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We have to create a short film that should be based on any social psychological issue . Short film
will consist of 3 episodes . We aim to show both positive and negative aspects of society .
Duration for this project is 1 month and our estimated budget is 5,000 rupees .

The next step is to define deliverables . We describe our expected outcomes from this project .
● Initially we will decide location for shooting
● Arrange equipments for shoot like Tripod stand and other required equipments
● Installation of softwares for Video editing

Schedule for achieving milestones is given below
11 sep : Approval of our project
1 oct :Visit location for shooting & purchasing of equipments from market also
8 oct : Record first episode
15 oct : Record second episode
22 oct : Record third episode
24 oct : Complete video editing for short film

● Camera for capturing high resolution video
● Some lenses are required like wide angle, standard and telephoto
● Tripod stand is also necessary to set camera on required position
● Some audio equipments are also required like lavalier microphone
● Accessories are required for controlling lightning
● Batteries and chargers to keep equipments powered


● Shooting is not possible in working days
● Estimated budget is 5,000 rupees it could be exceed from this amount
● Advance softwares for video editing are expensive
● 4 group members have to manage all tasks

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