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Make a list of the traits/vices that you have acquired from your society/ community
- Living in my city has influenced me, shaping my traits and vices. Here are some I acquired.

Community spirit
Creativity and innovation


Overall, I am thankful for the positive traits that I have learned from my society and
community. However, I am also conscious of the negative habits that I have picked up along
the way, and I am actively working on overcoming them. I believe that it is essential to be
mindful of both our positive and negative qualities so that we can improve ourselves and
become better individuals.

2. Compare your list in your group.

Our answers differ because I stated that we are actively working to overcome our vices, which
demonstrates our commitment to personal growth.

3. Discuss in your group why you have acquired those traits or vices.

There are many reasons why I might have acquired the traits and vices that I have. Some of these
reasons include:

- My upbringing: my parents, caregivers, and other important adults in my life played a major role in
shaping my personality and values. If you were raised in a household where procrastination, gossip,
and materialism were common, then it is more likely that you would develop these traits.

- My culture: The culture I am immersed in also has a significant impact on my personality and
values. Marikina is a city with a strong sense of community, resilience, creativity, and innovation.
However, it is also a city where procrastination, gossip, and materialism can be common.

- Personal experiences: my personal experiences also play a role in shaping my personality and
values. For example, if you have experienced a major setback in your life, such as a flood, fire, or
earthquake, then you are more likely to develop resilience.

4. Group sharing will follow upload your answers here

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