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M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

A Long Note for Essay, GSA, CA & IR


One of the major challenges our world facing today is global warming. Experts term this
phenomenon highly dangerous to human life. The key reasons for this dilemma are carbon
emissions, greenhouse effect and deforestation. However, there are several other factors too.

Definition: “An average increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere
generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs,
and other pollutants is called global warming.”

It is pertinent to mention here that the current average temperature of earth’s atmosphere is 16
degrees centigrade. Previously, it was 15 degrees centigrade. Till 2050, it is expected to increase
four to five degrees centigrade.

In this piece of writing, the four dimensions of this topic will be covered such as causes, impacts,
solutions, & sunny side of global warming.

1. Causes of Global Warming

There are several causes for global warming such as Greenhouse effect, Ozone depletion,
nuclear activities, volcanic eruptions, deforestation and increase in population which will
be discussed below.

1.1 Green House Effect

Greenhouse effect is caused due to generation of different industrial gases by humans

into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorofluorocarbon
(CFC), Methane, Nitrous oxide etc. These gases play a pivotal role in increasing the
earth’s atmosphere’s temperature gradually.

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M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

1.2 Ozone Depletion

It is caused by the release of dangerous gases in general and CFC & Hydro
fluorocarbon (HCFC) in specific by humans in the atmosphere. When CFCs and
HCFCs reach the stratosphere, the ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes them to
break apart and release chlorine atoms which react with ozone, starting chemical
cycles of ozone destruction that deplete the ozone layer. One chlorine atom can break
apart more than 100,000 ozone molecules.

Sun basically sends three rays towards earth i.e infra-red rays, white light and
ultraviolet rays also known as UV rays. Out of these, only white light is visible to us,
other two are invisible to the human eye. Infrared is the least powerful of all and
becomes dead till it reaches the earth. On the other side, UV rays are highly
dangerous and can trigger skin cancer into the humans. They have enough potential to
damage our eye sight too. UV rays are reflected back from ozone layer. However,
since ozone depletion, they enter into the earth’s atmosphere from that broken part of
layer. At present, Antarctic region, Australia and neighbor countries are severe
victims of ozone layer depletion and it is increasing day by day. Due to this, weather
conditions are extreme there in both summers and winters.

1.3 Nuclear Activities

Nuclear activities are also a reason behind global warming. During the final stages of
World War II in 1945, United States of America (USA) conducted atomic attacks on
the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It is the first and only atomic power use
in warfare. The attacks released a temperature of 2 million degree centigrade into the

In 1952, USA conducted hydrogen bomb experiment at Pacific Ocean on an island.

The activity released 50 million degrees centigrade into the atmosphere. Clouds of
smoke were observed there for more than a month.

In 1961, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) experienced Tsar Bomb
experiment which released more than 60 million degrees centigrade of temperature
into the earth’s atmosphere. It was a kind of hydrogen bomb. Excessive fuels were
used in it. This experiment is considered the largest experiment ever in the history of
atomic bombing.

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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

India and Pakistan in 1974 and 1998 respectively held their atomic bombing
experiments. Temperatures released by them are not accurately available as they were
conducted underground. However, it is roughly estimated that a temperature of at
least 500, 000 degrees centigrade was added into the atmosphere by each activity.

In March 2013, North Korea did an experiment which released 400, 000 degree
centigrade of temperature in to the atmosphere.

In January 2016, once again, North Korea did a hydrogen bomb experiment in which
a temperature of 5 million degree centigrade was released into the atmosphere.

All these nuclear-activity related released temperatures account into billions of

degrees centigrade of temperature blown in to the atmosphere. This shows that how
nuclear activities played a significant role in today’s problem of global warming.

1.4 Volcanic Eruptions

Out of many causes behind global warming, volcanic eruptions is also one. During a
volcanic eruption, lava, tephra, and various gases are expelled from a volcanic vent or
fissure. When a volcano is not being erupted, there is magma under the surface of
earth. Once it erupts, it becomes hot molten lava. The temperature of lava ranges
between 3000-4000 degree centigrade. On average, 8 - 10 volcanoes erupt per hour in
the world. The massive level of temperature can be calculated which is being released
naturally into the atmosphere.

1.5 Deforestation

On earth, carbon dioxide is only used by plants. It is also produced by them. Owing to
the massive deforestation for the developmental purposes, the utilization of carbon
dioxide is increasing and so as its percentage. Carbon dioxide is one of the major
greenhouse gas which is vigorously releasing in the atmosphere and increasing its
average temperature by deforestation.

1.6 Use of Non-Renewable Energy Resources

Use of non-renewable energy sources such as pollutants, fossil fuels and nuclear
power is also playing a significant role in global warming. Such sources cannot be
restored once they are utilized. For instance, fossil fuels that include coal, oil and gas
are primarily made up of carbon substances. When they are utilized by burning, they

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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

release large quantities of carbon compounds that hurt environment in many ways and
also results in global warming.

1.7 Population Explosion

Owing to the worldwide population explosion, it is understandable to a man with

common prudence that natural resources deplete when population increases. So is the
case of us. For instance, deforestation is because of industrialization and human

2. Effects of Global Warming

There are widespread effects of global warming such as melting of glaciers, floods,
migrations, disease spreading, destruction of wild life, desertification and increase in sea
level. All of them are discussed below.

2.1 Melting of Glaciers

In December 2009, a special visit of Ban Ki Moon was organized to the North Pole.
In this visit, he was told that the North Pole is melting one meter per year.

In October 2011, a report on Mount Everest revealed that a lake is there in the ground
of Mount Everest. Its diameter is increasing by 400 meters per year. The near-by
populated areas have been vacated since then.

Another report exposed that Siachen glacier is decreased 5.6 meter in the last 6 years.

Recently, Iceland, a North Atlantic country, has already completely lost a glacier in
2019. Okjökull (or just "Ok," for short) is one of 400 ancient glaciers crowning the

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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

mountains of Iceland - at least, it was, until global warming shrank it so much that Ok
officially lost its glacier status in 2014. While Ok was the first casualty of climate change
in Iceland, it probably won’t be the last. Iceland's glaciers are losing about 10 billion tons
of ice every year, and all 400 of them will likely follow in Ok's cold, wet footsteps by the
year 2200 without a serious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the coming
decades. One hundred years ago the Okjökull glacier was stretched over 15 square
kilometers, measuring over 50 meters in thickness. Today it barely reaches one square
kilometer and registers 15 meters in thickness.

These all reports & facts authenticate that global warming is not a myth and is affecting
glaciers each year. In a nutshell, glacier melting is real, global warming is real too.

2.2 Floods

Concurrent floods are usually due to excessive monsoon raining. It is expected that
future floods will be because of melting of glaciers. The examples stated above can
validate this assumption. It is pertinent to mention here that in Pakistan, since 1950,
20+ floods have come and out of them, 14 major floods occurred in the past 15 years.

2.3 Migration

Migration is either temporary or permanent in nature. Temporary migration can be

caused because of floods, excessive hot temperatures in summers etc. Temporary
migration of the affluent from Sindh and Punjab to Islamabad, Murree and Northern
Areas of Pakistan can be supposed in this regard. As far as the permanent migrations
are concerned, they will be at international level. They are expected in future because
of massive temperature increase. People will prefer shifting from hotter to cooler
areas of the world.

2.4 Disease Spreading

Owing to the migration, it will not only be the people who will be called migrate.
Diseases will also migrate along them. Moreover, due to increased temperature,
microorganisms such as bacteria will flourish quickly. It is pertinent to mention here
that bacteria generally multiply in twenty minutes. However, with the rise in
temperature, their production and multiplication capacity will also increase.

A video report by the World Economic Forum video series showed that how, after
melting of glaciers, we can be posed to the extremely dangerous micro-organisms
frozen beneath the ice when they will get the exposure to the life and will get active.
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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

Even the Research & Development (R&D) phase will take years to tackle the unique
and incurable diseases produced by them.

2.5 Destruction of Wild Life

Humans directly depend upon wild life. Increase in temperature will be bearable by
adults (humans, plants and animals) but their off-springs will not be able to bear the
brunt of global warming. The main problems will be with off-springs.

A video of a Polar Bear roaming around in a city in Russia went viral on social media
sometime back. The bear somehow lost his way from his natural habitat and reached
the city. The authorities decided to move him back to the place where he belonged to.
The severity of the issue of global warming and its effects can be assessed from this

2.6 Desertification

Green lands will convert into barren ones by global warming in the long run. They
will convert to deserts. By increase in temperature, water will evaporate from soil.
Ultimately, plants will not get enough water to grow and in this way green lands will
become deserts.

2.7 Increase in Sea Level

Owing to the melting of glaciers and excessive flooding, the sea level will begin to
rise. According to the latest reports available, the average increase in sea level per
year is 20 centimeters. By this increase, countries and areas near coastal lines will be
highly affected. The Maldives will be the most affected country in general, than
Bangladesh and coastal areas of Pakistan and other countries too. In December 2009,
the President of Maldives held an underwater cabinet meeting to draw the attention of
international community. It also asked Australia to give a part of its land for full
fledge migration of Maldives.

3. Solutions/Remedies to the Global Warming

Like most of the problems/issues, the solution to the global warming is hidden in its
causes. It is high time to cure or at least mitigate the causes of global warming to the
maximum extent. There are several remedies to deal with global warming such as
decrease in production of greenhouse gases, decrease in the production of gases which
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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

are damaging ozone layer, decrease in nuclear activities, increased forestation, use of
renewable sources of energy, population control, implementation of Kyoto Protocol,
awareness campaigns and eco-friendly insect farming.

3.1 Decrease in Production of Green House Gases

To decrease the production of greenhouse gases, less industrialization and shift from
fuel is need of the hour.

3.2 Decrease in the Production of Gases that Damage Ozone Layer

CFC is one of the biggest causes of ozone layer depletion. A single chloride has
potential to destroy 70,000 molecules of ozone layer. Unfortunately, CFC is widely
produced in our homes by ACs, fridges, microwave ovens and other appliances.
However, non-CFC or CFC free technologies are easily available in the market now.
We shall gradually shift to CFC free appliances to control global warming on our

3.3 Decrease in Nuclear Activities

United Nations Organization (UNO) should make certain treaties against nuclear
activities. They shall be implemented too.

3.4 Forestation

By increased plantation, the level of carbon dioxide will decrease in the atmosphere
as there will be more plants in the world to absorb it. Plants also give cooling factor.
By forestation, the layer of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will become thin. It is
pertinent to mention here that according to a UNO treaty, 25% of a country should be
forested. Mexico is the only country in the world with that proportion. It is sad to say
that Pakistan has only 2.5% of forested land and that too is expectedly decreased in
the recent years.

3.5 Use of Renewable Sources of Energy

There are numerous renewable sources of energy which can be utilized time and
again such as solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, wave power, hydroelectricity, biomass,
radiant energy, bio-fuel and many more. They shall be exploited at their maximum
potential to fulfill our energy needs.

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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

3.6 Population Control

UNO has to play a pivotal role in this regard. China’s one child policy should be
implemented at UNO level no matter if the member state is either permanent or non-
permanent member of it. Apart from this, countries should consider and take various
steps to control population in their domains.

3.7 Implementation of Kyoto Protocol

In December 1997, in Kyoto i.e. an industrial city of Japan, a meeting was held to
control carbon emissions into the atmosphere. It was decided in that every country
will decrease a minimum of 1% carbon dioxide production each year. The plan was
for a time period of ten years. Fatefully, it has not been implemented in letter and
spirit till now. USA is the major carbon emitter in the world by producing 35% of
total carbon dioxide of the world.

In December 2007, exactly after ten years of Kyoto Protocol, Bali Summit was held
in Indonesia by US presidential candidate Al Gore. Mr. Al gore has also received the
Nobel prize due to his efforts and contribution towards the issues of global warming
and climate change.

Two years later, in 2009, Copenhagen Summit in Denmark was held. India and China
are blamed to be responsible for its failure as both are emerging economies as well as
emerging super powers of the world.

In Copenhagen Summit, it was decided that aid will be given to the affected
countries. Moreover, the idea of carbon trade was emerged. According to it, UNO
will allocate quota to each country for carbon emissions. In case a country exceeds its
quota, it will have to buy the quota from a country which is producing less carbon
than its fixed quota. Pakistan accepted that offer and it is supposed that this is one of
the reasons that industrialization has decreased in Pakistan especially in the era of
2008 to 2013.

In December 2010 and 2012, Mexico and Doha Summits were held respectively
which again failed and could not achieve the desired results about the international
challenge of global warming.

In December 2015, Paris Conference was held in which 50 countries committed to

control carbon emission. The USA was also one of them which later pulled herself
out of it.
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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

3.8 Awareness Campaigns

To any issue, awareness campaigning strategy holds an utmost importance. However,

sheer and dedicated participation is needed from layman to NGOs to civil societies to
media (both electronic and print) to radio to government is needed. A high-profile
campaign should be launched worldwide to tell about the causes, effects and solutions
of global warming. International donor agencies should play their role in providing
funds to the under developed and developing countries which cannot meet the
expenditures of such campaign.

3.9 Eco-Friendly Insect Farming

“Insects on an average can convert 2 kilograms of feed into 1 kilogram of edible

meat. In comparison, cattle require 8 kilograms of feed into 1 kilogram of edible
meat. Most insects raised for food are likely to produce less environmental harmful
greenhouse gases than livestock”, the UN agency says.

4. Sunny Side of Global Warming

Unlike many issues and problems around the globe, global warming is the only issue that
has its sunny side too. The positive effects are however conditional and subjected to a
change of 1 to 2 % of rise in temperature. Global warming has certain advantages to the
mankind as well which are mentioned below briefly.

i) 1% of increase in temperature can result in 10% increase in plantation due to cell

reaction. 4 to 5 % of increase will lead toward death in plants owing to no
reaction of chemicals.

ii) Deserts will convert into green lands as floods will bring fertile layer with it and
will leave it on desert surfaces. It can be mentioned here that a slight increase in
rainfall in Thar and Thal deserts of Pakistan has to some extent increased
plantation there.

iii) Energy crisis can be wisely dealt and decreased by storing the water of melting
glaciers into huge reservoirs and dams. There is a dire need to build more dams in
Pakistan. Currently, Pakistan has only about 28 dams in total. In contrast, China
has nearly 80,000 dams. Even India has thousands of small and large dams. Water
crisis can also be well managed by this.

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Contact: 0313-3319144
M Shahzeb Khalil (IBA Karachi) For Essay, GSA, CA, & IR

iv) New species of animals and plants will come into being either by mutation
(sudden changes in genes) or by evolution (with slow pace).

v) Winters will become short in the world.

vi) A report of United Kingdom states that melting Arctic sea ice could open new
routes to Asia and the pacific, which would reduce time and fuel costs.

Past Papers Analysis:

1. Global Warming – Essay 2006
2. The Future of Human Being in the Perspective of Global Warming – Essay 2007
3. Global Warming – Fact or Fiction! – Essay 2008
4. The Threat of Global Warming & Ways to Counter it – Essay 2018
5. Is Global Warming a Myth or Reality? Discuss both opinions by giving suitable
examples – SPSC 2018
6. Global Warming & its Solutions – EDS 1998
7. Global Warming & its Effects – EDS 2000
8. Green House Effect – EDS 2003
9. Define Global Warming & Describe its Sunny Side – EDS 2006
10. Green House Effect – EDS 2008
11. Define Global Warming & Describe its Sunny Side – EDS 2011
12. In the papers of Current Affairs of 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016 & other provincial
competitive exams

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Contact: 0313-3319144

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