is a tool to facilitate and assist human work, heavy equipment can
also streamline processing time. Asphalt Sprayer is equipment used to spray liquid asphalt
(ordinary asphalt or emulsified asphalt) on road finishing works. The function of the Asphalt
Sprayer is to help work on road construction to go faster. In addition, this heavy equipment
also functions for road casting.
While the Asphalt Finisher is a machined equipment for spreading hot asphalt
mixture over the surface of the road body according to the width and height of the thickness
of the planned stretch. The main function obtained from the asphalt finisher tool is for
hotmix asphalt, namely the completion of the hotmix asphalt process to the road surface.
B. Suggestion
The author realizes that in the preparation of this paper there are many errors both in
terms of writing and the data presented. For this reason, the authors really hope for
constructive criticism and suggestions for the realization of a more effective paper in terms
of data presentation and writing systematics. That is all and thank you.

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